Who do you main (survivor-wise) and why?

I main Dwight and Kate. Dwight because I was most attracted to the nerd when the game came out and he's always fun to sprint around with that worried look on his face 24/7. Kate because she's pretty and I think she has really unique cosmetics.
I also play Plague but with killers it's a little easier to narrow down why you play them due to differing play styles.
Meg... no reason really, just decided to main Meg.
Killer is Hillbilly and Wraith. Hillbilly is just a good killer to play around with and isn't entirely terrible but isn't entirely good either. Wraith because I like to change things up a bit, plus he's just fun in my opinion.
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Feng cuz cutie
Jane cuz dat booty
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Bill, because legend has it he's still smoking the old smoke
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Kate 'cause she's hot. Ash 'cause he's Ash.
I may also add Yui to the list of survivors I main.
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The only two I have prestiged are Kate and Nancy. I tend to use the best survivor for the daily or simply because I just wasted cells on a Christmas sweater and want to get some usage. I try not to have a main as such as I know what happens: the main gets nerfed perks and the player freaks out.
Not having a main means I treat each character the same.
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I main jake a character with 2 perfect perks and we all know saboteur is just bad
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Claudette because I keep procrastinating on leveling up Laurie. I’m a big Halloween fan but I keep getting distracted with my Killers (Doctor, Freddy, Demogorgon, and Plague).
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Min and Jake.
I like that Min sounds like a squeaky toy, especially when she gets hit. Also, I really like the headphones head, sweater and purple skirt cosmetic combination.
Jake just looks like a ninja with his blight head - especially when he's injured. He wears blight head and apron and the rift jacket. Of course, I run iron will on him, because his crying kills the look completely.
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Kate, cause i like her looks the most.
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laurie, mostly because she symbolizes power.
in the halloween franchise, she fought against michael, which isn’t seen in a lot of other slashers.
which is why i main her.
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Nea and Kate because i love their cosmetics.
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I main Feng - it used to be because she's small and pretty, but while I still appreciate those things about her, now it's mostly just because she has all the perks unlocked.
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Nea because small character model that isn’t as loud as feng. I don’t feel like claudette’s fair to play :P
If people are naming 2 survivors... are you sure they’re then a “main” ?
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If you switch between them frequently they are "mainS" :)
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A main to me is truly which you’d pick if you had to decide (so like either one of the 2)... that’s just me though
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Ace. He's just pretty cool.
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Tapp because I love Saw
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I play Claudette and Nea a lot because if their cosmetics and personality. Especially Nea for her cosmetics, they all look really modern.
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Dwight because I am a geek/nerd myself.
I really like his backstory of how even though he was basically the underdog most of his life, he rose up as leader material under the dangerous circumstances when he was brought to the Entity's world. Like how pressure can bring out the inner strength in a person. Dwight is like the little engine that could.
Visually he's great. I love his cosmetics. His nervous geeky look. And some of his pain noises are adorably funny. "Whoa ho ho!!!" 😄
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Claudette and Ace
They both have tactical advantages lol
Claudette blends in super well
Ace has built in Iron Will
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I main Dwight because I like his outfits and backstory a lot. :)
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Feng min due to her competitive side and her lore. David king cause his perks are pretty much him risking himself to take a hook for another.
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Less stressful vs playing Killer and is more enjoyable at high ranks
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Nea or Claudette. I do find that I get tunneled a LOT more when I play as Claudette, so I've switched back to Nea.
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I honestly don't main anyone but I do really like playing Feng, Yui and Dwight. Feng and Yui because I just generally like everything about them, the perks, backstory and yes, they're also cute and adorable. Dwight because he's got good perks on him plus I resinate with the nerd side of him.
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I just pick the girls since they are in smaller size and good for me to play stealthy.
for killer, Hag and Spirit
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Meg, and I use the floppy backpack cosmetic so that I can't hide in open spaces.
Basically I like being chased as a Survivor, I don't like Blendette gameplay.
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Claudette, Feng, Dwight, and Nancy. I started with each of them because I liked their perks. Claudette was my OG main. After that I stuck with them as I'd grown fond of them all.
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Kate, started playing right around Curtain Call, figured Windows of Opportunity would be invaluable to my potato self, and quickly realized Survivors were just skins so I've just stuck with her
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Feng because she's a gamer, and short. I have all the perks at tier 3 for her so I can play with my builds whenever and however I want
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Dwight because I see him as the hero that will help Vigo and the others finally escape.
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This guy, Reason? Just look at him!
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Bill and Yui
Bill because alike me, I would sacrifice myself to keep my friends and family safe
Yui cause she looks cool
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Claudette: She was my original main, but there are so many great characters now. Still play her a ton
Nea: I use her bubblegum pink hair I think it looks gorgeous on her.
Feng Min: She has GREAT cosmetics and I like her backstory allot
As you can tell I mostly play characters based on their cosmetics depending on my mood.
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"oH wHaT nOw!?!?!?"
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Nea because of her cosmetics
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P3 Bill cause left 4 dead is one of my favorite games. Kinda wish they added like witch as a killer or one of the special infected
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Steve to say "Ahoy Ladies" at the campfire
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Used to rotate survivors but I had to cut back because I play on two systems and the grind is too much to get all perks. On Xbox I main Nea and Tapp. Nea because she was one of the first survivors I ever played. Tapp is just my good luck charm and you don't see him much. On PC I main Yui, Tapp and Quentin. Yui because I like her look and Quentin because he just has a nice feel to him when I am looping and dodging.
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I rotate quite a bit
Feng Min - My True Main
I rotate between them all, I love their cosmetics, especially Feng.
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Claudette and David King! Claudette because while she isn't as dorky as Dwight but she's really smart and a botanist. Plus she has some of the most used perks. I used to use darker clothes but have started wearing her smock or what ever to help me get better at stealth and evasion. David King because..... I don't know. I think he's cool. I like his clothes I guess! I do play Dwight from time to time to!
Killer Wise Huntress and Nurse as I enjoy throwing axes and blinking. Though I don't really play killer.
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Maybe I'll get Scoops one day and main him haha
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I have my top 6 mains and their reasons.
Feng, for her lore and how it can relate to many. I love her outfits and how nice she cute and good she looks in them.
Kate because I earned her through blue shards when I first got this game along with the BBQ cosmetic when that was my first event. I got this game around then.
Claudette, for her being cute. Now it's with some lore that has been added to why I main her too. Baby Claudette Forever!
Jane, for the booty and her lore. How nice she looks in cosmetics and for how big her butt is. Also The bOOty.
Laurie because she is in the first horror movie that i really loved that is in this game. I really like the 'new' Halloween movie. Hopefully we get the real face in the future. Also these current ones that we have too.
Yui, even if she is new. I would like to add her to the roster of my mains. For her lore and her looks. Hopefully cosmetics without her merch/logo. I would love to see a causal outfit for her. Like her home clothes or go out and have fun clothes.
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Claudette is my main. She was the survivor that was most suggested for a new player and I’ve grown attached to her. She has a kind face, and a great voice. If she was real, She’d be someone I’d like to be friends with.
Currently, I’m playing Meg because she has Urban Evasion maxed out while Claudette doesn’t even have it yet. I can’t wait until all my characters are leveled so I could P3 my Claudette.
I also fully embrace being a Bush. It tickles me to no end when a killer walks within 2 inches of me and not realize I’m there.
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^ this.
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The quitest Survivor in the game and just a handsome charimng gambler with awesome voice.
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Tapp. I mean, look at him. I'd buy a used car from him that had a triple homicide-suicide with some brains still sitting on the dashboard. Also because I can use a lot of jokes with him. Gen Tapp, Map Tapp.
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I'm an Ace main no reason I just liked him but I play whatever survivor I am currently leveling
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I main Quentin because I liked his perks when I started they fit my play style ( getting chests and healing teammates and I like having dead hard quicker,I also invested to much bloodpoints into him to switch. plus I like that no one really plays him.