I used to be a survivor main

Would think playing killer is such a chore. Been playing this game for a year now and it’s clearly the case that you only get a full understanding of this game if you’ve ever been a rank one killer. Getting to rank one helped me become an even better survivor. 

The only people who should ever have a right on how to improve this game are those who have achieved rank one as a killer. Before that You simply don’t have a deep enough understanding about this game to have an input. 


  • Sally55
    Sally55 Member Posts: 368

    @michaelmyers87 said:
    Would think playing killer is such a chore. Been playing this game for a year now and it’s clearly the case that you only get a full understanding of this game if you’ve ever been a rank one killer. Getting to rank one helped me become an even better survivor. 

    The only people who should ever have a right on how to improve this game are those who have achieved rank one as a killer. Before that You simply don’t have a deep enough understanding about this game to have an input. 

    Welcome to the dark side ;)

  • holywhitetrash
    holywhitetrash Member Posts: 289

    not that survivor whines are basically ever helpful , but a game cant listen only to the elite

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    Would think playing killer is such a chore. Been playing this game for a year now and it’s clearly the case that you only get a full understanding of this game if you’ve ever been a rank one killer. Getting to rank one helped me become an even better survivor. 

    The only people who should ever have a right on how to improve this game are those who have achieved rank one as a killer. Before that You simply don’t have a deep enough understanding about this game to have an input. 
    Too bad , cause with this criteria, the devs are not allowed to work anymore :wink:
  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    In a lot of ways this game reminds me of Zen Pinball.

    The elites players used to come to the forum and complain that the game was too easy, they could play for hours, it got boring etc..

    Meanwhile the devs had stats that said for most people a game lasted less than 5 minutes.

    The point I'm getting too is that the vast majority of players are most likely low rank, playing casually and enjoying this £15 game for what it is - a fun game.

    Its only us nerds on here that obsess about every little alteration or change. Most people probably don't even notice.

    Very few games are built with depth of gameplay to withstand the needs of people who played for 100's of hours.

    As much as it doesn't particularly suit me I don't think its necessarily wrong (as a business) to balance stuff around the lower end of the spectrum.

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    Would think playing killer is such a chore. Been playing this game for a year now and it’s clearly the case that you only get a full understanding of this game if you’ve ever been a rank one killer. Getting to rank one helped me become an even better survivor. 

    The only people who should ever have a right on how to improve this game are those who have achieved rank one as a killer. Before that You simply don’t have a deep enough understanding about this game to have an input. 
    Hmmm yes much like a president has achieved top rank so therefore shares the same values as the entire country they lead, and is the only person with any views that should be listened too???
  • iceman2kx
    iceman2kx Member Posts: 462

    It's funny how people think playing killer is a chore. I've tried survivor a couple times and nothing about it is fun to me. I've been debating on trying out survivor again but the thought of doing gens over and over just repulses me.

  • Ugum
    Ugum Member Posts: 26

    I've logged a bit over 200 hours in the game since I bought it a month or two ago (maybe a bit longer, don't remember really).

    I started out trying both roles and was immediately hooked (no pun intended). I've played mostly Survivor mainly due to getting games much faster. I've been working on getting all Survivors to 40 to open up all teachable perks. I've got Tapp to finish off (he's level 29'ish now) and then my "main" Kate Denson (because that booty).

    Now, I was hanging around the mid-teens in rank for a long time, trying my hardest to do objectives and survive. Couldn't seem to break out of that mid-teen ranking until I watched a few of the high rank players and basically figured out that you essentially have to "do it all" to rank up. Now that doesn't mean carrying your survivor friends but more or less doing generators, saving hooked people, getting chased, etc. Once I figured out how that worked I moved up to rank 6 pretty quickly and that's without using items (just BP boosting sacrifices for the most part).

    For the guys saying "it isn't hard" to hit rank 1, you have to remember that most people are playing this at their leisure so in most cases, they don't give a crap about rank. For a lot of us, it's fun. Now that I figured out the formula, I can have fun and rank up at the same time. I need to work on my 360 game anyhow (still can't figure out how you guys do that).

    I've played Leatherface to 40 and Hag to high 20's trying to unlock their perks. I can't control Billy to save my life and couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with the Nurse. I've face camped (when I thought you had to ecure a kill for the Summer BBQ chops, sorry about that guys), but now I've limited my camping to really annoying players which, to be honest, I don't come across too often.

    I don't complain about Nurses or Billy's or perks because it's in the game and rank doesn't mean much to me. The games are certainly more fun at higher ranks because people, for the most part, are pretty good.

    Playing Killer for me is relaxing but the games just take too long to get (I think I'm a rank 14 Killer). I'm enjoying all aspects of the game except for the DC'ers and AFK'ers. Man those people tick me off and they will get reported every time (not that it does much). They just make the game not fun.

    Luckily another match is just a few seconds away for a Survivor.

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458

    @iceman2kx said:
    It's funny how people think playing killer is a chore. I've tried survivor a couple times and nothing about it is fun to me. I've been debating on trying out survivor again but the thought of doing gens over and over just repulses me.

    it can still be a chore at times, i can only play 2-3 matches as killer before taking a break. sometimes the matches can be long, especially if you hook survivors 12 times.

    i would have matches where i would be dozing off as survivor and still get a pip, imagine getting rank one killer while dozing off to sleep during the match? lol would never happen.

  • michaelmyers87
    michaelmyers87 Member Posts: 458

    @Ugum said:
    I've logged a bit over 200 hours in the game since I bought it a month or two ago (maybe a bit longer, don't remember really).

    I started out trying both roles and was immediately hooked (no pun intended). I've played mostly Survivor mainly due to getting games much faster. I've been working on getting all Survivors to 40 to open up all teachable perks. I've got Tapp to finish off (he's level 29'ish now) and then my "main" Kate Denson (because that booty).

    Now, I was hanging around the mid-teens in rank for a long time, trying my hardest to do objectives and survive. Couldn't seem to break out of that mid-teen ranking until I watched a few of the high rank players and basically figured out that you essentially have to "do it all" to rank up. Now that doesn't mean carrying your survivor friends but more or less doing generators, saving hooked people, getting chased, etc. Once I figured out how that worked I moved up to rank 6 pretty quickly and that's without using items (just BP boosting sacrifices for the most part).

    For the guys saying "it isn't hard" to hit rank 1, you have to remember that most people are playing this at their leisure so in most cases, they don't give a crap about rank. For a lot of us, it's fun. Now that I figured out the formula, I can have fun and rank up at the same time. I need to work on my 360 game anyhow (still can't figure out how you guys do that).

    I've played Leatherface to 40 and Hag to high 20's trying to unlock their perks. I can't control Billy to save my life and couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with the Nurse. I've face camped (when I thought you had to ecure a kill for the Summer BBQ chops, sorry about that guys), but now I've limited my camping to really annoying players which, to be honest, I don't come across too often.

    I don't complain about Nurses or Billy's or perks because it's in the game and rank doesn't mean much to me. The games are certainly more fun at higher ranks because people, for the most part, are pretty good.

    Playing Killer for me is relaxing but the games just take too long to get (I think I'm a rank 14 Killer). I'm enjoying all aspects of the game except for the DC'ers and AFK'ers. Man those people tick me off and they will get reported every time (not that it does much). They just make the game not fun.

    Luckily another match is just a few seconds away for a Survivor.

    if you play red ranked games as killer you will quickly learn how to be a better survivor

  • Nick
    Nick Member Posts: 1,253

    "rAnK DOesNt MAtTeR"
    No really, congratz man! :), welcome. I used to be a toxic little survivor ######### back in the days. I'm a double rank 1 now with 1400 hours and I changed so much. You see all the flaws in the game and you just know how to deal with it now, I'm addicted to this game

  • Ugum
    Ugum Member Posts: 26

    @michaelmyers87 said:
    if you play red ranked games as killer you will quickly learn how to be a better survivor

    Working on it! Just figured out how the scoring and PiP system really works so I jumped from mid-teens to rank 6 pretty quickly (then the season ended). I should make red ranks this reset pretty easily.