Ruin is a breath of fresh air

I play both sides on and off but with generators popping so fast I rarely enjoyed a Killer session. After coming back and investing in Ruin it feels like I'm on even ground with Survivors.
Already scored big last night and I don't see it ever coming off my slots. Imma bout to dunk on these Survivors and get some payback for all those ######### matches in the past. Holy #########, I've been enlightened.
Do you always run ruin or do you sometimes go back and try to play without? If you're new to the game, definitely get this perk.
I use almost every time cuz I don't have all the perks I want with my killers
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I always try to play some matches without it cause relying on it is a bad habbit
But yes it is an incredibilly strong perk, especially against survivors that can't deal with it
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Unless I'm playing clown or legion (I don't even tend to run it on legion) I'll probably not run it until red rank (which i suppose is a permanent thing now with the new reset system)
At red rank though, I'm beginning to feel the need for it or CI just to buy some time. I'd advise trying out Corrupt intervention as well, since it's more consistent and basically does the same job as Ruin in buying you time to get some pressure.
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All Ruin would do for me is get me fat and spoiled from easy 4ks and I would improve as a player much more slowly. But if you don't enjoy skill based gameplay ruin, noed, and adrenaline all exist.
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I play killer more than survivor and I honestly don’t like ruin. It’s the only slowdown perk that can BOTH be removed from the game and high enough skill counters it completely. As for the others:
Pop: can be limited by good survivor play but so long as the killer can get someone down you can’t stop it.
Corrupt Intervention: removes itself after 2 min but cuts down on area to search for the first few min.
Thrilling Tremors: My personal favorite. Not only does it stop any new gens from getting progress while you’re hooking someone, it also acts like BBQ and gives you a place to head after you do hook people. Relevant throughout the game as well.
Thana/Dying Light: Can be removed by healing/dying/obsession death, but otherwise is a constant pressure.
Surge: saves time on regressing nearby gens, Short cooldown. Plus synergizes well with Surveillance.
Ruin meanwhile is permanently removable and the best survivors (not me) hit greats enough you can barely notice you have it. Not worth the perk slot imo for that much variability. I’d rather run something more consistent, if slightly weaker early game.
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i dont use it on killers that i feel like i know how to play them (like wraith, pig, Billy and back then i wasnt using ruin on old freddy i miss him) and i dont use it on nurse (even tho im bad at nurse) but nurse is strong enough to win without it if i lose that means i was just playing bad on nurse that game
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Always run it, not really by choice though... at rank 1 with all these swf, toolboxes etc. i need some sort of defense, tbf i think every perk i use is to slow gens down because thats the biggest issue. But if i dont have ruin at rank 1 i will be lucky to get a silver medal in gatekeeper even more so on the over sized map`s filled with pallets
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Some killers its REALLY ruff with out it but pending what build you're running it's not really needed. Having said just got my adept for oni an demo. For me these 2 diff need ruin.
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I never used it, but I have been closer though. You can play fine without ruin if you know how to apply pressure, of course there are some bad design maps that will make bad games but that happens for survs as well...
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I never run it these days. I used to way back in the day just because it was the cool thing to do and I didn't really put any thought into my builds, but I realized that all it tended to accomplish for me was snowballing against bad teams while doing nothing against the actually good ones. I didn't need help against the bad teams, so I just took it off and learned to play without it. I actually feel like I've improved quite a bit without it.
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Just wait until you get high enough to where it
a:does literally nothing since survs can hit skill checks
b:gets destroyed in 30 seconds or less
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Ruin is relevant so you can get your gatekeeper emblem, without it against good survivors you’ll probably have no gatekeeper
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since i can down survivors quickly and often i use pgtw it is much more effective and can't be removed from the match. however if your playing a killer that generally sucks than ruin can be more reliable.
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Ruin: More powerful on console. Works against all survivors. Because the skill checks aren't consistent. I know they should be fine because they are supposed to work on 'user side' but its just not the case. They are smoother than they used to be though.
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@Lanterns It’s honestly a must have below rank 8; few killers can perform well at that level without it. They usually are running a top tier killer to not have to use it. I’m a rank 5 killer.
Before ruin I seldom got to rank 10; now I’m never over rank 7 or so. The day I equipped it I won a lot more.
It forced survivors to try for a second objective. Slowed the game down. Great for no map pressure killers.
Throw Thrill of the Hunt on there if you want to double down on hex perks. It takes them longer to cleanse it and you will get a notification it’s being worked on. I’ve seen whole teams practically suicide on the totem because they won’t let it go once they find it.
lol at @Waffleyumboy post which reads like “I’m awesome, but if you have no skill and suck, run ruin”.
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I see no problem in running a crutch perk if your killer is low tier. Wraith mains can agree.
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I prefer to use corrupt intervention since I have enough time to set up my traps and stategize on the gebs close to me. Abd since Im confident on my skill I know I'll probably get someone down before the timer runs out, and by then most survivors will be on the unblocked gens, and I know exactly where to go next
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I usually bring ruin and bbq on all my killers. I don't commit to playing one killer consistently so I haven't mastered any killer yet. I swap between about 10 or so different killers depending on how I'm feeling.
Also always bring BBQ. The auras are really good but I just want more points. I feel the need to bring BBQ for those points every game, so it means I can't create perfect builds on certain killers.
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I only use ruin if my killer is underleveled or if i know im bad on them. Once i get my desired perks for oni and demo I'll take off ruin.
It's honestly such a bad perk to me because of how my builds work. Chase perks and tracking perks are all i need to win, especially if i do good at the start I'll be able to slowdown the game with skill alone
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I have never run Ruin, except on my slowdown heavy Plague. I much prefer to stomp and snowball with Devour Hope, or use perks that help with detection or chase, like BBQ, Brutal Strength, Nurses Calling, ect.
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What’s BS about it? I completely agree.
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We need a way to slow down games against the good players, because it's the good ones doing all the gens in like 2 seconds that's kinda the problem.
"OH but you just need to git gud" I AGREE! The problem is I am not, but matchmaker/ranking puts me against people that are like 2000+ hour red rank SWF know who is not on that level? Me.
Game seems to think that if you play like 5 matches and win against some bad solo survivor teams really well, that suddenly it's time to put you against the same survivor groups that Otz and Tru3 play against, like the hell?!
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I used to use it. Now i only use it if that particular killer doesn't have anything better.
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Or they could fix ranking and matchmaking instead of killing it with a sloppy bandaid.
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To be honest I don't see how they could. There is not enough of a player base for it, queue times would just get more and more out of hand the more they narrowed the matchmaking fields (assuming ranking was also fixed at the same time).
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How to make player base larger: crossplay
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Coming soon
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The reason why Ruin is so good, especially at higher ranks, is because it helps with the early game. It's not meant to last. It's meant to cover the lack of map pressure most killers have before the crucial first down.
After you down someone once, you'll have pressure rolling. Before that, unless you can down someone absurdly fast, you need some sort of pressure to stop gens from popping too fast.
Corrupt Intervention is OK I guess, but across all my games I felt like it did less than Ruin on average, even in the games Ruin got destroyed early.
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Oooh, where/when do you stream?
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Yeah, it needs it really bad. I don't see any other way tbh.
Even then, it might not be enough, we'll see. I hope it is, I hope after crossplay hits they can fix matchmaker and ranking even somewhat. IT's the #1 problem with the game, it makes it unfun for anyone who basically is not insanely good at the game already.
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There are a lot of games where ruin is hidden so well that nobody finds it. Ruin has become a crutch for killers at literally all levels. Just makes the game repetitive imo. Might as well play F13
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I use it on Michael as a means to get people to spread out and I can stalk them without being spotted first.
Not as a means of slowing down gens really.
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As much as i dont like saying it, RUIN is standard in a High rank killer game, SWF is ridiculously powerful against a killer, coms literally makes it a whole nother game. But anywho they should nerf SWF by giving them Ruin by rank and gens left
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Coms do nothing. It's called being coordinated. I play in SWF with some friends and you know what? Everyone dies. Why? Because we can't be coordinated, voice comms doesn't make SWF strongs, knowing your teammate skills does.
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You must be really young for not understanding things and mixing one with another, I seriously doubt yourre old enough to play like this if you think like this
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Even if survivors hit skill checks, it slows progress.
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You are wrong. Ruin is not the only slowdown perk that can both be removed from the game and high enough skill counters completely. Actually, you are wrong on 2 accounts. Lullaby can be both destroyed and countered through skill. Also Ruin isn't "completely" countered by player skill. Great skill checks don't give bonus progress. A minor difference but a difference none the less. Even the best survivors don't always hit the great skill check marks. Even trying to do so increases the probability of making a missed skill check. But yeah, if a group of survivors can hit 3 out of 4 great skill checks then Ruin's power is greatly diminished.
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I’ll admit I forgot about Lullaby, that’s how often I see it hah. And you’re not wrong about how Ruin functions either, though the reason I call it countering is a person consistently hitting greats is equivalent to a normal gen getting only good skillchecks. Is it the absolute fastest a gen will get done? No, but it’s equivalent to a scenario where Ruin didn’t exist so I do consider it countered at that point.
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If killers feel like they need Ruin for the game to be fun, or feel like it is needed to be even remotely competitive, something fundamental is broken. I think generator skill checks need a massive overhaul.
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It's the first perk I rushed when playing Killer because it is the only necessary perk needed in order to slow the game down just a lil bit.
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I read this as cosplay and thought I'd be going full Puppers mode and preparing for the generator cosplay lol. 😂
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Hate to tell you this but it's got an easy counter. Click on, click off the gen repeatedly with only 1 second intervals. What does that do? Pushes the gen without triggering skill check. You do it just right and u will never trigger ruin check. Trust me, I've done it many times.
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Run it with haunted and thrill and they're done maybe put on surveillance or discordance to keep them off the gens for good
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thats very depends on how survivors bad stealthy do nothing lemmings or humans,
if survivors all decent killer hard to secure 2k without using any broken things like mori
even those kills may not fun from pressure to rush fast as possible
survivors can drag killer entire game with gen speed and decent safe loops without many mistakes
this game only balanced from many bad players, without them i can't all kill all the times
i can all kill most games and as survivor if i see killer without ruin, and if killer chased me i always said "game over" from there and its really ended most times
killer either gets 1kill which me or other sacrificed to save me
or 2kills which me and other at endgame
100% solo, and no many killer players here because people knowing that "lemmings or humans" part you can't fun with human skilled players because playing killer is just you volunteer to make playgrounds for them
difference is you can imagine very ideally like killer chase all people and 2kill at last, 4bc stacks
nope, whats really happening is killers already knew they too late to give up killing me, and they will have to focus me because game is already blowed up from chased me first and they pissed off from i don't make mistakes and gens popping so fast
they can feel powerless because they already choose to chased me first right? than they already doing their only own main jobs..for losing and they can't control or accept their lost
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I'm a Wraith main and never used ruin once, other than adept Hag and Mikey's tombstone and tuft. If I 4k it's pure skill on my part or potato syndrome on the survivors part. Either way doesn't matter if I only get 1 kill or 0 it's because my skill wasn't good enough.
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I am sorry but to say ruin does nothing when it is against good survivors is just completely wrong. Great skill checks result in no extra progression which people tend to hit most of the time anyway when you go against good survivors.
It still slows down the game whether you like it or not and does so without you having to do anything at all. The perk is the best for killers regarding slowdown. Everything else comes with a tradeoff regarding time, take pgtw for example the perk will require you to
a) walk to a gen
b) not waste it on a gen that has barely progression on it
Most perks with the exception of ruin, corrupt intervention will never help you to turn a game around they just help the snowballing when you are already winning.
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I think pgtw and ruin have two different kind of approach.
ruin works best with killers that have high pressure/mobility can pressire gens and defend ruin.
pgtw is more valuable for the 3 gen strat with slow killers that needs a setup first.
indeed this doesnt mean they cant be paired together.