Proposal for "Iridescent Head"
First of all before i start, i want to say that i found the addons perfectly beatable as it remains of the same counter than normal hatchet.
I propose the following change.
=> Nerf : Remove the insta down.
=> Buff : Remove the reduction of hatchet
=> Change : (i base my idea on the iridescent king) , apply on survivor multiple malus : vision, hindred , hemorragy, exhaustion and an action speed penality of 15% who will remain for 60
That seems pretty lame for an Ultra Rare, honestly.
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well i dont know about it but i do hope its gets a change its way to powerful
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Not really :
=> You obtain with the ultra rare addons all the power of nearly all existing addons.
=> You also obtain something who will slow down survivor which will end the chase quicker or manage to slow down his speed and all his action speed. By action speed , it apply on : repair, heal, sabo, openning chest , cleanse totem, opening door, .... It offer a tool that give a good polyvalence between map pressure and end fast chase.
=> The 15% of malus for action speed is stronger that the begrimmed head (only 5%) and represent to give an idea a malus for gen speed of around 12s (solo survivor, no speed gen bonus).
=> You use for that only one addons as you are not limited for the number of hatchet. That mean that you can use others : fast aim , more hatchet , ...
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Well iredescent is powerfull for multiple reason :
1) People never believe the killer use it and usually always get suprise first time (survivor side)
2) People dc as they get down and make the game easier for the killer (survivor side)
3) People usually don't know how to deal with a huntress using her normal hatchet (survivor side)
4) Lag of dedicated server mess up the hit detection making the addons and hit in general a mess ( for survivor and sometimes even for killer) (server side).
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I mean, all you really did was just make keyword soup and called it an Ultra Rare. There's nothing really interesting about it.
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Sounds like a really obnoxious addon, I wouldn't like it.
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How about applying the broken status effect for 120 seconds?
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Well this is like the irredescent king at the difference that only one shoot is necessary to apply all effect and the survivor get also slow down.
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The thing is that Iridescent King applies unique effects at random instead of just stapling together several keywords.
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Could be an idea. Though i found it more interesting to be able to apply an action speed penality.
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What I have read on the Forum here:
Make it able to reload Hatchets automatically. So when a Survivor is downed or hit (would prefer downed), all Hatchets are reloaded. This would reduce some time to refill the Hatchets.
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A bit pointless in my opinion ...
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Honestly people dont realize how risky iri heads can be
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Well i know that the main counter to this is the ability to dodge a hatchet in the first time.
Though i think it would be more interesting to change it to a polyvalent addons which slow down survivor and slow down their action speed.
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fun fact its that you cant dodge if theres some lag so no matter what you wont dodge unless theres not lag in the whole match and thats rare on this game also huntress hatchet got a wierd hitbox for survivor point of view it seems that you didint get hit sometimes it does
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Could be..if done correctly I wouldnt mind too much
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Though lag work with everything ... I mean with this argument : all insta down should be remove even if they have down side because the lag can have an effect.
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Well :
=> Apply all effect of others addons as hindred for 60 s
=> Apply an action speed penality of 15% for 60s.
I mean pair that with thanatophobia , a fast aim addons and you can give quite some slow down.
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You could , but I doubt it would satisfy..besides..the devs have been intent on making iri addons crap lately
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Well it won't satisfy people who don't see how to use it. But as people get how to make it worth ....
Well they can make it crap, at least they have a decent suggestion here. So if they decide to ignore it, it is fine for me. I give my feedback about how to change it.
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Yeah..I recently made a post with I feel is quite possibly the best solution to the key and mori debate , if youd like to have a read