Unranked Gamemode/Casual and Ranked Playlists

Before Dead by Daylight, I played a lot of Rainbow Six Siege. I liked the large diversity between the casual and ranked game modes. In a casual type game mode, you can experience playing with different (both higher and lower) rank survivors and killers. And in the ranked game mode, you will play against and progress with people of similar rank, just like it is now. It could provide people with a new experience in the game and give them insight on whether or not they want to grind out ranks. I feel though that placement matches would have to be a must for this, so I'd imagine that the rank you get is equal to the amount of pips you get in a certain amount of placement matches. I think the game is very fun, however I would like to relax and have a bit more of a laid-back play style and not be trying to de pip every match I play. What are your thoughts on having set ranked and casual game modes?
The game population is already dwindling, and and lobbies already take forever and people already dodge lobbies. Let's not over complicate it. DBD isn't a competitive game.
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Ninja recently played dbd so maybe dbd will be the next fortnite and the player base will kaboom enough to support different modes.
I can't wait to drop into cold wind farm from the "BAM" bus as ONI.
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Ninja doesn't have near the influence he did before.
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I think the ranking system needs to be removed and just make it the casual mode. The game isn’t competitive, so I see no reason to have it.
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Well then you could just be starting out a brand new profile and be going against much higher ranks, deterring people from even continuing playing the game
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Agreed. I really hope the Dev's add an Unranked gamemode.
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People can make new accounts and smurf going against actually new players, still ruining their experience and fun of the game, pushing them from playing further.
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yea but that would completely ruin the game for actual new players, there is a chance of going against a smurf right now, but with definite possibilities of going against high ranks, it won't be any fun for new players and the games population would suck more
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This would be great if it came with fixing the ranking system. It would all fail without cross-platform though, which is seriously controversial.
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It needs something for those of us that like the game but don't care about ranks. I personally haven't gotten good enough to worry about rank and this isn't my main game so it's hard to keep up with seemingly weekly changes. A casual or non-ranked mode would help to allow new players and retuning players a place to work out builds and learn the basics without all of the salt.
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Then let's get rid of the pipping system already.
Cause we do not need it anyways. And as you said, it's not a competitive game.
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Lets just say, I felt like playing in this casual mode for a bit and get four survivors that are well, not experienced with the game. Unless I consciously ignore blatant errors on the survivor's part, they're not going to have a good time.
Same for a group of survivors that are good against a killer that's not so good.
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Why lie about something so easily discredited? The game has more players on average every day than it ever has before, and that’s just on Steam. We aren’t even talking consoles.
If they released casual, I would never play a ranked match of Survivor again.
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The issue is, splitting the playerbase would only be bad for the community. Which is why they haven't done it.
Also - what you linked...didn't discredit..anything. I mean, nice try? Sorry you embarrassed yourself...I guess?
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Cross platform :))
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Yes, for all 15 people on the Windows store.
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It is absolutely a competitive game, it's why it's ranked only. And how is Ranked and Quick Match options over complicating it? It's too different modes pretty much all games have.
The game needs a Quick Match mode. I hate being in red ranks and getting nothing but sweaty survivors who hold M1 and end games in 5 mins. I want too have fun in this game, not sweat. Add a ranked reward and a Quick Match mode and a lot of people would return IMO.
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No. It's not. Any veteran of the title with anything between their ears will not only laugh in your face, but tell you how horribly, grossly, and unbelievably wrong you are.
It's about as casual as a game as you can find - whether or not you take it seriously enough to get the nonsense idea that it's somehow a competitive game. A game with two separate sides competing and easily obtainable levels does NOT a competitive game make. The devs have gone on record and stated they make most balance changes with a casual mindset instead of a competitive one. Only competitive thing about it is a pretty number in the top right for your e-peen to grow a little bit.
It has a competitive flair to it, but no, it's not competitive one bit.
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A: stop being toxic and chill. No need too be rude.
B: If this game wasn't competitive why is everything ranked based, with rank reset? If the game was only casual then the game wouldn't have a ranks. You can play how ever you want, but the game is competitive.
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It's rank based because otherwise we'd end up with brand new players going up against players with 1000's of hours every game.
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I honestly couldn't watch more than 2-3 minutes of his gameplay with Jess. Super loud and obnoxious. If the devs are able to do crossplatforms with console players, maybe make new modes and larger maps. Do a 2 killer vs 8 survivors. But if I'm being completely honest, I don't really see the point of having a rank system, it doesn't say much due to the number of people there are, it's not very accurate. You can get to any rank just by grinding. Not all red rank survivors play well or optimally. I've run into some who just stopped doing gens because of ruin and wasted most of their time searching for it. Hit majority of your skill checks as great and it's almost as if there is no ruin.
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Ranks are important. Most of the people play this game as a competitive game. You can say its not competitive but its being balanced like one and people play it like that. There is one easy solution to causal/ranked mode. Just rename "Survive with friends" to "Causal", remove ranks and that's it. No other changes required :)
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I've heard plans of cross platform mentioned before, i hope for the day!