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Who do you main (survivor-wise) and why?



  • Member Posts: 3,482

    Jake because I liked some of his cosmetics. I soon have all the survivor perks in the game for him and when I do I will play around with many different builds. Good times ahead.

    As killer I go from one main to another but recently I have played only Clown and I'm better than ever as killer, so from now on I think he is my permanent main.

  • Member Posts: 549

    I started maining Meg when I got the game, mostly because I thought she was prettiest, and I liked her perks. I had been an Adrenaline user for a while because of that.

    I didn't even play killer until I got Spirit, and then I became a god with her.. haha

    Now I main Jane and Meg for survivor, because Jane is a very cool lady imo. Her perks are interesting as well.

    I now main Trapper and Pig as killer, I still play Spirit a lot but I get a lot of toxicity from the survivors when I do that so I stay away from her unless I need to win.

  • Member Posts: 90

    Gotta be Bill cuz who doesn't wanna main a veteran that literally went through a zombie apocalypse, and sacrificed himself to save his friends.

  • Member Posts: 352
    edited December 2019

    When I started thd Game my brother suggested I try Jake. Calm Spirit helps greatly against doctor and spies from the shadows.

    Iron Will helps with Immersion(my type of playstyle)

    Saboteur for the lolz

    He's been my go to guy ever since.

  • Member Posts: 493
    edited December 2019

    Whoever has the most perks..

    I'm maining Meg atm but I was maining Nea, when I prestige her Meg was the one with the better perks so I'm maining her. I'd say I prefer to play female characters overall.

  • Member Posts: 174

    I main Claudette because i was more focused on stealth when i started, and now she's just my most advanced survivor with almost every perk in the game. I only need like 4 more teachables for her to be fully maxed. I don't play all out blendette anymore (i use the glow in the dark serum outfit) but when it comes down to the wire, a bit of good stealth can ruin the killers game.

  • Member Posts: 59

    I main a lot of survivors tbh. I main Jake, Dwight, Quentin, Laurie, Claudette and Meg (Meg is my most used). I main Jake and Quentin bc they're cuties tbh (Quentin is gonna get a facelift soon according to the devs). Dwight because he's adorable and I relate to him. Meg because my name is Megan. Claudette for strat and personality and Laurie because I wanted DS (b4 it got nerfed) but I got hooked on her and she became a main.

  • Member Posts: 71

    Feng, first dlc I got, and her perks we're good when I was starting out,

    I try to play all the characters though on both sides, but my second survivor choice is Nancy, cuz she cute, and best character in the show

  • Member Posts: 43

    Claudette because I love being one of the blendettes.

  • Member Posts: 2

    i main steve and nancy because i’m a massive stranger things fan although steve’s perks are terrible. i sometimes play ash as well

    for killers i main demogorgon and michael myers

  • Member Posts: 198

    I main Jeff. I'm a bearded metalhead and I love dogs and beer. Seemed straightforward.

  • Member Posts: 407


  • Member Posts: 1,110

    Bill. Because he's Bill.

    Also a huge Left 4 Dead fan, and I always chose Bill there too. Even when I used to play Minecraft, my skin was Bill.

  • Member Posts: 11

    Feng was my top choice cause she’s cute Af. But recently I’ve switched to

    Nancy cause she looks like a beast and detective stuff is always been fun.

    Now I’m currently playing Yui because she’s A Bad Ass!

  • Member Posts: 620

    Legion!Because he has frenzy.

  • Member Posts: 2,171

    Quentin because I'm an insomniac myself, I love his outfits (BEANIE!!!!), he was an awesome character in the NoES remake (the only highlight in that sucky movie), he gives me goth-y vibes, and because he was the first Survivor I unlocked all teachables from. I love Wake Up and still like to use Pharmacy despite the unnecessary (IMO) nerf to basekit Emergency Medkits.

    Nea because I love her, mostly androgynous, fashion sense (also BEANIE!!!!) and I've had a ton of fun games as her. She also seems really cool from her lore.

    As for Killers; Huntress and Legion. Anna has such freaking bad ass lore and I just love Legion's aesthetic and lore.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Claudette, and a bit of David. I used David for dead hard but now I have it for Caludette, I can use Self care and in fire situation Dead hard, ensuring my survival

  • Member Posts: 919

    David and Dwight.

  • Member Posts: 183

    Ash. Cuz hail to the king, baby.

  • Member Posts: 130
    edited December 2019

    I main Meg, though it happened by chance. When I first started, it was Dwight because the game kept defaulting me to him for the longest time. Later, I enjoyed that Meg was not nearly as loud as some of the other women in game. My husband mained Nea and my best friend mained in an attempt to not to have the same characters, it ended up this way. She also had the blonde bun for her Grim Matsuri outfit, which made me love her more as a blondie myself. When I play killer, and even with randoms, I hate immersed Blendettes, so I refused to use her (also didn't like the white jacket). Min was too loud. Once Jane came out, my husband switched to her and I had all perks on Meg by that time so I have never thought to change my main now.

    I feel like it's important, for killers, to state that I am on xbox One, mostly because that changes gameplay a bit.

    Huntress will always have a soft spot in my heart as my first real killer main, followed by Nurse. I find I'm playing Pig more lately. Ghostface is fun for the memes. Ultimately, I'm still a Nurse main despite her nerf. Ps, I blame her cute Victorian outfit as the reason why I main her.

  • Member Posts: 84

    I dig the "unlikely to survive" type. Dwight, Claudette, and Jane. I love the noises of each one, for all their actions. Falling, getting hit, hooked, cleansing. I love their cosmetics, and their back stories. I personally like looking at Dwight out there in the field, Jane is a bad mutha, and sweet Claudette can be brave. I main Dwight and Jane at the moment. Before it was Nea and Jane. Then before that it was Nea and Feng. And before that it was Feng and Jake. Francis, Jane, Laurie, Yui, Jake, and Feng have the best personal perks though in my opinion, for my type of game play. I just love this game so much. It's literally the only game that will be on, practically all day, even when I'm busy cleaning. Lol. I despise Yui's nails. Lol.

  • Member Posts: 84

    We call Jane "Thickness". Lol she's the only one with a nickname. That chest though too, my gawd. Lmao

  • Member Posts: 3

    Feng Min, Yui, and Nancy are my go-to survivors at the moment. Feng mainly for her backstory (gamer girl) as well as her perks. Yui's look and her teachables are promising, and there's nothing wrong with running Nancy with Inner Strength if you save your med-kits for healing teammates.

  • Member Posts: 30

    Well this is an interesting question to me because I find the male characters more blocky, harder to hide behind smaller trees/objects and run loops/ 360s. I play console so this could be the issue and as well as the killers internet at times. Regardless, I prefer female survivors for these reasons but my favorite survivors would have to be between Dwight and Meg bc those are who I mained when the game came out. But for playability I’m always running female survivors. Right now I am running Nea and Kate. I really grew a liking to those characters and their perks. But because of teachables you can really play whoever you want once you get most characters you like leveled up.

  • Member Posts: 55

    Bill. I used to play a ton of Rainbow Six Siege, and my main was Kaid, because he just looked like a badass, so when I switched over to Dead by Daylight when my brother bought it for me, not knowing the mechanics of the game at all, I impulsively chose Bill because he looked like Kaid a fair amount. I love Bill so much that when I play killer, I don't even hit them for the entirety of the match tunnel them into the ground! But on a serious note, I didn't even know the reasons behind why certain survivors were classified as hard, intermediate or easy, so when I saw his appearance and that he was hard to play, I chose him to start of my journey, and I rock that amazing Christmas sweater with a bloody face and clothes every single match! (I was very hype to see he actually got cosmetics)

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 20
    edited December 2019

    I've mained Jake since the very start, back in Alpha! He's my favourite survivor to this day. 😊 I relate to his love of being out in the woods and his backstory is so sad, I can't help but feel bad for him. Poor bab. He just needs some love!! 💙

  • Member Posts: 288

    My original main when the game came out: Meg

    My current main: Ace

    The other two I love playing: Dwight and David

    Don't get me wrong, I'm totally fine with any of the other characters, but those four top the rest for me by far. Meg is small and reliable, David is gruff and sturdy, Ace is slick and sassy, and Dwight is tense and soft. That may make sense only to me, but that's what I love about them.

    For killers I main Doc and enjoy Hag and Trapper/Billy on the side. Doc: I love a good laugh. Hag: I love a sneaky surprise. Trapper/Billy: depends on what I'm feeling like but that's when I want to hunt and kill. I feel like I would main mikey as well, but I don't have him.

  • Member Posts: 350


    I loved them for their teachables, lore, and cosmetics. Can't wait to loop as Elf Dwight!

  • Member Posts: 14

    kate. her midnight rider skin is amazing! i sometimes use cybil tho

  • Member Posts: 890

    Feng and Kate.

    I like Fengs aesthetic and I like how Janes positivity lorewise. Though feng is my stealth and Jane is more altruism

  • Member Posts: 994

    Feng. I think her cosmetics are the best.

  • Member Posts: 672

    Kate and Cheryl. I have both of them P3-50.

    For Kate, I originally levelled her up for her perks and played her a lot since the other characters I had at the time weren't levelled up that much. Her character kind of grew on me, so I've stuck with her as one of my mains. She also has cool cosmetics, too.

    As for Cheryl, I was pretty new to the Silent Hill franchise when she came out, So I originally bought her for her perks. I eventually learned more about Silent Hill lore and played through SH3, and I liked Cheryl's character in that game. So, I started maining her too.

  • Member Posts: 67

    I play Nea with her prestige torso, green biker jeans and regular head. Her voice is quiet and she blends in with the cosmetics i use on her, ESPECIALLY on Sanctum Of Wrath

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Meg for the abs.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Ace because he's cool, what else is there to say?

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