Am I playing The Hag properly?

Okay, I recently started playing this game (and loving it) tried a few of the Killer but my heart is set on The Hag, I love her powers and love playing as her, every game I've played as with her I've won, the gates have only been opened once in about 20 games I think, but mostly people rage quit when I hit/hook them, I don't tunnel and I very rarely get looped, most the times my traps going of result me getting a hit/down then hook. Just wondering why people disconnect a lot and send me hate mail, to which I don't mind, just let's me know I'm playing the game right xD
Thank you in advance š¤š
Best Answer
I mean, there is no "right" or "wrong" way to play the Killer you main... its entirely up to you on how you want to play Killer or specifcally for you, The Hag.
It sounds like you've done everything right, you don't camp, you don't tunnel... so I don't see why you'd recieve hatemail for this.
I guess it chalks up to certain players just being nasty to others for no real reason, personally it sounds like you're doing everything right. You don't rely on tunneling for a kill, you don't camp insanely hard either, and you play The Hag pretty well as your main.
Sounds like you're doing fine to me!
I don't know why I'd receive it either, the person said I was so bad, even tho that person rage quit the second time I hooked him/her which was hilarious
Thanks for your reply š¤
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I guess some people just can't accept a loss.
In that realization that they lost, they take it out on their teammates and more so the Killer.
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Some people just won't accept a loss. You'll get accused of camping/tunneling no matter what you do (not all the time.) Sometimes you accidentally tunnel, which I do at times but it can't really be helped if they run straight into you. You can even look up videos of Otzdarva when he plays the hag.
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Happens to me a bit on any Killer I play.
I could play in the most anti-tunnel way and still be accused of tunneling lol, just how some people are I guess.
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BTW, tunneling is annoying as hell (I play mostly survivor), but it is okay to do so and no reason to attack someone.
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I don't tunnel intentionally, but can't be helped when Survivors are sully enough to keep running at you or repeat the same tactics over and over so it's their own fault
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I think some people just enjoy making excuses for how they play. It's unfortunate but true.
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Right, everyone has different play-styles.
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It's not a Hag exclusive thing, unfortunately. While playing Killer, you're gonna get a decent amount of disconnects, no matter who ya use. Granted, some killers get DC'd on more than others, but I've yet to find one killer who hasn't seen at least one DC in their games. It's most likely toxic sweatlords who can't stand the idea of taking it slow and crouching, so in order to save their ego after getting their cheeks clapped, they DC. Don't take it personal. If anything, embrace it.
1. You played fairly (which ya said ya do)
2. You abided by all the unsaid rules that survivors impose on killers (no tunneling, camping, etc. Again, ya said ya avoid these things)
3. Not only could they not beat you, but the fact that they couldn't peeved them off so much that they ran back to the campfire with their tails between their legs (Bonus points if they send ya a salty message afterwards.)
I see that as a win, even if the emblems and points don't reflect it.
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This was pretty funny to read.
But in a more... broader term, you'll see this stuff on any Killer you play... but you'll see it more often with killers like Spirit, Trapper (Apparently), Hag, Freddy (A lot depending on the add-ons), Oni, Billy, etc...
But some Survivors just DC because they can't accept a loss... kind of narrow minded.
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I love getting hate mail š let's me know I'm doing a good job š
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I keep my steam wall open just for that personally.
I find it funny tbh... and I don't even tunnel or camp, its mostly just random hate for absolutely no reason.