Barbecue and chili re-work?



  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    I'm confused. If all you guys say that the tracking is not what you run it for and the tracking is bad, why wouldn't you want the haste effect from DH permanently until you hit a survivor?

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited September 2019

    Tell that to the 10 killers in a row yesterday who camped.

    edit: buggy forum again, made me double post AND quote my own message.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    I am a main survivor as well and the issue with BBQ is that the perk is....

    Pretty powerless. What? Did you expected a main survivor biased opinion? Not everyone is biased here people.

    But yeah, BBQ needs to change because the only good thing is points. I thought the same before I had Leatherface. "BBQ is too strong" and in the reality, you don't do anything with 4 seconds.

  • its_garrus
    its_garrus Member Posts: 4

    Only things that make BBQ n Chili annoying are getting off the gen to rush to a locker or using a perk slot for 3 anti-aura tokens. And then if they don’t see an aura they start hard-patrolling. It’s annoying but fine as it is, I suppose.

    But I did think WGLF needed a buff because you will never not have the chance to see an aura with BBQ. WGLF is its survivor equivalent, so it needs an everlasting benefit as well. Something simple like...seeing the Killer’s aura for 5 seconds when taking a Protection hit.... seems useless I know but would actually be nice around walls and such.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    I'm sorry but if bbq bothers you balance wise and not all the survivor meta stuff it shows you are not only biased beyond belief but also not very wise in the terms of balance

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    All the people saying that BBQ isn't strong are obviously killer mains that don't want their precious perk nerfed, lol. I play both sides and running BBQ and ruin almost guarantee a 4k unless it's a well coordinated SWF team.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529
    edited December 2019

    My god, all these survivors saying BBQ is strong and/or annoying, because you need to get out of your way to avoid the aura reading.

    Do you guys not realise how much killers need to get out of their way to avoid survivor perks?

    Never hit the person off the hook. BT kicks in.

    Never pick up a person for 60 seconds. DS makes them invincible, even if you don't tunnel.

    Never swing at an injured unless they are exhausted. DH kicks in.

    And so on, and so on. The game is about adapting. If something is slightly inconvenient, maybe instead of repeately slamming your head against a wall, try to use your brain to work around it.