Iridescent Head either needs a nerf or a huge tell



  • siren_sorceress
    siren_sorceress Member Posts: 321

    These items arent even that rare though. When I play spirit I got beads every other blood web often with more than one, which is not hard to grind through thanks to getting tons of points as killer even when you lose. Maybe it was just me but I was swimming in beads.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    Personally I'd prefer to just remove it stacking with +hatchet add ons. Make it strong still but take skill rather than sheer number of attempts. Long range sounds nice on paper, then you realise that they almost never happen, so you're burning an ultra rare in the hopes you get one fluke shot out of it and potentially waste a tonne of time just trying for it. A strong add on should be decent for everyone, not just people who have 3000 hours on Huntress alone.

    As for her other ultra rare slot, it'd be cool to have the lullaby affect the whole map at the minimum volume until she gets close, or for a certain duration after hitting a hatchet.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Long range hatchets = yes but also

    Upon hitting someone with a hatchet, huntress regains one hatchet.

    Or all hatchets are readied at 100% charge, trade off being that there is a longer cool down between being able to m1/ready another hatchet

    DBDIT Member Posts: 172

    One hit downs should be nerfed since survivors have absolutely nothing left that causes us to get up fast.

    Brand new part is only like 25℅

    Syringes take 16 secs to work and that's IF you don't get tunneled to oblivion

    Purple bottle buys you one hit against a killer that's on your @$$ (wow). How many killers do we have now with one hit downs? The devs clearly favor the killers nowadays *shrugs*

  • Simply_Ghostface
    Simply_Ghostface Member Posts: 22

    Lmao no it doesnt need a nerd. And even if it was nerfed, how would you even nerd it?!

    Tbh you win some and you lose some. Just get over it and better luck next time.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    That solution is perfect!

    If someone has to get downed to figure out that she has Iridescent Hatchets — it's definitely not balanced at all. At least NOED, you can prevent it from happening and don't have to test the water.

    You can make her miss, but as we all know, great Huntresses won't miss often and eventually they will hit you. Killers are supposed to be more powerful in chases, but the key is that Iridescent Hatchets removes 2 chases instead of one chase. This is a problem because your goal as a survivor is delay and stall the killer for as long as possible, if this ability is heavy disrupted — you're talking about huge snowball potential.

  • NinoV1
    NinoV1 Member Posts: 382

    Perhaps simply make the hatchets have a red glow, with a slightly longer wind up time.

    Slight nerf and big tell.

  • yoi
    yoi Member Posts: 338

    usually with the no sense hitboxes and dedicated servers ia actually hard to avoid them even if u did they hit u.

  • bgbomb
    bgbomb Member Posts: 434

    It sound like a HUGE nerf on her

    imagine Billy should charge 24M(OR 32M) to has his one shoot hit.

    it is not a change to make him "still power but require skill"

    it is a "Billy you are with Legion now"change.

    if you change IRIDESCENT HEAD to that way




    Maybe it is still fine?

    don't give me wrong.

    it is a huge nerf that make this red add-on totally useless.

    But most of the killer's red add-on are not too useful.

    it is a okay change but i don't see the reason to change it.

    If you make all the killer's red add-on useless.

    What is the point to make all killer have red add-on?

    i mean if you really change it.

    It will only end up like she doesn't have red add-on since no one will really want to use 7000BP to have it.

  • Shorknado
    Shorknado Member Posts: 56

    Personally ive always wanted iridescent head to mean infinit hatchets instead of one shots. I think it would be way more interesting and less disheartining to go against than a one shot with broken hitboxes.

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616
    edited December 2019

    I think Iridescent heads should make the hatchets ricochet while keeping the instant-down feature. When hitting a survivor or any obstacle, the hatchet will automatically target the nearest survivor that it has a clear line towards.

    Huntress is one of the killers who has trouble dealing with clumped up survivors.


    Throw a long range artillery hatchet at a generator and see 3 survivors go down instantly. That would be satisfying .

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    DS needs a huge tell, it should let you know if the survivor has ds instead of having to guess and pray for no ds when there is a obsession.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    You shouldn’t be affected by ds if you’re not tunneling :) Find another target.

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    yes because someone coming off the hook then unhooking the recently hooked person in my face only for me to grab them is tunneling. smh. or a survivor working on a gen. or oh hey how about a survivor spamming the open button on a locker ???

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145


    I do that anyway. Or I punish them with the recently """nerfed""" (buffed) Spirit.

  • silverwolf4455
    silverwolf4455 Member Posts: 496

    And as a survivor I dont want to spend 7000bps on a brand new part or a needle... because they are weak to what they were. But tough cookies I guess.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704
    edited December 2019

    thank you for the sarcasm!

    edit: but in all seriousness this did make me laugh

  • joker7997
    joker7997 Member Posts: 899

    They just need to add that it trumps other add ons, meaning even if you use infantry belt you only only get one axe at a time

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Do i get you wright here? You say Iri head is rare? That addon pops up every 2-3 bloodwebs.

  • T2K
    T2K Member Posts: 635

    I remember when Iri head reduced your hatchets by 2 not 4. It was a hot topic back then if its too much of a nerf. I think Iri head is a strong addon worthy of ultra rare. Its nothing overpowered.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768
    edited December 2019

    Iri head is weaker than swf so why exactly does it need a nerf? Sure, it's frustrating for mid rank solo survivor, but better than trashing the next iri addon.

  • ZoneDymo
    ZoneDymo Member Posts: 1,946
    edited December 2019

    if you find one just die asap on the hook, ez

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Nerf this nerf that. Play the game and have fun or play another game.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    I'm assuming the tell is 3 hatchets and watching a survivor be instadown.

    I wouldn't mind it since it also ties in with the trophy. Only issue is that it becomes situational as a ultra rare so I would suggest an additional effect thats beneficial at melee to mid range that can't be effective at long range otherwise it's just another trash ultra rare that decreases your hatchets too.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    It's a bullshit add on. Good Huntresses can use BBQ to hit you from across the map.

  • Frank_Sriracha
    Frank_Sriracha Member Posts: 74

    If iridescent head gets nerfed than it won't see any play. Just because something's unfun to play against doesn't mean it's unbalanced

  • Snow_Lep
    Snow_Lep Member Posts: 305

    It does have a tell though. When that first person gets one-shot you know. Its also not in need of a nerf as it takes 13k in BP to acquire both addons (Infantry Belt and Iri Head (unless you got them from a mystery box)) and you will maybe get only a 7-10k profit in points for the match as you have less hatchet hit points, and will probably end the game faster.

    Combine that with it only being 3 chances to hit you, I have dodged all 8 hatchets from an Infantry Belt/Leather Loop Huntress before. Just work on knowing situations where the windup is expected (ie. Pallets, vaults, etc) and making sure you keep moving and make yourself harder to hit (breaking Line of Sight, moving spastically at times, keeping in areas of cover).

  • bigbeefynacho
    bigbeefynacho Member Posts: 351
    edited December 2019

    I just simply dodge load screens when I see a mori or black ward offering. Easy Shmeazy

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404

    At this rate survivors are going to want every killer to have a police siren glued to their heads whenever they equip an ultra rare add-on.

  • Polychrome_Baku
    Polychrome_Baku Member Posts: 404

    True but their UA add-ons shouldnt be meme tier either. Ultra rares should either be transformative or powerful. Not a joke. Here's looking at you iridescent family crest.

  • Negi
    Negi Member Posts: 378

    The only problem is with extra hatchet addons. Imagine having to reload every throw, that's super punishing if you miss, high risk high reward.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    They should NOT be powerful. No addon should be since it's power you can't balance around.

    So by process of elimination they must instead be transformative. The Nurses UR's qualify as transformative, as do the Hags. The Huntresses does not and is problematic as a result.

    Myers? Yup. Doctor? Sort of? Clown? No.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Sorry but recent killer changes have shown that killers do indeed get slightly tweaked nerfed due to their strongest addons. And then some more.

    For the topics of tells... She raises her arms and lets out a rather audible breathing and yell when winding up or throwing a hatchet...

    You dont get hit by iris if you can just dodge hatchets.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Of course I'm aware that Killers are changed due to addons. That's the result of trying to balance around strong addons despite that being a bad idea. In order for it to not break the game you need a weaker basekit so that a significantly stronger version won't be OP, thus making the Killer UP without it.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    Hitboxes are insanely big right now. Huntresses learn real fast that pink heads = DC and during DC ban it = bad survivor behavior or kobes.

    When huntress one hit downed survivors, survivors gave the killer they want. an EZ win. SO they all rushed to the basement, took the hits and that was game. The killer's #1 complaint. - It wasn't a fun experience and the match had few points. lolz... cancer.

  • Potatomato
    Potatomato Member Posts: 8

    Would you like the killer to know about your item addon and counter it?

  • OogieBoogie
    OogieBoogie Member Posts: 190

    -using the alternate action key turns a normal hatchet into an iridescent hatchet

    -no reduction in hatchet count

    -iri heads glow red on windup

    -30-60 second cooldown before you can throw another iri head

    -cancelling the throw has a 5-10 second cooldown

    This way it's still powerful, but incentivizes using it wisely since you won't have it for a while if you miss, while also preventing you from getting multiple insta-downs in a row and just wiping a team in seconds.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I would personally rather go against an ebony mori than a Iridescent Huntress unless the Huntress has no idea how to play or is farming because it's just terrible when they are a Huntress main.

  • Popcornchicken11
    Popcornchicken11 Member Posts: 110

    Why necro a 6 month old thread?

  • TwistedJoke65
    TwistedJoke65 Member Posts: 316

    I think the iri heads are fine the way they are. What the difference between being hit by a close range chainsaw from billy or bubba vs a close range from an iri? The difference is that you don't always get that with huntress it's her only instadown. Survivors have so much stuff that they can use to screw the killers, yet when they see a killer who is actually intimidating and has an advantage(which they should have they are the KILLER for christs sake) they complain and say it needs to be nerfed. I have a friend who mains huntress and has a very limited supply of iri heads and doesn't get them that often. The iri add-ons for all killers are supposed to be their best add-ons, please don't nerf them.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Youd never get to use those...My idea..make it reduce hatchets to three, but make them have mangled till healed, 20 second exhaust, and twenty second hindered..then the very last axe becomes a one shotting axe..still good, more fun, and if you want more axes you get less 1 shots

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Remove the hatchet reduction, and make it insta down from 18m+ away.

    Huntress is due for an add on pass due to her add ons not following the typical killer format. Hopefully they’ll look at Iri heads then.

  • magicmaster2020
    magicmaster2020 Member Posts: 499

    This is an amazing Idea and I don't even main huntress.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited July 2020

    I could see 15-24 meters max before insta-downing, but not 32. 32 Meters is in the "lucky shot" territory that would be nearly impossible to hit, and would make the add-on completely useless. For consideration, you gave us a challenge for Huntress in Tome 3, Level 3 called "Bullseye: Hit 2 survivor(s) 15 meters away with the Huntress's Hatchets. Complete this challenge in a single trial."

    I have to admit, I'm a pretty decent huntress, but that challange was difficult as hell, not to mention impossible on indoor maps, or maps cluttered with tons of LoS blockers. I tried that challenge 5 times before I finally got it on Wretched Shop due to there being some nice, open dead zones. If say, you limited it's insta-down ability to 20 meters, that alone makes it practically useless on all indoor maps, makes it crazy difficult on heavily cluttered LoS blocking maps like Suffocation Pit, Haddonfield, Badham, or Rotten Fields, and only useful to skilled killers on the more open maps like Wretched Shop, Blood lodge, Sheltered Woods, Torment Creek, or Disturbed Ward.

    What I'm saying is; while making that change is a good Idea... you should take into account, if you can, the average distance the average Huntress player typically lands a hit, and add a few meters to that distance to match the higher skill needed for above average Huntress players. I would say, 20 meters, which is her default TR, is definitely a skill shot range, but any more than that is in the "heavily nerfed/useless add-on" territory, which is something you should try to avoid doing if you don't want an equally heavy community backlash.

  • Slickstyles
    Slickstyles Member Posts: 446

    You can make it so that Iri head only instadowns on headshots. I think this was coded in way back when during PTB as basekit but the idea was rejected.

  • f1uffykins
    f1uffykins Member Posts: 77

    Iri huntress should have only one hatchet and no other addons should be able to change it

  • f1uffykins
    f1uffykins Member Posts: 77

    Ok maybe one is harsh but if it's a one hitter make the shot count

  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 806

    @Peanits Your suggestion of a range limit is, well, fine (because current Iri head is atrocious) but if someone is hitting enough 24m shots for the add-on to make a difference, it sounds like they'd already be good with Huntress. It's trading an instant win add-on for an add-on that makes a game you already would have won more lopsided. Again, fine, but not great.

    I've always preferred ultra rare add-ons that change up how a killer plays, both as and against. I'd like something that deals with sound, similar to Wraith's clapper add-ons. My suggestion: Survivors can no longer hear her wind up hatchets when not in chase. Fun and fair for both sides, I think.

  • BodamEscapePlan
    BodamEscapePlan Member Posts: 75

    Before I started using Huntress regularly, when i was leveling her up, I stockpiled Iridescent heads because I assumed her pink add-ons would be like others where they were good but not broken. I've used them a few times now and man, you just feel so gross and scummy and I'm a killer main. I don't know, I just can't bring myself to use them unless I see like four toolboxes or something I know is about to be a truly toxic game.