Huntress needs a crosshair

If even a Huntress main like ScottJund aka damnnohtml is using a crosshair (he openly says he is using it) why shouldn't it be default for beginners? Imo we need a crosshair (entity style) for everyone, toggleable so everyone can turn it on or off as he desires.
It's very beginner unfriendly without it
It's not really necessary. You don't need pinpoint accuracy, the hitboxes are the size of Mars.
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Make a point in the middle of your Monitor and be happy, or do it like everyone else does without a crosshair (who do not complain about every little thing).
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Go scribble on your screen.
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I wouldn't mind if it was a common addon, something like Nurse's Plaid Flannel, but you can play without it and still be good.
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As a console player, samething to help us with precision ranged characters would be nice.
And not all of us have a screen we can scribble over. Some of us have to share a TV with others.
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Cant have nice killer qol's eh?
Atleast flashlights got those visible beams as aiming aid, right?
I dont see what the problem would be with adding a crosshair... Or a circle somewhere in the middle.
Its not like she'd suddenly be getting a hitscan weapon or a visible throwing arc. She'd still have to work around her flexible throwing arc and projectile speed.
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The size of jupiter honestly. Crosshairs are beginner friendly, sure, but huntress is really powerful without em if you are good with her. I would really like to see a brown addon for huntress, that shows the player the hatch target zone between two of huntress fingers or something like that.
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Think outside of the box. You don't literally have to scribble over it, You do have a house up there, ya?
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So why is Scott using it? Someone who put over 1k hours into Huntress still feels the need to use it.
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Why so negative? Does it hurt your feelings if there would be a crosshair? Jeez, grow up and get rid of your entitlement.
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Just download a crosshair overlay.
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It would be great to console players
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It makes a tonne of difference and not just on huntress... I loaded one up the other day to see how my performance changed on nurse and yeah makes long range blinks faster to do. It should be basekit on all killers and survivors should have some indication of the center too.
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If Doc could have an add-on that shows the range of his shock and Nurse can have an add-on that shows her blink landing spot, I think Huntress can have a crosshair add-on
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Because Scott is the kind of person who will unabashedly use whatever is (legally) at his disposal to do as well as he can in a game. I never said crosshairs didn't make things like this easier, just that they aren't necessary in this case because you don't need crosshair levels of accuracy, you just need to know where the middle of your screen is.
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Because we should learn the play the game. If someone wants to use a monitor function for that or a program. That's a choice they can and have the right to make. We are not a COD style game so we shouldn't have to use it.
Also I play Huntress without it.
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It's size of red giant star!
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No. Iridescent head with a cross hair and a cod player. No. As someone who plays huntress I don’t see the need for crosshairs as the hit boxes are the size of the map and besides it’s really not that difficult to hit them. Once you got the general area down it’s an easy hit trust me. And yes I play console, its not that bad. If you really want crosshair just put some masking tape on ur screen and go play kill ur friends whatever it is now to test how accurate it is.
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A cross hair makes a huge difference, because with practice, you can measure and consistently be spot on every time, you will only miss based on the survivors movements and you're skill vs moving targets. If a huntress is good enough, all a survivor can do is stay out of line of fire, and a crosshair really helps.
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That's a problem if an addon and not if crosshairs. Besides, hardcore fps players have High end monitors and can enable it from there with ez. Your concerns are not valid/wrong.
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Exactly, so why preventing people (beginners) from having it unless you buy a new highend monitor with build in crosshair functions?
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It shouldn't be in the game, because it makes such a big difference. But again, there is no point either way, and they can't stop it because you can literally just put some tape in the middle of your screen if you want to have a crosshair.
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Even masking tape over a TV screen would be difficult to play with. Especially with how dark maps like Shrine are. Just imagine adding a big white + in the middle of your TV that you can't see through. And, yes, I know that I can thin down the tape, but the point still stands. I can't see through it.
Then again, I'm a console player who finds that precision quite difficult unless it's against AI. And I think that Hillbilly is the console equivalent of Nurse, that requires less skill.
If it was a brown add-on that literally functions similar to the ones used by Nurse and Doctor, then all it would be is a useful tool for people to learn the character without having to lose massive amounts of rank, get super frustrated with the character and dropping them almost instantly or having to smurf.
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Console player, and obviously I like the idea. I think that is really stupid to try to stop something that is unstoppable. On pc monitors there are function external to the game that makes it possible, and no detectable. So why continue to avoid this? Just add it.
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I might add that people against this idea want all advantages of third-party-voicechat added to survivor basekit, yet vehemently refuse a minor visual indicator for a single killer~
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Just download reshade and install reshade then google reshade crosshair and get a crosshair with that
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its Gonna be the same resolution either way except used less when an add on
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Menu ---> Options ---> X Enable/Disable Crosshair.
And btw, welcome to 1991 basic game menu options
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More like just install the program or get a better monitor that has the option. DBD dont need to HD your hand. Neither is it a FPS game like CoD.
Welcome to 2019 where games like Dark Souls tell you to git gud n00b. We shouldn't have to hold your hand like a Mario game.
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Imagine buying a NEW HIGH END MONITOR just to get a crosshair in a 20 bucks video game, while the devs could just add one in 5 minutes and some lines of codes.
Imagine using a 3rd party software and EAC flags you and you are banned.
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Wow why don't you cool down a little ? No need to be rude. And remember that not everyone play on PC so it would be a nice add on like for Nurse and Doc
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So your saying your fellow gamers should "get a better monitor" or "install a program" to do what is natively done in the game engine on which this game is based?
I couldn't care less about it being fair or not in this discussion. It's the fact that they left it out and programmed the game's hitboxes etc around NOT having one, when there was absolutely NOTHING they could do to stop people from just putting a little DOT on their monitor, turning it on on the monitor itself, or using another app.
You sir, are the ideal customer for a company like BHVR and why game developers get away with pretty much anything they want. So yeah, welcome to 2019 bud.
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more then a crosshair I would prefer an add on that would show you where you where going to blink to , possibly as a circle on the ground , this would greatly benefit people who want better control when using her
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On pc you can use custom desktop logo.
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You nailed it. I hate those people, they are part of the reason we have this bullshit in the gaming industry.
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I actually am cool. I play on both playstation and on PC. I just think it's a joke people actually cry for a cross hair on a game that does not need one.
No I could care less actually just that its pathetic to really want one. This game is not a combat shooter or even one that needs something similar to a cross hair. Literally I rarely ever see these complaints except by newer people to Huntress. Funny they want one for her, but not Plague.
Those are options not a requirement. It's fine though because at the end of the day I highly doubt unless you do a 3rd party thing you'll ever see one. The Devs really want to keep the game as immersive as possible. At least for newer players and a hub overlay like that would definitely ruin it.
I'm pretty far from the ideal customer. I dont buy cosmetics enough to he considered a priority nor does everything they do make me happy I quite often complain.
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you're missing the point. A crosshair offers a distinct advantage. Newer players definitely benefit, but so do the Rank 1 huntress mains. No one is arguing that.
The devs have designed the hitboxes, around NOT using crosshairs, when in reality, a significant number of players do. For the devs to think people wouldnt use every advantage available to them, was likely do to a big ego in the game director department. Yes, in a perfect world everyone is honest and noone would do something to get an unfair advantage. Unfortuantely this is NOT that world, no matter how much a dev or game director wants it to be.
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I think I get you now. Your more of the IDC may as well add it while I'm more like IDC avoid it.
I see what you mean tho. I just personally think people need to grow up instead of having the Devs hold there hands.
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Absolutely agree.
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No thanks.
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yeah pretty much but nearly any half decent gaming monitor comes with a built in crosshair. It's just a fact of modern technology.
The immersive argument by the devs is such rubbish and again, points to an ego problem.
If I want to reduce the immersion and turn on crosshairs, why would they care? Other than now the game is designed COMPLETELY around NOT having them, it wasn't initially when they made that decision based on "immersive feelings" they had. So they can't use that argument.
It's like someone telling you a joke, then saying you have to laugh how they want you to laugh.
If they reduced hitboxes, added a crosshair and an option to toggle it off/on..... guess what? The game is gonna be filled with 2 types of people.
People who don't care about immersion and want to win with every advantage available to them.
People who want a serious challenge and that immersive feel, and will trade a "win" for a better experience.
Oh look, thats EXACTLY how it is now, just with a ton of BS looking shots that appear to hit thin air 99 percent of the time.Crosshairs are everywhere in your game. You can't detect 'em, you can't track them, there is literally 0 you can do to stop people from using them. Why do you guys pretend like they don't exist. Just like voice comms. Just like brightness controls on monitors..etc..etc...etc..
And for the record, I can't think of a better feeling than having normal or just slightly above normal sized hitboxes for huntress, with no crosshair.....and getting a 4k against a good team. I used to love the no crosshair mods for instigib matches in all of the Unreal games. It is a completely different experience in gaming, but you can't force it down people's throats.
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Am I the only person that has a problem with people using a crosshair at all? You know back in the day we did noscopes and that had something to do with skill and not cheating.