Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback | Disconnect Penalty Test



  • Member Posts: 17

    DC bans need to only occur when someone disconnects after the game has started. I've had two game crashes during loading screens, both of which resulted in 15-minute bans, and it's unacceptable, especially when I'm already waiting 20 in matchmaking before games.

  • Member Posts: 55

    This is only for operating systems that have dedicated servers, so steam, switch, etc., and not playstation, right?

  • Member Posts: 5

    So, we get penalised for bugs, glitches, and crashes? That's very unfair and you'll lose alot of players. I get DC'ing is an issue. But it's a game. Move on to the next match. I don't like the fact that we still get penalised for the games screw up?🤷‍♀️

  • Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2019

    Honestly, the general idea I do support without a Question. But since I encountered multiple disconnects at random, not a rage quit, not caused by my failing internet connection, I had to wait up to 15 minutes without it being my fault.

    Is there any possibility to fix those random disconnects before introducing the penalty system forever? Otherwise, this will get pretty annoying for some people

  • Member Posts: 83

    Yes for sure. I was shocked to see how often this is happening. On first hook, people attempt escape then don't struggle. Effectively worse than a DC, because it takes about 20 seconds, during which time other survivors might be risking a rescue, which may involve risk of detection, whereas a flat DC doesn't expose other survivors to immediate risk because they know immediately there's no one to save.

    I had a good chance to get to the next color rank yesterday, which is a big deal for me because I suck. No exaggeration - I played four matches, and each time, at least one other survivor DC'd or quasi-DC'd, so I depipped four times. Frustrating.

  • Member Posts: 185
  • Member Posts: 67

    I'm not a rage quitter by any means, BUT if I'm getting trolled, tunneled, or camped (not proximity, I mean like dude set up a tent and is roasting marshmallows in my face)... then I'm probably going to kill myself on hook so I can get into a new game and potentially have actual fun. Blatant facecamping in particular—with or without the killer repeatedly hitting me on hook—makes me feel like I'm playing a game with a 10-year-old. If I wanted to watch a bratty child struggle with their ego I'd become a fifth grade teacher. I'm good.

    Another instance where I might do this is extreme lag. If I'm rubber banding all over the place (sometimes this happens even if the ping in the lobby is fine) then I'm not going to DC, but I'm also not going to make an effort to continue the game when I do get downed. Why should I have to suffer through an all but unplayable game to avoid a penalty?

  • Member Posts: 3

    Been having an issue with getting randomly dropped from matches since the last Blood Hunt, so I'm enjoying getting to play like two or three matches at a time before being forced to quit due to timeouts. In the matches I get to play out on the survivor side, I'm thoroughly enjoying the near endless stream of killers running their most "toxic" builds, camping, tunneling, and slugging (even when completely unnecessary). Less DCing when I play killer, which is nice, but the match quality has not gone up since there are other ways to not participate in a match and playing survivor is just asking to be trolled now. I've viewing this as a negative change thus far even without factoring getting punished for the game's bugs.

  • Member Posts: 2,069

    I for one, am very happy about the DC penalty system. I no longer have matches where an over entitled turd immediately DC's for petty reasons like getting found by the killer first, what killer it is, what map we're on, etc, and have been able to enjoy more full matches without a DC in the past day and a half, than I have since the DC epidemic began last winter. It feels good to actually be playing DbD again, instead of having my matches ruined by toxic players bratty behavior.

    True, yesterday I encountered an enormous amount of players killing themselves on their first hook, but today that seems to be dying down. I expect that it'll become the norm to replace DC'ing, and wonder if anything can be done to counteract this unsportsmanlike behavior? Perhaps a time limit, like if they die from one hook in less than 30 seconds (the time it takes to make unhook attempts + dying from not struggling in second phase) within the first 5 minutes of a match means that they purposely killed themselves on hook, and get the DC punishment treatment? I dunno if this would work and survivors would likely just wait for 30 seconds before killing themselves on the hook, but at least then they have to give their team 30 seconds to attempt rescue. Still something needs to be done to get the message across that if you queued up for a match, no matter how unfavorable you perceive it, you should keep playing until the end.

    As for getting penalized due to bugs, internet outages and crashes... that hurts but since it happens far less often than the petty DC epidemic reasons, I have no problem with this at all. Some people may crash, experience bugs or internet connection issues more often than others, but I'm betting that those people are in the minority of the community by comparison, and if/when this new system goes live, it won't be nearly as much of an issue as they're currently complaining about.

    Overall, I find myself remembering how fun DbD was around the time of the Spirits release, when I was playing matches and could go 2 full weeks without experiencing one disconnect from teammates or killers, and this test has brought that feeling back so shockingly well, that I realize I had forgotten how good it felt, and now I don't want the test to end.

    I know you're getting a lot of complaints about this test Devs, but for the first time in over a year (Because of this DC penalty test), I'm having consistent fun with the game again. If there are any major bugs with the system, by all means fix them, but don't (Not even for a second) consider backing down on this change due to those complaints. This is a solid step in making the game enjoyable for everyone, and should have been part of the game from the beginning. The DC'ers undoubtedly want to sabotage this test through complaining on the forums so that they can keep enjoying the toxic playstyle to which they've become accustomed. They almost completely ruined this game last May when the DC epidemic hit its peak, and I was ready to quit altogether, but this test proves to me you actually listened to our outcries against DC'ers, and are doing something about it.

    Stand Firm against the complainers, fix or adjust what needs to be adjusted, but don't cave in to them. You're doing the right thing for the health of this game, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

  • Member Posts: 52

    Make sure you submit that as feedback on the proper places :)

  • Member Posts: 1

    I got a DC timer for the game crashing during loading screen. That's kinda stupid. I didn't have any control over the game crashing on its own. Fix this issue because that's not fair for many other survivors/killers to have to be timed out for your game crashing on its own. The queues are long enough as it is.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I am getting randomly disconnected mid-game and takes me to the title screen saying I need to connect to a network to play or something when I am connected to the wifi.... Not only is this a reoccurring issue, but with the implications of the penalty system, it’s affecting me for something I am not even control of. I am waiting on these penalty timers for unintentional disconnections in-game. Talk about a bad feature..

  • Member Posts: 2

    Got my internet sorted out this morning and fixed. Tested it out by playing other games (Stardew, Fortnite, Minecraft, etc.) and had no lag or disconnection issues.

    Tried playing DBD around 8pm CST and after completing 2 gens, was DC'd from the game. It was not my internet this time. Kicked from the game, had an error pop up about unable to save game/rank data, and was back to the lobby without the ability to look at points or pips.

    Penalty was the same as last night, 3:30. And that was after one DC tonight which was not my fault on my end.

  • Member Posts: 30

    This is one of the stupidest fixes in the history of gaming. It will punish people who disconnect for legit reasons like bugs and/or bad internet and people who rage disconnect will now simply hook suicide. Same problem different manifestation. The Devs need to fix the actual problem which is inconsistent fun gameplay. The game becomes a lot less fun for many people who certain tactics are used. I won't even bother bringing it up, but until Devs fix certain games not being fun due to tactics used people will purposely tank those games. This is 100% a Dev issue and so far the fix is pathetic. I freely admit I disconnect games where killers use these tactics and now I will just suicide instead. I don't know how they can ban suicide hooks because sometimes people legitimately miss the space bar and sometimes players try to jump off hook because a killer is using lame tactics. Not sure how you would punish this, but how about instead you fix the gameplay issue being horrible in certain situations. Then people wouldn't want to disconnect.

  • Member Posts: 23

    I've seen alot less disconnecting on switch which is definitely a positive for both survivor and killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,375

    All this system does is push more players away from the game. It's almost like they want the game to die.

  • Member Posts: 30
    edited December 2019

    I just got a 53 mins Ban when i was trying play as killer with the Plague, because the loading screen got frozen for 20 mins and i had to force close the game, yesterday my game crashed 2 times and seems it stacked with today when i force close the game, i wrotte the suport but seems i m not getting answer.

    This patch its a mistake, now killers can be as toxic as they want because they know survs get banned if DC, this last 2 days i see all killlers doing facecamp and tunnel to death + pink mori, just because they dont fear be punished by survs with a DC, so they just are the most toxic possible with the hope survs give up and suicide, and if not just pink mori they. They now can also make survs their slaves and force them to do engines, then destroy the engine and force they to built the engine again in a infinite loop of farming, because survs cant DC anymore against toxic behaviours on killers.

    It also punish killers since survs are also killers when they play as killers, this opressive system its gonna hurt killers and survs, and leave the field open to facecamping, tunneling, slugging, and all the toxic stuff a killer wants to do, since survs dosnt have anymore a tool to punish a bad behaviour on the killer, not to mention getting banned 24 hours cuz the loading screens are bugged as hell.

  • Member Posts: 2

    I have never left a match, but in a game there is often an endless download, after which a ban occurs, often the match freezes with a subsequent departure, it is also banned for this, and also a ban is given if someone else exited during the download. I already have a ban for an hour

  • Member Posts: 174

    Yes but that's freedom right there. And it's the less impactful thing that can occur. Sometimes I die on the hook cauz I stopped pressing the button by accident.

  • Member Posts: 16

    Until certain bugs are fixed, this should not go live. I got randomly disconnected during a game thanks to dedicated servers and got penalized. A friend got the infinite loading screen and got penalized. I understand wanting to punish salty players and I agree. But the penalty should ONLY affect people who hit the “Leave Match” button. Otherwise you’re penalizing people for things that they can’t control.

  • Member Posts: 9

    Unfortunately, all that has come from this DC "fix" is people intentionally dying on hooks instead.

  • Member Posts: 158

    I don't mind about that. They leave a BBQ token at least.

  • Member Posts: 197

    Fix the things that make people want to disconnect, not just force them to play

  • Member Posts: 321

    I've found this change to be fantastic so far. I've waited for this to be implemented for a long time.

    The "just fix the things that make people want to disconnect" is probably the weakest argument you can possibly make against this feature. Many people disconnect from matches whenever they start losing. It happens in every game.

    I don't think there really are any valid excuses for DCing from a match. If the killer is truly holding the game hostage, that is valid, but that would involve them to bodyblock at least 2 survivors in a corner at the same time. It seems like so many players feel like they are entitled to a certain gaming experience, and they should be able to DC when they aren't satisfied. The less often I have to play with those type of players, the better.

    I have over 1k hours in the game, and my game has crashed probably 1 time ever over the course of 3 years playing the game. If your game is crashing, or you are getting disconnected because of your internet or NAT settings, thats unfortunate, but the fault is on you. If your internet goes out, or if your computer hardware caused the game to crash, you are ruining the match for the other 4 people in it. Other players in the match should not be punished because you are playing the game on dial-up internet, on a 15 year old computer. If your internet goes out every once in a while, you aren't going to receive much of a penalty. If your internet is going out every other match, you shouldn't be playing this game and you are consistently ruining the game for other people due to having poor internet.

    When you queue up for a match, you are making an agreement to play the match, regardless of what happens. You are acknowledging that if your internet goes out or something wrong with your device causes the game to crash, you will take responsibility and deal with the time-out penalty. It isn't "I agree to play the game, but only if I don't encounter any bugs, and the killer doesn't find me first or tunnel/ face camp me, and only if i'm not lagging, and only if the killer isnt Prayer Beads Spirit using an Ebony Mori, and only if...."

    It's not a conditional agreement. By entering the queue you should be agreeing to potentially deal with these things if they happen, and you should be punished if you refuse to deal with them. Yeah, there's plenty of things that are miserable to play against, and by joining a queue you are accepting the fact that you might play against some really toxic people. If you think that you should be able to DC if you aren't having fun in the game due to how others are playing, you deserve the penalty for leaving. Just deal with it.

    If you can't handle the possibility of running into a glitch while in a match, play a different game until it's patched. You have the choice to either take the DC penalty, or just deal with it. The game has bugs. By playing you acknowledge that you might run into those bugs.

    The game is just a better experience overall with these changes. Thank you BHVR!

  • Member Posts: 255

    God knows I agree with you, but unfortunately it seems that the community is mostly made up of a bunch of people who are not able to control themselves and their feelings. Otherwise I can't explain all the screaming for ( harder ) punishment.

    The Devs of Deathgarden had made a good approach:

    Encourage them to stay in the game instead of punishing a DC from the game.

    I have linked to a letter from me to the devs above, if you are interested.

  • Member Posts: 27

    That's a huge NO. Some ppl just don't want to play against certain killers lets say they're being tunneled the entire game, or face camped, well now they can't dc because of the stupid penalty so of course they're going to kill themselves quickly, and move onto a fun game.

  • Member Posts: 321

    They added a punishment for acting like a whiney brat. They are in no way proactively reaching out to people and trying to get them to change how they feel and react to things. They are discouraging players from acting like trash cans in order to make the game more enjoyable for everybody else.

    Your comment seems to be insinuating that game developers should never attempt to discourage negative human behavior. I disagree entirely.

  • Member Posts: 27

    THIS. ALL. OF. THIS. I've been saying it for months STOP PUTTING NEW CRAP OUT AND FIX YOUR GAME! People DC because of your freaking bugs all the time, and now they're getting punished for it? Get real DEVS. You're in year 3 and you can't fix your game? It's either time to get serious or just stop.

  • Member Posts: 321

    I don't think you understand how development works lol.

    If you know there are bugs in the game that you might encounter, and you still decide to play anyways, you are agreeing to take that risk. If you can't handle running into a glitch every now and finishing the match anyways, play a different game.

    In red ranks on PC before this patch, in 4 out of every 5 games, at least 1 survivor would rage quit during the match and ruin the experience for everybody else. Something needed to be done. The punishment isn't there for people who run into bugs. It's there for people who rage quit. Deal with the disconnect penalty or just finish the match if you encounter a bug. It's not hard.

  • Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2019

    I don't think you understand. For a game that can put out new cosmetics weekly, new DLCs every 3 months, they CAN fix their bugs. They choose to make money off cosmetics than fix their bugs. Red ranks on PS4 gets the same thing, and we still push through without crying about the DC. I have pushed through the bugs for two years, since the Stranger Things DLC the game has gone to crap, and the DCing has gotten worse, but a lot of it is because the bugs cause you to glitch out, crash, get stuck, go blind, or not be able to leave the game at the end anyway. Priorities are making money, not giving their community what they really want. Or what their game needs to succeed and not die.

  • Member Posts: 5

    Here is an idea for an alternative to the DC bans. Instead of a time out keep the downpip penalty for DCing but remove the down piping if you actually stay and finish the match.

  • Member Posts: 47

    My name says it all.

  • Member Posts: 86

    Can only give positive feedback, a much needed and long overdue change. I went from seeing so many people dc during my matches (mostly survivors) to getting almost none.

    Can't wait for it to finally go live.

  • Member Posts: 848

    Absolutely. I loved it. Not a single DC during the time the test was running, whereas I usually get at least one DC every three or so games. Actually having 100% of my games be real games was amazing.

  • Member Posts: 31

    I loved it, the quality of matches genuinely went up.

  • Member Posts: 306

    Three games in a row someone failed while loading, and you want a DC penalty? Nice joke. 

  • Member Posts: 720

    After DC penalties test. More survivors decided to KOBE the hooks early game, and then there were TONS of steam threads about killers wanting KOBE bans due to lack of points they gained in a match and survivors mad their team mates took the first hook.

    Actions speak volumes. Either killers get their EZ wins and should stop complaining or steps should be taken into account that DCs didn't come out of thin-air. The game has been around 3 years and the only things that have really forced this type of Behavior is End Game Collapse, and what BHVR did with Pallet loops/ Pallet Vacuums.

    None of the Dedicated servers were even ONLINE before the DC epidemic hit.

  • Member Posts: 135

    People complaining about DC penalties are the same people grinding ranks like they're worth something (specially tryhards). I understand the frustration for paring with random survivors but please understand that it's a game and survive with friends is a thing you can do to prevent taking losses.

    DC penalty is needed for this game and I feel the penalty should be harder on killers since they're the host and only come in 1.

    They're the host of the game, if they leave, the whole game ends and survivors don't get a measly decent reward for this which is unfair. If reward for inconvenience is not enough/not happening then double the DC penalty duration for killers.

    There's been plenty of occasions where I find the Hex:Ruin way too early and they leave because I break it. If this is how killers want to act then we need to discourage them the most since they'll more of a problem when it comes to DCing.

    And no, survivors won't only get the short end of the stick. DC penalty for survivors will still apply to them however, in addition to DCing, the remaining players of that trial will have their BP multiplied by 25% more BP for all categories at the end of the trail and this stacks with every DC.

    I believe THIS is how it should be done to insure a far less toxic community and for survivors they'll be saying "thanks for the extra 25% I guess." instead of cussing, being toxic and encouraged to leave the rest of the survivors behind.

  • Member Posts: 34
    edited December 2019

    A lot of people have given out a lot of feedback surrounding this system. And I'm here to tell you my personal answer.

    Don't implement this system.

    Hi, I'm a killer main. And I'm here to tell you that Dead by Daylight is a video game where when you get hooked, you can just #########. Nothing would change if you implemented a DC penalty. In fact, the game would just get worse-- because you'd be punishing all players for the game being buggy as hell, as I'm doubtful your system can differentiate a ragequit and your character clipping into a generator and being rendered immobile.

  • Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2019

    I play both Killer and Survivor. It's about as equal... but I guess I play Survivor a bit more. I hope this idea does get implemented. Being rewarded for a salty player. It's crazy how killers throw a complete tantrum over their hex being broken or if they can't kill every survivor or even ONE survivor they are looping for too long. They get so hungry for the kill. (NOT APPLYING TO EVERY KILLER) I played a game where a HAG had 3 hex perks. Haunted Ground, Devour Hope & Ruin and this person was still upset when I escaped through the hatch. (My DS came in handy. Thank God. Ran to the hatch and had no idea where it was...) Honestly, no skill of that Hag Killer main. Hahaha... Anyways, isn't it possible to get just as much points as a good survivor playing as killer w/o farming, (etc.) Also, I hope there will be a determination for when people D/C at loading screen and if they have bad internet which they usually D/C before and after the first gen is completed. **PING SHOULD BE TAKEN TO ACCOUNT DURING THESE KIND OF D/C's IF POSSIBLE** --"Just putting my two cents and experience playing DBD out there... Regardless, I still like this game even if people are TOXIC. It's laughable."

    ***I also think there should be another determination on the system when someone actually hits the exit button to quit a match or even force quitting the game. (Not sure how force quitting could be determined though... but if so it should have a even bigger penalty.)

    Post edited by yurochika on
  • Member Posts: 4

    I think you're missing a point in "DC penalty".

    It has been added to discourage players from leaving the game, but also playing when you know you'll have to leave it earlier. Both of those situations make game unbalanced for 4 others and that's why imho it should persist.

    Not accounting bugs, the DC penalty for pulling the plug instead of clicking leave match, should stay the way it is.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    I think you missed the point of my comment. I'm fully in favour of the DC penalty existing, and of it punishing both players who disconnect on purpose and those who disconnect due to crashes or network issues, because obviously it would otherwise be too difficult to circumvent. However, given the prevalence of the latter two, I believe the penalty should escalate more slowly so that those who disconnect excessively still get punished, but those who just get unlucky with bugs or network errors don't get banned from playing for days at a time for no good reason.

  • Member Posts: 720

    My feedback on it:

    I wouldn't implement the system because players KOBE'd the hook so much, that most people couldn't really have a match.

    i. DC is player feedback to problems that have been created. As a player of the game. I found survivor to be more frustrating to play more than it was last year. Im a stealth player and do not enjoy BBQ. Distortion doesn't work worth anything and My playstyle isn't looping killers around jungle gyms, yet trying to adapt to that play style doesn't work for me.

    ii. The pallet vacuums were pretty good for a long time and then since the removal of it. It is not viable for me anyway.

    iii. The end game collapse has NOT been appealing from a survivor stand point. Everything about it. Doesn't work for me. Hatch closing feels like being cheated and all efforts do not matter. So If I can kobe as the first player down, or the second. I will take it. vs sticking around for more of the match. Because either way I am cheated if I am one of the last 2 remaining survivors.

    iv. Medkits going from insta-heals isn't appealing now, at all. It feels like inventory space being used up and the old medkit plays were thrilling. Now, this is just BORING.

    v. Exhaustion status perks are useless now. With the way they are nerfed, it doesn't make for good defensive plays now.

    vi. As a survivor I don't feel a sense of desire to remain trying in a match anymore, so If I have team mates that aren't doing so great. I'd rather just kobe the hook and move on to my next match

    I use to play alot of Killer until the Q times became too long. More than likely because this game isn't appealing to survivor-mains right now. Hence cause = effect.

  • Member Posts: 940

    Wonderful, I'm guessing this is for all platforms as none were mentioned.

    The only times I've had to DC with a known bug which DC penalties can be disabled for once know and when I accidently dc'd as every survivor kept dcing as a killer and playing as a survivor.

    Ranks aren't important but reducing bloodpoints would be.

    Well done BHVR, it will be smoothed over but in happy this plague of selfish people who DC will at last be penalised

  • Member Posts: 41
    edited December 2019

    I am a big fan of the disconnect penalty and in my personaly solo queue experience is seriously required.

    My pointers would be:

    • the penalties should be FAR more agressieve on repetative disconnects. After the 3rd disconnect they should have some serious cooldown time. Not 15 minutes where they made a sandwhich grab a drink come back and play again. These penalties are VERY mild compared to a lot of other games.
    • With the infinite loading issue I think its better not to punish people that "disconnect" during loading. Sure they could abuse it to dodge mori's. But good people shouldnt get punished for getting hit by the infinite loading screen. Which can also result in an entire SWF group having to wait it out aswell.

    Still, at the rate of disconnects we are currently in, even an imperfect system would be a blessing.

  • Member Posts: 51
    edited January 2020

    Sincerely,i don't mind receiving a ban for giving DC, I don't want to play with a camper or a tunneler but with DC bans only making people move away from the game and find another game to spend money and time.

    As a killer I have no problems with the dc since suvs rarely give dc.

    I find it foolish that they don't let us decide if we want to stay in a game with toxic players(suvs and killer), and in case they take away pips for DC i don't see why they give a ban for it.

    A photo of the beginning of the year and two of the end of the year in the game and still don't make camping and tunneling It is bandableIt,but,is bannable to give DC for don't want to play with killerss like these. How much shameless.

    edited so that they can see the pics of leatherface camp well. (just zoom xd)

    Post edited by Loey on
  • Member Posts: 328

    System is great. I hadnt single DC on my games but 2x game kicked me due bug/lag and I got penalty and this is worse then having DCs on game. Getting restriction for nothing is not fair and I would better have DC players on game then unfair restrictions.

  • Member Posts: 7

    First post on the forums but I've been playing DbD for nearly a year now.

    Penalties for DC should be much more severe IMO, and it really can't be hard to detect deliberate DC rather than because of the many bugs.

    For example, if a survivor DC if they are the first downed, then that is 99% likely to be deliberate. Penalise them with inability to play public for hours.

    Killer DC when the gates are open is another easy deliberate scenario that should lead to immediate cooloff.

    This last situation is made MUCH worse by terrible programming. Yesterday I was playing as survivor, we got all 5 generators done and gates opened without anyone getting downed. Killer DC. I had done 4 generators and got a few totems so was in line for about 10000 BP, and I had an Escape cake and someone else played party streamers. I was also doing the "complete 4 gens for 60,000 BP" on Rift Level 4, so I was in line for nearly 100,000 BP.

    The end result of the Killer DC was that I was given about 4000 BP from someone else's play (all BP were in Boldness but I never ever saw the killer) and got a -1 pip on rank.

    This sort of killer DC is just cynical and penalises survivors wholly disproportionately.

    As for killers who DC when losing, you are infantile losers. You have all the best perks, range attacks, double BP ('cos we all know you are rocking BBQ&Chilli) and if you double up Hex Ruin on a map like Lery's or the Labs then it can make life incredibly hard for survivors. There's just no need for you to DC on the odd round you don't "win".

    Devs need smarter DC scenario detection and stronger penalties for miscreants. And don't penalise & depip survivors when the killer DCs.

  • Member Posts: 428

    erm... i'm pretty sure a pip got took away from me just for cancelling matchmaking lobby? and i'm facing long ques without dc'ing this past week at least.

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