Doctor rework is going to be a buff after all!

Hot damn.
Cannot say how hyped I am to try Shockmaster out when the PTB lauches. I'm hoping that what has been penned down will be the final product as my favourite build will actually be Red Rank viable at last. Rudimentary stance switching? Gone. Constant pallet looping? You can't. Gen progress? You scream in the TR due to Static Blast. Backwards Skill Checks? Even more memes.
Please don't nerf Order or Calm, or even how Distressing works. This is going to be interesting to try indeed.
I'm an ex doctor main...I agree. Its about time he got some love!
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Yeah I used to be a doctor main when Snap Out of It was a healing action and Nurses calling was meta on him. Since that nerf, I haven't touched him.
I'm pretty excited too tbh :3
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I can assure you, he's different. The stances have been removed, and he has to actually track to find people now and will only find them within his TR.
He can still be outplayed if he's taken to a strong loop and can't get that early pallet drop, or even prevent it from dropping before going in for a hit.
He's purely an information Killer now, which was my dream for Doc. 😍
Post edited by Gcarrara on3 -
I been saying for ages.. Just allow his shock to be instant and increase his shock range.. maybe add another maddness level. The only thing needed for the rework is his add-ons.
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That was what Peanits was saying the devs are planning to implement in another thread earlier basically, obviously he could get buffed/nerfed during the PTB to accommodate his power changing.
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Watch them increase the slowdown on charging shock to make up the faster speed and no need to swap.,
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Aside from the stances being removed, he sounds exactly the same... which sucks to go against. So, if that's the case then no thanks. I'm not going to waste my time screaming in a corner for 30 minutes against a doctor.
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He no longer has his static field. Instead, he has a static blast that can instantly cause all Survivors in his TR to gain a full madness level.
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Adding onto what TAG said it's on a minute cooldown - no more slowly going mad just cause the doctor is walking around the center of the map with distressing waiting for his next target to show their position.
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I don't want Doc to change. I never lose when I use him as he is rn :(.
To be fair though, i havent watched the dev stream so i have no idea how it will work. I'll come back after and give feedback
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Shh, don't mention that part. It'll be funny. :P
Also, Doc can now cause Skill Checks to spin the other way!
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Glad me and Peanits agree on something. I hope they don't nerf him. That would be downright dumb as hell if they're giving him the change he needs. I understand if they give him roids then yes, a nerf would be needed.
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If you're not somewhere where you can watch it right now, we've also got a written recap up here:
The Doctor stuff is way down at the end.
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Also, just found out about the Iridescent Queen add-on. I approve of the memery. :P
(It makes it so anyone who gets hit by either shock attack becomes electrically charged and also zaps the next person they get close to)
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the only think i'm really concerned about would be the 60 second cooldown tbh.
lets see how it plays out.
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The Doctor changes look pretty great tbh.
Oh there you are Peanits.
I was wondering why you aren't around in the Q&A when they talk about Community Feedback stuff. Specifically stuff that is posted about a lot on the Forums. You are here and in the grit of it all and it'd be cool to see and hear more of you when it is brought up.
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Yeah, but that's what testing is for. Hopefully it won't make that big an impact as you're basically getting Whispers on steroids every 60 seconds. Puts a damper on my previous statement on pallet looping a little bit mind.
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I'm just interested to hear what his new theme is gonna be, I mean his Chase music.
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Same!!!! 😊
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Mostly because switching mics on the go is a pain, since they attach to your shirt. It's much better to have someone there all the way through, and I feel like having a designer who's actually making the changes is far more interesting to watch. Get the news straight from the source, basically.
And also because I look like a bad drawing of Danny Devito.
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It's an Update, not a rework.
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Oh. I guess that makes sense. Even if it is disappointing. lol
And you are being to hard on yourself. You are a cutie.
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doesnt really seem like a buff . seems like a nerf. Losing constant passive madness. instead only every sixty seconds sixty is sooooooooooo long.
Now he is also gonna lose his garunteed grabs from treatment mode. hardly any better during loops too. doctor needed buffs not this soft rework/nerf
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I wouldn't be too worried about it honestly - the only time it'll hurt is if you use it when no survivor is in your terror radius. Once you do hit someone you're in a chase and therefore don't need it. chase takes the 30-1:30 to end and cd is up by the time you finish hooking and walk away a bit. Mix in with another information perk (bbq tremors) and hit the area the survivor was in as soon as you're in range and maybe hit someone else who was on the way to the hook.
The only downside is people may use lockers more often against doctor since you only have to miss once rather than there's no point in hiding since you'll go mad regardless...Iron Maiden becoming a true meta?
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Every shock is a guaranteed tier, tier 3 always reveals location - shock a Survivor twice and they'll be forced to waste time to stop revealing where they are to you.
He doesn't have stances anymore, which prevents the slow and tedious switching. They can change addons and tweak them accordingly to help with his power.
PTB will be there to see if 60 seconds is too long. It's too early to discuss how this time actually is in real time without trying him out first.
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Alright. I'm game for these changes.
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It's a rework. His power has completely changed in how it works.
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honestly, imo it should be made in a way that reduces the overall timer (lets say base timer is 15 seconds of recharge), but increase the recharge time with each survivor you hit, up to 60 seconds with 3 (or more) hit survivors.
but as ive said, we'll have to test it out before making any conclusions.
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I think I need to wait and see how this changes are going because at the moment I'm completely lost lol
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I can play THA DOCTA again!?
Merry Christmas to me
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I want to see all killers viable but buffing doctor this way just seems like making him even more annoying to play against.
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I hope he'll be good.
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Me too. 🤞
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They have given him a way to shock multiple survivors up a tier of madness and it has a large radius, they slightly increased his base shock range, and they made using his shock faster due to not needing to switch modes before charging a shock.
These changes will finally allow him to stop vaults and pallet drops more consistently and get hits afterword faster. He will also be able to find survivors more consistently while making them go into the next tier of madness since he wont have to rely on if the survivor has built enough madness. These changes also allow him to use other addons that work on madness without needing a shock range addon since you can get everyone to tier 2 or 3 on the second encounter.
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The only thing that concerns me as a calm spirit fanatic is that I can now get into tier 2 just by being near the guy at the wrong time. (Not that it couldn't happen before, it was just a rare occurrence.) As doctor is my substitute killer when I'm sick of my main, I'm both excited and iffy. Iridescent queen sounds dope.
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Any plans to give The Shape unlimited stalking capabilities much like Ghostface?
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@BeanieBoyBob Its an update. What do you understand as "completely different"? The shock cone is completely identical and the circle is stronger but not constant anymore. Wouldn't call that completely different.
Anyone thinking of using this new blast with Whispers? :D I'm definitely using the Doctor to train working with this perk. Do the movements to find out where the survivor might be, guess where he is and validate your guess with a blast. Looking forward to it :D
@Peanits btw you wrote "Iridiscent King" in your summary post, but talk about the Queen. Just for info, that might irritate :)
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I'm not 100% sure on these changes. First I'll start off with the positives:
- No switching! It did get annoying having to switch between modes to use the shock at loops. It sucked when you shocked a Survivor and you started switching to Punishment mode only to let go of the button at 99% and miss the opportunity for a hit.
- Static Blast is a guaranteed Madness tier up.
- It looks like you won’t be slowed while charging up Static Blast.
- Counter-clockwise skill checks will be able to surprise Survivors and get them to miss a skill check.
Now I'll list my negatives regarding them:
- A 60 second cooldown is way too long for Static Blast, at least with the information we have about it. Unless there's some super secret ability that will make the blast really powerful at base, the cooldown should be 30 seconds at most or Doc should keep his Static Field and the devs can just buff that.
- They weren't super clear on Iridescent King. The leaks showed that Iridescent King would keep all of its afflictions, but the Q&A recap mentions "a new Iridescent King". Does this mean that it got changed or was this just a typo and it’s the new Iridescent Queen add-on I keep seeing people talk about?
- Based on the leaks, the Exhaustion effect from Obedience is replaced with the counter-clockwise skill checks. Why? This wasn’t OP unless the Survivor was bad and relied on their Exhaustion perk to escape.
- Nothing about increasing base shock range or addressing the inconsistency of the stun? Even when you time it right the game will still give the vault or drop to the Survivor and the current base shock range is PATHETIC.
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Apparently Shock Therapy is getting a buff to its base range.
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How do you use shock therapy versus static blast if both are now active abilities? Is static blast just going to be key-mapped to CTRL?
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Was this said on the Q&A? I’ve only read the recap. Did they mention how much they would buff it?
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Anyone have the link to a list of the changes for the doctor? Can't seem to find it
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New Doctor changes look dope, pretty pumped for them.
Nice job, BHVR
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That's what I'd assume. therapy being mouse two like a hag would place traps with that button and teleport when they pop or doctor would blast when off cooldown.
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I haven’t read anything about helping him with what he needs most, a way to shorten chases. Seems he’ll still be doodoo in high level play.
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King will be the same besides the replacing of exhaustion at t3 from...obedience?
Queen is the new UR addon I assume (so as to match their rules ever since Myers I think). When you shock therapy (and perhaps blast? I may be wrong on this one) they get a resident 'charge' on them when they go in 4 meter range of another survivor they cause that survivor to get shock therapied.
I'll have to see how the counter clockwise addon works out, because just being in tier 2 alone can sometimes make a regular skill check become an annoyance. I never really used the t3 exhaustion because when I played doctor I didn't really shock people outside of trying to deny a pallet/vault (I know a huge mistake but the range was hard to get used to).
As others have said they're increasing the base range of shock therapy, but also reducing the addons that increase range while also removing the cast time increase on them I believe? So for example: pretend they increase shock range by 20% all around. They now turn the shock range addons into increase range by 15/30/45% on top of that (with no downside)
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An improvement to his base kit shocking altogether, alongside not needing to slow himself down as much to do the shock sounds like a shortening to his chases
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Woah Woah Woah, his shock therapy is still going to make survivors unable to interact after this change? That's ridiculous. What exactly can you do then at loops? He just needs to shock you without having to switch stance and get a free hit every time. At least when he had to switch stance, it gave survivors a bit of distance to still reach a pallet or window.