Perk Idea: One Final Strike

In the end your miserable life doesn't matter to anyone but yourself, fueled by rage you make one last comeback. Struggling till the last seconds makes you struggle out of the grasp of the entity and off the hook. Afterwards reveals your aura to the killer for 10 seconds and disables all your perks for the remainder of the trial.
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yeah that sounds useful for endgame hook
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...i don't hate it... I also don't see it getting a lot of use...
But I do expect to see someone running this and adams perk. XD
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The point of it is to make a comeback if your the last one or your teammates are to useless to get you
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Sounds too much. Maybe if once you unhook yourself you are in the dying state. But then no-one would run it...
Such is the fine line between OP and trash...
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Btw i was thinking about changing it to buffs from survivors then the perk disabling but eh doesnt matter.
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Wait, the perk frees you 2nd stage? Like this is extremely OP
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It actually sounds sorta' neat on paper, but I feel like in practice it would be a different story. If it were like this, you would probably end up using this primarily in the end game (where you're on your last hook), so I can imagine that being pretty frustrating to play against. More importantly the downside is almost negligible at that point since the game is almost over, so aside from DS, it won't really make a difference. If it were focused more towards the early game, you could probably get away with a super powerful effect at the cost of disabling the rest of your perks, since you would really feel the downside in that case.
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Yeah finally someone gets the point of it being a OP perk though it does have a draw back
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the problem is the draw-back is long-term so late game it is completely op
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My point in a nutshell
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I think people are overthinking this.
The person only gets free at the end of the struggle phase, which is 1 full minute.
They either get saved before that, or you're already camping because you wanna secure your kill, and hitting them once should be simple, and since it disables every perk, no DS.
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The point of it is to make one last comeback if your the last one or if your teammates are to bot to get you
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I get that. I meant the comment for people saying it's op
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I think that instead of this, they should just buff deliverance and make it so you can get off the hook when the entity is summoned as well, so if you're hooked immediately the perk isn't useless. but yeah I don't mind the idea, but killers will camp you anyway even if you are last hook. in addition to this, if everybody has left and you're even on your first hook, you'll be instantly sacrificed, so if that mechanic is taken out it'd be better too
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Unhook with deep wounds sounds fine. Maybe with a 10 second window to mend.