Survivor offerings take priority over killer offerings...

Unsuprisngly, much like every other aspect of the game, it's rigged so map offerings favor any burned by survivor, while ignoring those used by killer.
How about - It's a random chance one will be picked over the other?
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I know this is not true. A survivor and I both burnt map offerings and the game sent us to my map, where the survivor promptly quit.
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I bet this happened two times in a row for OP, so it HAS TO BE THIS WAY. No other possibility!
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Well I haven't had it work for me as killer :/
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nope! i wouldn't believe so, op.
there's been various occasions where survivors and killers have both brought map offerings (sometimes full lobbies trying their luck with their own map request), and one was randomly chosen.
shrouds can work alongside each other. coins simply either reduce or add chests, if two were to bring a shiny coin and a scratched coin, it'd register both and merely just bring the chest amount back to its default. oaks are the same way.
there's really no "rigging". it's all based on chance.
unfortunately, you may have not gotten that RNG luck or had the offerings in your favor, and that's okay! there's always a next game.
happy holidays!
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Then how have I had my map as killer picked over survivors map offering?
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It's random.
The only thing that annoys me is the fact my map offering is wasted. There's logic in the game for refunding offerings that conflict (I.E. if the killer burns a shroud of separation and a survivor burns a shroud of binding, you'll see the killer's offering fly away, and it's refunded after the match.) but it's not used for map offerings.
Very annoying when I want to go to Lery's and a survivor burns a [BAD WORD] Coldwind Locket. Then I get to enjoy the misery of being Mirror Myers on a horrible map for him + the shattered glasses I leveled 10+ times to get was wasted all for nothing.
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That's not how it works at all.
1 map offering = 100% chance of that map
2 conflicting map offerings = 50% for each map
And so on, assuming they're green map offerings and not the old weird ones of course.
There's nothing stopping the game from picking the same map 100 times in a row if the same offerings are used for all the matches, just like there's nothing stopping you from calling a coinflip correctly 100 times in a row. Except the extremely low chance of it happening, of course.
But considering the start of your post you probably look at the results with some serious confirmation bias anyway, so believe whatever you want.
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Sounds like a Ghostface or Scratched Mirror Myers called in Lery's and got Haddonfield.