We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!




  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I think there is, but it would probably require a full rework, which is something the devs didn’t want to do with Doctor.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    "He's annoying to play against and the changes will fix that" just screams nerfs, he wasn't even good before and they're still going to totally murder him deeper into unplayability to please people who can't reach yellow ranks. I love the character but he was already tough to have fun playing, now they're using " any amount of difficulty hiding or bullying the killer with total impunity in absolute safety is annoying" as a design philosophy. It's going to take a LOT to convice me otherwise considering how the last several weeks have been going for killer players

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    It's a straightup hard-nerf, I wish they'd just admit it already and stop trying to trick us

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219
    edited December 2019

    ure comparing 2 different killers with 2 different powers. IF and ONLY IF ure saying to remove the doctors shock slow down for a slow vault that might help BUT if u arent then no thats still a nerf and isnt better ANYWAY. MEANING when the doctor shocks hes slowed down (walk speed), if u wanna remove that. now he cant stop people from throwing down pallets like before.

    theres nothing wrong with the doctor, people just dont like playing vs him because survivors dont wanna work or change their perk set up to counter his power. which if u didnt know there is alrdy 1 perk that counters his power.

  • LaughingFox
    LaughingFox Member Posts: 43

    Honestly removing the passive Static Field seems like a good change all around, it was ridiculously annoying for survivors and often useless for killers do to the random nature of it procing. The new Static Blast on the other hand guarantees any survivor in your Terror Radius will tier up, unless already at tier three, meaning it forces a scream. That means you are assured that if they're within your Terror Radius then you will see them, but if you don't hear screams then you move on. The 60 second cool down does seem a bit extreme though, I think that should be reduced to 30-45 seconds personally, but we'll have to see in game.

    On top of that the removal of Treatment and Punishment modes means that you are a 115% speed killer that can use your Shock Therapy to deny vaults and pallet drops in chase and then get a hit in without having to switch modes. This honestly seems like a massive buff to me, I mean now the Doctor will actually be able to use his power as it was intended from the start: chase survivor to a loop, shock the survivor last second to deny the loop, hit the survivor while they're screaming, and move on with the chase. The removal of the time needed to switch modes as well as the increase in movement speed while using Shock Therapy honestly sounds amazing to me.

    Honestly I've hated playing as or against the Doctor from the day I got the game, his passive ability was frustrating and his need to switch modes completely ruined his power, but I'm honestly excited for these new changes to go live. I honestly think this will be a more fun and balanced Doctor for both survivors and killers.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited December 2019

    Blocking a pallet drop is fine, I'm talking explicitly about blocking vaults because it's buggy AF and completely latency dependent. This makes it broken. You vault the window, scream and teleport back. That should never happen, especially because of the killer's power. Likewise, this mechanic screws over the killer because you might see you shocked the survivor then they just appear on the other side. If it forced a slow vault then it's 100% going to do that and thus both players can play around it consistently.

    The difference between blocking a vault and blocking a pallet drop is that if you see that you dropped the pallet regardless it will be dropped. The pallet doesn't reset after you see yourself drop it. It's not as binary as a window vault, where you are either on this side or that side.

    And while he might get slowed while charging, it will only be for about a second. Unlike before where he would have to switch to treatment, shock, then switch back. He's literally gaining an extra 2-3 seconds of 115 movement speed here.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    One 2 second use of static field per minute does it right there. Based off of "he was annoying" I can strongly assume what that means for the rest of it.

    I bet shock therapy is going to take longer to charge and despite what they claim probably has a shorter range since he'll move at normal speed. If there aren't madness afflictions in base without addons the power just wont do anything, and they'll likely remove the "cant do actions in madness 3" part of the mechanic. No more addons causing exhaustion in madness throws that as a plus against the good survivor perks out the door. I bet shock attacks don't make screams or interrupt actions anymore, no more stun blasts at pallets. Illusion odds and duration greatly reduced and brought closer to current numbers only by expensive addons. And if it's anything like oni or nurse "changes, not nerfs" there'll be a 10 second cooldown/stun/slow when charging or using the blast or therapy. I guarantee they do at least 4-5 of those, ignore ptb data that says it's too severe, and ship it out.

  • Perelie
    Perelie Member Posts: 433

    How about instead of what, the 4th or 5th killer nerf in a row, you buff one of the garbage killers?

  • Danky
    Danky Member Posts: 219

    i agree with the shock bug vault thingy, that was before (killer was host) might get better as they "fix" #########.

    his speed and changing modes was never an issue (give up speed to find survivors is a +++) the switch was always fast that it never caused a problem.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "despite what they claim probably has a shorter range"

    So you believe it's a nerf because you are actively accusing them of lying.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    I'm confused as to how people are already calling this a nerf to doctor. Imagine having counter clockwise skill checks with huntress lullaby (assuming it isn't cleansed right off the bat.) Doctor was already a weak killer. If anything this seems more like a plus to me. I hated having to switch stances a lot to shock people. Now I get a 60 second cool down? Nice. I'm sure the range add ons will be changed to other things. This is basically about a nurse level change which might actually make him better. Don't cry nerf until we see the final product.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Counter clockwise skillchecks is a purple add-on and it's a gimmick, that's not enough to call that a buff and most people including me rate the killers off base kit, they're removing so many things from him base kit and replacing it with weaker versions of it, call it what you will or as the devs like to say it the nice way "soft rework" but there's no covering it that this is a straight up nerf and devs don't want to address it as such.

    About the stance change, switching stances was part of the skill gap you had to learn to be a great Doctor player. Knowing when to switch, shock them then switch back to punishment was a testiment of the work you put in to be skillful with him at loops, getting rid of the stance change nerfs him in so many aspects as I explained in another reply.

    Also his "Power" static blast does absolutely nothing for him because of the immense cool down duration and the fact that the Calm Add-ons were leaked and seen to be nerfed so the only way to increase his TR is by wasting a perk slot on distressing and for what? A 40 meter blast that people might or might not be in? If you waste it then you have to wait a whole minute before you can try again.

  • Nunya_Nunyabiz
    Nunya_Nunyabiz Member Posts: 30

    His chase potential was the ability to stop survs from dropping pallets on him by shocking them now its on a 60 second cool down

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I, too, remember when people thought the Freddy rework was a nerf. And he's probably the single best cost/benefit killer in the game in terms of the effort you put in x the results you get.

    We should probably wait before speculating things we know nothing about. We haven't even seen gameplay yet.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    "About the stance change, switching stances was part of the skill gap you had to learn to be a great Doctor player. Knowing when to switch, shock them then switch back to punishment was a testiment of the work you put in to be skillful with him at loops, getting rid of the stance change nerfs him in so many aspects as I explained in another reply."

    This reads to me like you are trying to spin a buff to sound like a nerf.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Yeah I just feel that it's nitpicking at this point.

    The stance switch actually made it harder to use your power effectively, and not in a good way. Shocking to stop loops is meant to be how Doctor ends chases. Having to switch stance made it more situational than it should be so he just ended up being "Man with shock stick" levels of loopable

  • Majora
    Majora Member Posts: 207

    its sad that doctor will lose his way of easily grabbing people that contest him. And survivors will be going up in madness alot less than before when it was passive. 60 seconds is wayyy to long. Also i think the speed penalty when charging the shock blast should be lessened. Its as slow as leatherface is using his chainsaw which is awful.

    To time it right and deny the pallet/vault you have to do it EXACTLY right and with the lag issues more often that not it will miss and you just lost speed spacing and they are gonna gain another whole loop or two because of the laggy slow shock and dedicated servers. He needs increase his speed while shocking, or increase the amount of time that survivors are action locked. (along with increasing the base kit range of his shock)

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    When I said that, I was mostly just sad that he was being reworked since he was my favorite killer to play. I don’t enjoy him anymore but he definitely got buffed.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited December 2019

    My reply is based on the information that we have right now.

    The counter clockwise skill checks are part of a very rare add-on and they won't be that effective against good Survivors most of the time.

    I love the removal of stance switching. It got annoying having to do that every time I wanted to shock someone and it sucked moving at 110% speed.

    A 60 second cooldown is way too long for his Static Blast. That's a long time in DbD. All it does is increase the Survivor's Madness tier. That's all. It doesn't warrant a 60 second cooldown. Unless there's some secret ability that justifies the cooldown, then the devs should either lower it to 30 seconds at the most or just bring back the Static Field and buff that. Unfortunately, this is probably going to be ignored (at least the second part) because the devs have showed that they have no clue how to balance this game by prioritizing Survivor fun over everything else. It was better when they were trying to come up with brand new powers and "break the game".

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Nah, read my other replies and you'll find my explanation.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    You can literally run whispers so know where people are. They're changing his add ons, so there'll probably be a cool down reduction along with a charge speed decrease. NOTHING they put they said was final. I don't understand why people are just calling this a nerf when it might not even be that bad. It could be a buff with what they do.

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    Yes, it's the information they gave. But they also said nothing was finalized. It could be a "nerf" and it could be a "buff." Remember when they said Freddy's rework was going to make him worse when it basically made him one of the better killers in the game? It's a wait and see process and I'll reserve my opinion if it's a buff or a nerf when the final product comes out

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    You’re right. However, we are allowed to have first impressions of something. That’s what my post was. If Doc goes down the same path Freddy did, then my impressions will change.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    How about you copypaste the part that refutes my claim?

  • Hex_KillerMainBTW
    Hex_KillerMainBTW Member Posts: 449

    I just doubt they're going to nerf him. If anything it's just changing how he plays. Because let's be honest, with dedicated servers you can't really shock someone to stop them from vaulting a pallet unless you time it just perfectly. You can't do it too soon or too late