Improve the bp system / emblem system for survivor and killer
I just to propose to add some improvement to the bp and emblem system for survivor and killer
Disclaimer : the idea expose here are based on the current gamecore, it could evolve depending on how the gamecore change.
For survivors :
=> For survival category : i propose three changes mainly.
1) First, the bp receive when you survive will depend how you survive. If you survive without getting down, you receive an extra bonus of 2k-3k. The bonus get lower for each time you get hook : 1000,500,0.
2) The pallet stun now also offer a small bonus in survival : 100bp.
3) make noise to the killer out of chase, in the radius give also small survival point (distraction : 100 bp) with a cooldown of 30s (to avoid spam).
=> For altruism : the main problem is that this category will depend partially on the killer and if survivors will get down (which with the current game will not happen much). So i propose to just add a smal thing : a bonus in this category depending how much survivor escape for exemple : 500-1000 bp per survivors.
=> For boldness : add a simple bonus of 200-300 bp when you make a distraction but didn't get found.
=> For objective : nothing.
=> For lightbringer : no real change
=> For altruism emblem : add something similar to the altruism bp bonus, depending how much survivor survive , get more altruism emblem.
=> For survivor emblem : i would add a simple tweak to make that the last survivor who get kill can obtain a gold emblem.
=> For evader / chaser : nothing really.
For killers :
=> Sacrifice category : Add a special bonus for basement (for exemple : +500).
=> For brutality : no real change
=> deviouness : each killer get more and less bp in this category. I would to add a bonus in deviouness depending how much survivors get kill (but didn't cumul with bleed out or if 4k), for exemple :625 bp.
=> Hunting : i found three problems, the first one is link to the precision of the hunt mecanism that need to solve, the second is about dcer : if someone dc, you will get less chase unless you farm or volontary extend the game ... It would be nice to add an additionnal bonus , maybe 600 or 400 bp ? For the last one it is for exemple the trapper ability : if you catch someone in a trap , you will not chase him much. That is why i would propose to add to this killer in particular a bonus in hunt category as he grab someone from a trap.
For gatekeeper : this is one is though because it is the one where the keys didn't belong really to the killer. They are a few options to tweak the emblem :
1) Kicking gens and the regression of gens should add bonus in this category (make sense as you make the gatekeeper). A kick could be the equivalent of 1 points and you receive 1 point for each % of regression. This is just a proposition who could be tweak if necessary.
2) close the trap door should also give a bonus in the gate keeper.
3) Slow down the oppening of gates should also gives some points by make survivors stop opening a door should also reward some point.
For devout : if a survivors dc and all the others survivors are kill, it should give an irredescent emblem.
For malicious : nothing much.
For chaser : i would add a few things :
1) In the end game or as one gen left, the condition to remove emblem point get remove IF there is more than two survivors alive. Otherwise, it is a one hook, one alive and the killer situation, which could be handle.
2) The penality shouldn't apply or should be cancel if the killer complete any actions other than checking lockers. Currently the killer have 10s to not be at 16m of the hook, however if you cumulate the action to kick a gen, break one or two pallets, use a trap for exemple and leave, you will be affect by the penality as you didn't do anything (without forgetting some track who appear when you carry the survivor ...).
I personnaly think that with this change, both side would get at least more bp. It won't solve the unbalance issue, but at least it would give some motivation.
Hello , i bump this after the update of the information.
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I stopped reading after changing bp based on how you survive. That just sounds ridiculous.