We Need A Whole New Way For Rank Reset

Forget your once every month rank reset. What about devolution on your ranks as well.
You Have your ranks from rank 1 to rank 20 added on 3 devolutions can reset the player back to rank 20 but with devolution 1 just like how it is with player level.
We should also have events we're there is like X2 pips / safety pip everygame events. As easy as it sounds and as annoying to will be going through rank 20 to rank 1 again. This is a long fetched method which can work better then the one currently on.
If You reach to devolution 3 rank 1 you can have to chance to set your ranks completely down to rank 20 and 0 devolution. This may cause some unfair games and everything and obviously the ranks will work better at the rate people go to these devolutions but I don't know where this will go for future dead by daylight.
I'm expecting a few complaints and everything but we'll see what you say...
This is a bit too ambitious for the current rank system, besides, the ranking system is scheduled for a whole revamp during or after the next Chapter that's scheduled.
Or at least that's what the road maps says.
So we'll see what happens since we don't know what the rank rework has in stored for us, it might even change up how the ranking system works, so things like pips and such will be obsolete. WHO KNOWS! I sure dont...
But we'll see how this goes.
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The problem is, rank isn't a personal thing like character levels. Its primary purpose is not to be a rewards system, but to be a reflection of the player's skill level so that they can be matched with others of a similar skill level for games. Giving players the ability to reset to rank 20 and be matched against low-ranked players again once they reach rank 1 would defeat the purpose of the whole system and be highly abusable by good players.
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Exactly, imagine Red Ranks going down to rank 20s, people would riot for days...
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You could also make it a choice for example like the prestiges.
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And matchmaking isn't exactly perfect at the minute so it's not really fair in general.
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Yes, but this isn't the... right choices for how to counter-act the issue at the moment.
Plus, like I said, even if it is a choice people could still find a way to abuse it.
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That's the point we're trying to make, that it shouldn't be a choice because unlike things like prestige, it's not just a personal thing, it affects other players just as much as it affects you.