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This Has To Stop Now

I see that matchmaking is so broken the devs hid ranks saying it was a mistake they could be seen. There is no way a rank 5 should be getting ranks 10 lower, I was playing solo (rank 15), and the matchmaker is supposed to stop at six ranks higher (rank 9 I guess). The other option is to remove SWF from ranked matches. If players "want to play together" they can do so using KYF only.

Its bad enough the stupid rift challenges are making it impossible to have a normal game as Killers are desperate trying to get 4 kills in the basement today.

In future rifts consider challenges that dont cause players to ruin the match for others be they killer or survivor. Personally I would like to see more skill (less luck) based challenges. Example escape the match using no perks, escape the match using only No Mither, for Killer sacrifice three players using no perks or addons.


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  • Member Posts: 367

    I concur. I guess its possible they qued solo based on region and the matchmaker did its best to match them, but it is a fail for everyone else.

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    That actually looks like a decent matching. Most of mine I get all colors of the rainbow for ranks.

    And I'm going to disagree with 'escape the match using only No Mither' as a suggestion for challenges that don't cause players to ruin the match for others. I can just see loading into a game and seeing three other survivors with no mither. I will likely just give up right there - even one no mither tends to make me sad.

  • Member Posts: 25

    I've been trying to get this stupid 4k in basement today and i get the 3rd done then the last one will dc im so over this bs

  • Member Posts: 27

    Bro they could of been part of a party. The party system uses the higest rank and match makes that.

  • Member Posts: 102

    Couldn't agree more, the dcing that prevents challenges from being completed is just BS. If the DC it should count as a completion. How is the killer supposed to counter that?

  • Member Posts: 240

    What's the issue here? You should be grateful a purple rank was in your lobby to carry you.

  • Member Posts: 67
    edited December 2019

    Same issue, everyone is white ranks except for me. I play solo survivor. As killer it's the other way around. I get red/purple rank survivors and I'm rank 10. It's actually so annoying when your team mates and the killer are literally rank 20 and I'm not lying about that. Most my games are with rank 20s.

  • Member Posts: 25

    Aren't you being a little dramatic? I'm rank 8 but because I play with my rank 16 gf I end up in matches with killers closer to her rank but it's not like that makes the matches a guaranteed win for me

  • Member Posts: 2

    Honestly the best way to get people to stop complaining is to remove the ability to see your opponents names and ranks. Basically make it anonymous, people are going to send hate messages for their poor preference no matter what. Might as well take away the candy from the children who can't hold their tongues. Just let people play however, even if you get waffle stomped, use that as motivation to play better.

  • Member Posts: 337

    I'd pay a whole .50 cents to have my rank reset back to 20 so I can have a more carefree feeling while playing. Either that or a rankless casual mode.

  • Member Posts: 163
  • Member Posts: 33

    I don't really care to get good at the game, nor have I ever for any other game. I personally would like to be Rank 20 again just so I can get some of the more difficult/tedious achievements and Tome Challenges. I play games to have fun. If I win, cool. If I lose, I generally don't care if the game was fun. As for the broken rank matchups... If Behavior wants to fix this, do something like what Overwatch had done: Make it so higher rank players can't que with players X number of Ranks lower than them and have the Killer search be determined by the highest rank member of the group. So, let's say you are rank 6. You can't que with your rank 13 friend, but you can que with your rank 10 friend and get a Killer at roughly rank 6. If none can be found within 6 ranks (3 above and 3 below the highest player), then you just gotta wait. It'll be annoying to wait, but it's what needs to be done to allow SWF but not allow games where any given Survivor is drastically better than everyone else.

  • Member Posts: 2

    You got more blood-points than the rank 4, use your rage to play better if you want to kill them next time. No one goes into a boxing match and asks the referee to have your opponents hands tied behind their backs just because they have been fighting for more years than you. You probably wouldn't have had any issue if you killed them all, but received less blood-points. There isn't enough players who play dbdl to always have survivors at your rank. So basically pick your poison. Do you want to wait 30min for a game? Or would you rather just play a match or two against some people who have a lower rank. You won that game, you got a lot of points. Also side note, those people who have lower ranks, you can learn something from that encounter to play better. No one likes a sour puss.

  • Member Posts: 2,213

    BHVR is looking into it. They stated as much in their Q&A.

    "In future rifts consider challenges that dont cause players to ruin the match for others be they killer or survivor. Personally I would like to see more skill (less luck) based challenges. Example escape the match using no perks, escape the match using only No Mither, for Killer sacrifice three players using no perks or addons."

    Have you read the Forums at all? People are losing their minds over how "Difficult" the current Tome is. Imagine wanting to make it harder.

    I would like more challenging ones myself but many players seem to find even Tome 2 too difficult which is hilarious imo.

  • Member Posts: 109

    I seriously doubt youre old enough to play this game if youre complaining about a few higher ranks, no adult would complain about nothing

  • Member Posts: 44
    edited December 2019

    EXACTLY i dont understand why swf gotta do killers dirty amd on top of that ..unfairly. they can totally take their toxic bullshit to KYF . Cuz frankly im sick of the rank concept. Actually no. It wouldnt be a problem if players werent toxic try hards. That then make killers try harder lol

    At this rate id rather be rank 20 as killer. Cuz i get swf left and right its exasperating

  • Member Posts: 44

    You cannot compare the game like that . Theres levels and styles to this #########. But some ppl would like to play casually. If you wanna test your skills then yeah the ranked matches are fine but not everyone likes the idea,cuz how fast ones enjoyment can disappear with swf. If someone is constantly calling out the killers moves. That takes no skill and it kills what little horror the game has left to offer.

  • Member Posts: 44

    Yeah no one likes a sour puss. I think what were getting at is that we need casual option. Cuz this is just a game not real life like your comparison to boxing. Yeah i get what you're saying about getting exp by getting wrecked.

    The whole point of any game is to enjoy and have fun. This game is not always fun and laughs. For both sides.

  • Member Posts: 23

    I had to stop playing just now because if this I'm a rank 17 killer why do I have to face three rank 11 and one rank 13. I actually get this alot and on lower player nights I'll face even worse a few weeks ago I had two red ranks drop in and destroy me. How am I supposed to move up myself if I keep getting matches that are over in a few minutes and I dont even get a chance.

  • Member Posts: 142

    Yea surely the game will be so interesting only with solo queue...

    If they ditch it then I'm out. Playing with friends is the only good mode where you can rely on people and don't get randoms in your team who don't know how to play.

  • Member Posts: 3,703

    Just had myself (8) with three survivors (4) (9) and (11) against a cocky level 2 Freddy. Was great fun...

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    This is literally matchmaking as intended. Its designed to be +/- 6 ranks. If the killer is rank 9 they would get survivors between ranks 3 and 15. This is actually matchmaking working perfectly.

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    This has nothing to do with SWF. If, for example, a rank 5 and a rank 15 are in a SWF group the killer is supposed to be matched off of the more skilled rank - the rank 5. So in that example the killer should be between ranks 1 and 11.

    This isnt a SWF issue. This is a match making issue. If you have an issue with SWF then please post that to a different thread so this one remains on topic. Thanks ;)

  • Member Posts: 134

    DBD is the only PvP game I played so I couldn't really have an accurate assessment on the matchmaking. That being said, the matchmaking system seems so messy that I just couldn't understand what's going on.

    In the 1 and a half years of me playing DBD, there were so many versione of matchmaking implemented and somehow they still cannot get it right.

    What happened to the matchmaking system that matching the killer and survivors based on the highest rank member? I remember it was implemented back in October and causing some uproar from people that "just wanted to play with their noob friends" and then it was silent and now it seems like going back to bullying simulator of the olden days.

  • Member Posts: 33

    Yeah its dumb honestly. My suggestion to BHVR is they need to add new modes, casual mode would be a great start. I love the content they make for the game, but the issue most people have is from rank system being garbage and the game becoming stale (it's a three year old game. If you got 1000+ hours congrats that game has earned it's money and then some) the best way to keep people in the game is to continue balancing and adding new modes.

  • Member Posts: 10

    To be honest the removing or ranks really doesn’t change anything. If I enter a lobby with two or three people already there who obviously look like a swf I leave. Killer bring out all the add ons to kill everybody such as a EM so I leave. If the person is in the chat asking about challenges they need done and asking everyone to do this I leave. Bring back seeing ranks because I’m sick of being a rank 4 survivor and at the end of the game there a lowly rank 16 or 20 who died first in two minutes and couldn’t hit a hex check to save their life. The game is slowly getting less fun. Campers are now rewarded even more with the dc penalty and with the bootleg matchmaking

  • Member Posts: 140

    @Revansith while some of what you say is right it's not fair to limit people wanting to play together to kill with friends. Personally I struggle to find even 1 or 2 people to play with let alone 4 to play kwf. I agree that swf shouldnt be ranked but putting them in kwf is not the answer.

  • Member Posts: 18

    I got 2 rank 17s and 1 rank 16, killer was rank 15. My rank is 8. So it's like that now if you don't play with your friends.

  • Member Posts: 18

    Dude how can you say that matchmaking works perfect? Are you payed for that? My rank is 8 and a was matched with white rank newbies. Is this perfect for u? Even with yellow rank dudes are a bad feeling to play, but those rank 17 guys died right after I finished the first gen.

    Just do the quick maths here 17-8=9 and 9>6 so the numbers clearly shows you here, that the matchmaking is sh!+, and according to that the match experience also.

    I have to play with my friends, otherwise it's just bad feeling to play the game cause I don't get decent teammates.

  • Member Posts: 1,358

    Lots of people in this community seem to not just be able to accept that they just aren't skilled enough to handle a swf. This is the only community where I go to the forms and playing with friends is unfair 😂 overwatch doesn't complain about groups. CSGO doesn't Friday doesn't. But dbd community is like grrr playing with your friends isn't fair only solo play is fair and can be played with this game change it now. Complaining about it is near pointless because it'll never be removed.

  • Member Posts: 10

    Matchmaking should be based on colors. Red ranks match with purple. Purple can match with red and green. Green matches with purple and gold with gold and white matching with each other. It’s not fair or fun for a red rank survivor to get stuck with a newbie and a killer who’s rank 7. It’s also not fair to the newbie to be thrown in with experienced survivors. The devs talked about the health of the game and this is one way to kill it. Hopefully the next update will fix this. I still think we should be able to see ranks as well

  • Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2019

    I do think tho that placing a rank 14 killer with a rank 4 survivor in the team makes no sense. I saw that today. I also feel that rift challenges are going to get harder and harder to complete the higher rank you are.

    It appears the matchmaker as currently implemented is using Region primarily to determine the pool of players it will use. Naturally nobody wants or desires 20 minute que times, so you have to accept whoever the game matches you with.

    I do agree tho that matching new players with experienced killers or survivors is a recipe for not much fun.

    Myself I will use SWF to keep in touch with the higher ranks game play style, but I have little faith in getting anything other than get a black pip, or a depip.

    The explanation usually given by the devs is that lower ranks would experience longer que times if the game tried to match within say 3 ranks, so for new players the "match within 6 ranks" is ignored, same as it is within an SWF group of say a rank 8 and a rank 15.

    Presently the emblems system determines the amount of work put in by a player, it does not recognize a match where the player is clearly way out of his depth (rank 17 survivor facing a rank 10 killer) and I feel some consideration to buffing emblem scores should be given if a player is running against a much higher rank.

    Lets say that a killer in the example I give is given silver instead of bronze, gold instead of silver, and iridescent instead of gold for work performed when facing a much higher ranked team. This is sort of like a golf handicap I guess, I dont know. Its just an idea.

  • Member Posts: 31

    Tbh its a terrible time to be a killer and surv with a decent rank too, you wanna tryhard and get checkpoints? Nah, you will either get a retardo who kill himzelf on 1st hook or sweaty survs on ranks much higher than you, so you wont do ######### and just lose your will to play this game

  • Member Posts: 526

    Me: "I haven't played killer in a while." -Loads up game sees that I'm ranked 10, goes into lobby-

    SWF: -Immediately fills the lobby with toolboxes, a map, and a key.- "We about to end this killers whole career!"

    Me: "Show me ya moves!" -Kills all four of them-

    SWF: "Another baby killer who has to slug for the 4k"

    Me: -Looks at the ranks and sees all rank 1's and 2's- "Matchmaking working as intended!"

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    I'm not saying the current system is perfect. All I was saying was that in the example given that matchmaking, as it currently is, was working within the designed parameters.

    The devs themselves have said it's something they will be looking at after Christmas. In fact, from my understanding of the live stream, matchmaking is going to be worse over the holiday period to allow players find faster matches. it will then be examined in January.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    DBD has no identity when it comes to being a casual game or a ranked game. So if you go into the game expecting any skill level (casual) then yeah this isn't anything crazy.

    If you go into the game expecting something ranked then you expect to be matched appropriately so to see someone who is ranked MUCH higher/lower than you really becomes frustrating.

    Its due to this lack of identity that I feel so many people disagree with one another. How do you balance a game that that seems to be trying to be two different things at once?

  • Member Posts: 1,558

    If they gave kyf players bloodpoints I would probably prefer to play kyf. No progression though? Biiiiiiiig nah.

  • Member Posts: 367
    edited December 2019

    OK a quick update" I have found in my last ten matches almost without exception, a purple rank player say 8 or higher but not red is queing with a rank 17 or 18, and the matchmaker is treating the SWF team as if the lower rank is the one to be matched with. The purple rank then acts like a potato the entire match.

    In one match I was playing normally (not throwing a match for a stupid challenge) and all THREE of the team disconnected in almost one go right after I got hooked.

    I am seriously wondering why we even have ranks? Why not base it on hours played and forget about pips? Its about as logical as the current broken system.

    Having said that I do note with interest the comment that matchmaking is being more careless about rank in order to provide quick que times.

    I am curious as to what the times would be if they instituted a hard and fast rule that SWF cannot team up if more than three ranks apart and killers/survivors cannot face anyone higher or lower than three ranks from their own rank.

    Sure the que times would go up but at least the matches might be more balanced than this festival of utter garbage we have presently

    EDIT: I also reviewed some of the other posts in this thread, and I feel giving us back our ranks in the lobby would help a solo decide if they wanted to play with an SWF group or not. The worst case scenario is a 7 a 10 anda 17 all on voice commns and coordinating gen repairs and unhooks so the solo is more or less marooned in the game with nothing to do except either use Bond and try to catch a gen before its done, or accept that in order to play this wonderful game, to throw all caution out of the window and pray for a black pip.

    IMHO I dsilike losing pips when everyone disconnects apart from me. I feel a disconnect in the late match should grant the remaining survivor(s) a black pip.

  • Member Posts: 1,303

    Yeah I'm a killer main, and I've been getting some weird ones too. I'm rank 9, yet I'll go up against a team of R 1-3, then the next will be 14-17. And keep going back and forth. Where the hell is the middle??

  • Member Posts: 367

    I get ya. I am sorry the game is so lousy with the ranks players face. If we are going to have crazy ranks a patch to restore ranks in lobbies would help, then I can make a decision to take the risk of running against a killer ten ranks higher than me or not.

    When they removed the ranks in lobbies I had to assume I would face no higher than 10 (at rank 16), killers, but I feel the algorithm should also apply to survivor ranks. Whilst the game may appear balanced if the killer is 15 and I am 15, its not if the survivor team are all purple apart from me.

    As I noted earlier in this thread, I am aware there are new players starting every day, and their experience is whats going to determine if this game will grow or not.

    I have seen comments from players saying its too easy to rank up. I wonder if hiding the rank you are all season from even yourself would help. You would not know your rank, you would not know if the pips are in your favor or not, and the emblems would be hidden. All you could do is play against a wide variety of skilled, semi skilled and new or returning players and do your best.

    I feel that approach would take a lot of stress out of the game. And that means no ranks shown at the endgame either.

  • Member Posts: 54

    I'll call b.s. Only 5% of all games are 4 man SWF's, and another 10% are 3 man's. Which means that 85% of the time, your matches have only solos and duos. Stop pretending that every time you do poorly, it's the "evil SWF players." I mean, wanting to play with your friends? How toxic lol.

  • Member Posts: 28

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