Perk Changes I would like to see

Plain and simple, im gonna list some perks that I think should be changed for the sake of balance.
Survivor Perks
Adrenaline: After the perk is activated the survivor can no longer recover from the exhaustion status affect, as well as reducing the sprint from 5 seconds to 3 seconds.
Decisive strike: Once the killer has put someone else (other than the person that has their DS timer started) into the dying state and then hooked, the person with DS no longer has it until they are hooked again. (you can't use DS if the killer down someone else and then hooked them, your timer expires. Would also apply to anyone using the perk during the game.)
All exhaustion perks (other than adrenaline): Survivors continue to recover from exhaustion while not running, but their recovery rate is reduced when they are completing action such as repairing or healing. (As to what extent this would be I am not sure and can change, but to throw out a number 20% penalty to recovery.)
Well that's all i really got for now, I only mentioned some of the survivor perks that I think need to be nerfed, I did not mention any killer perks nor any perks i think should be buffed.
I appreciate your time reading this and would like to hear any thoughts
I was expecting buffs to low tier perks '-'
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Well I agree some low tier perks should get buffed but im really just a addressing the ones that I think give survivor too much. What do you think? Do you think these changes are reasonable or too much?
Personally, I think that even with these changes that I would still use these perks, but its possible that you might start seeing survivors use other things than DS, adrenaline, and dead hard, etc.
Post edited by Justin32 on0 -
Imo these perks are fine
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If you think the perks are fine do you think something else should be changed, I play both killer and survivor and remain consistent with being rank 1. In my experience as a solo, its really easy for survivors to pip, and if not, at the least black pip. While on the other hand when I play killer I unironically work up a sweat for a black pip at the least. I feel like its in part to these perks but maybe im wrong.
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Well, I don't think those are related. Some killers really suffer from the pipping system, like Plague and Myers but others actually have a really easy time, like Wraith and Freddy (that is, if you can get the kills with Wraith).
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I try to play all killers, maybe with exception of 1 or 2 I dont like, but either way in my experience its very frustrating for killer at high rank and I thought perk changes might help alleviate this. And to be honest sometimes I just get bored with survivor, I feel like I get away with too much especially because of these perks.
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To be fair, a lot of players think the survivor's best perks cause unbalance in the game but I don't agree. Rather, the maps are what tips the balance to the survivors imo. I play killer at purple/red ranks as well and never get hit by a DS or a BT, because I almost never see a hooked survivor a minute after I hook him and whenever someone unhooks near me I go for the unhooker. And about exhaustion, I actually feel like most perks are bad right now. Take Balanced, Lithe and Head On into consideration and you'll see they are barely usable now. Also, Sprint Burst doesn't bother me, and on dedicated servers dead hard doesn't work lol
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I think you bring up a very good point, and to be honest i think your right. At the same time I feel that map changes that would need to be made are quite the hefty task for behavior and I really dont see it happening, or at least not soon. And I pretty rarely get hit by ds, but it may cause me to leave 1 or more than 1 person on the ground for a whole minute(which they'll likely get picked up before anyways). And yes dead hard does not always working on dedicated servers, which kills me when i play survivor, but im thinking they gotta be working on that right?
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I have seen interesting ideas tweaking priorities and timings but no dev confirmation unfortunately
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