Still no Incentive to play in High ranks

no rewards, killers are sweaty with Hex:Ruin every game. Yeah sure, Survivors are a lot smarter and don't go down in within 5 seconds after being found, but it's just so miserable to play in high ranks. Why am I here? What do I get? What do I achieve? I want to go back to the green ranks


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    Also console doesn't have rank achievements so there's even less of a incentive on a certain platform

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    I'm sorry do you not wanna fight red ranks all day? For shame

  • JetpackRobin
    JetpackRobin Member Posts: 15

    I just wish the ranking system meant more or that there was a different game mode with limited perks or something. Red ranks is the same perks every single game and low rank games is just bullying the killer/survivors which isnt really fun to me or the other side. I want to feel challenged but not with pretty much the same perks every single game. And like you said wanting to go back to green ranks I agree, for me it is just the sweet spot of fun.