We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

New Killer - Slenderman

I have an idea for a new Killer. Slenderman.

He would be a very stickman looking character that is tall and super thin. able to hide completely behind trees when viewable.
Powers would use the Cloak mechanic to go from Lurking to Ambush mode.

Lurking mode:
(Lurk mode is similar to Wraith cloak but Slenderman can only interact with things while in this mode)
slow speed
invisible (like Nightmare mechanic, no shimmer but also no heartbeat like Wraith) to Survivors
cannot attack while Lurking
can interact with objects only in Lurking mode

Ambushing mode:
(Ambush mode is similar to Wraith cloak but Slenderman cannot interact with things)
fast speed
visible to Survivors
able to attack only in Ambushing mode
Forced back into Lurk Mode if the chase is lost

balancing factors would be the time it takes to change modes which I am sure you all could work out as the experts.

Hope you like the idea.



  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    We really need the "LOL" button back. Or just a downvoting button in general.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    This is bad. But nice try bud

  • aetherguard
    aetherguard Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2019

    Bad for Killer or bad for Survivor? If you are going to critique something, it would be nice to actually do so and not just troll the forums with negative posts.

    Criticism is welcome and wanted. That is why we post in the forums. To get others opinions and thoughts as well as share our ideas overall. We also discuss our thoughts and ideas. And, of course, assist with information and clarifications where we can to help each other as a DBD Community.

    Negativity is not needed or wanted. Positive and Constructive Criticism is welcome and encouraged.

    Thank you all who read this and agree. For those of you that do not, Killer shack is over there.

    Happy Hunting,

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    The idea is decent, somewhat, but I do not think that system will be a good idea. If you want ideas on how to make a killer, then I ask you refer to the numerous fan chapters that exist. They have good templates that you can use to develop a character like Slenderman. I would offer ideas of my own, but currently I am working on something, so I cannot use much thought here.

  • XavierBoah17
    XavierBoah17 Member Posts: 204
    Jesus i actually found someone with the same idea concept as mine. I thought about slenderman being a character and he would have this Myers and Doctor combo where you stalk a survivior which inflicts the Slender Sickness tier 1-3. I would say this would be a killer who focuses on all surviviors cuz his ability depends on how many surviviors are effected by slender sickness. Like 2% decrease in action ability per survivior effected. I also thought that this follow speed would increase over gens completed like 5% per gen. Of course slenderman would be way more slower when using this.  Just a thought tho  8-)
  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    @aetherguard said:
    Bad for Killer or bad for Survivor? If you are going to critique something, it would be nice to actually do so and not just troll the forums with negative posts.

    Criticism is welcome and wanted. That is why we post in the forums. To get others opinions and thoughts as well as share our ideas overall. We also discuss our thoughts and ideas. And, of course, assist with information and clarifications where we can to help each other as a DBD Community.

    Negativity is not needed or wanted. Positive and Constructive Criticism is welcome and encouraged.

    Thank you all who read this and agree. For those of you that do not, Killer shack is over there.

    Happy Hunting,

    Howdy my friend,

    If you want me to reply please quote me so I receive a notification, I got back to this post because I was looking at my old comments.
    With what I said I meant that this killer idea is bad and you don't give us any kind of numbers. This idea is basically a better at stealth but worst at everything else Wraith/Pig. How fast is it? 115% or 110%? How long does it take for it to become visible/invisible?
    This killer is also extremely unoriginal, a mix between Wraith, Pig and Freddy.

    Have fun out there

  • aetherguard
    aetherguard Member Posts: 9

    I ran across this myself fairly late, but had to reply to the sake of honesty and fairness.

    When I first posted this, I was totally No0b at the game compared to now. I has been a year now since I first played the game and things have changed a lot. Not only did new killers come out in that time, with similar abilities, but more importantly my understanding of the game mechanics has increased.

    Bottom line. Thank you for your reply @LCGaster and I understand now what you meant. I apologize that my reply to you sounds so harsh and defensive (that is how I read it now with a fresh mind).

    I think I allowed the negative responses I was getting that day flavor my responses by the time I posted that reply. But, no excuses. I still am responsible for what I said.

    I do mean what I said, just want anyone who reads this (and you) to know that I mean it from a place of understanding, growth, and self-improvement.

    @LCGaster I apologize for flaming at you if it was taken that way.

    See you all in the fog,


  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Hm... I think this would be very weak... and clunky to use (in the same vein as Nurse on console).

    I prefer my concept for him more... but we all prefer our own creations, don't we?