Killers and Tunneling



  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    You can penalize gen rushing by slugging with noed. Assuming they don't cleanse noed you got it. Also bring blood warden so if a gate gets opened or you know its happening hook block the exit go get em

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    I need more individuals like you to comment. You have a better understanding like the other 3-4 that actually understand killers have a way to not tunnel.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Here's the problem with you being so defensive.

    The argument that you're ignoring is literally the most important one.

    Players can't do anything about the situation, only the devs can.

    Your ire is pointed at killers who tunnel when it should be pointed at the devs who make the situation possible.

    They are penalized because of the system the devs implemented, not because the killer chose to play that way.

    I'm being facetious when I say the survivors deserve to be penalized, but I suppose you missed that.

    Again, get mad at the devs because they're the only ones who can change it.

    Asking killers not to tunnel when they want to tunnel is like asking you to let it go.

    It's not going to happen.

    lol prove me wrong.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358
    edited December 2019

    I've been playing as legion and freddy in their potato states and their not so bad states and can almost consistently 4k without tunneling and camping people. If I find someone I hooked already I just leave them or down them and leave. I also understand that ######### isn't fun when it happens so I don't do it to people but a lot of the people that play killer don't care because"its part of the game" Yes but that doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it. Just because a survivor player has the potential to a whole game doesn't mean they will because most won't. So don't treat them like ######### because we all play this game because we find it fun and enjoy it. Let everyone have fun.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    I’m not asking them to play any way. The whole discussion is based around your suggestion of the devs implementing a new system to prevent survivors from de-pipping when not having the chance to play.

    You consider me defensive because the majority of the arguments on this thread have completely eluded the topic at hand and are mostly about the tunneling I support. Like your video.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    I agree. I stopped playing killer for rank and focus on fun. Which is where I’m coming at with this discussion. I see no need in tunneling unless you play an extremely good team but then that’s the tunneling I support.

  • Skywclu
    Skywclu Member Posts: 43

    I completely agree with you and it's so annoying when the killer just follows me when someone unhooked me with borrowed time just to kill me. (They don't hit me so borrowed time doesn't activate).

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Yup! Very annoying.

  • Skywclu
    Skywclu Member Posts: 43

    Usually when you get tunneled you are in the injured state. So, you can't really loop the killer that long.

  • Skywclu
    Skywclu Member Posts: 43

    Yeah, I hate that. Especially when I waited 30 minutes to get into a 4 or 5 minute match.

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    I want to hit rank 1 for the achievement on PC. I have all of them on ps4 just wanna repeat that here. But I can do it without being a jerk to peeps. But I play it for the points if I'm not thinking of rank.

  • Ace_Of_Spades
    Ace_Of_Spades Member Posts: 68

    Dude just play kill your friends. That way you don't have to worry about skill.

  • LieutenantRaage
    LieutenantRaage Member Posts: 21

    He's a killer main and I'm a duck.


    This thread has inspired me to go tunnel the weakest and most undeserving survivor in my next few matches and burn some ebony moris I've been saving for the ones left over.

    I'm going to do it for no other reason then because I feel like it and because it's a completley valid playstyle, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Agreed. Which is why I also throw out speed perks as an anti-tunnel suggestion. Exhausted hurts.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    It’s actually fairly simple to rank up on both sides of the court. I still rank my killer while having fun. It’s much easier as a killer than a survivor. That’s my opinion though.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,237

    If all you did was failing to loop, juke or ditch the killer then you're not getting penalised for getting tunneled.

    You simply failed to do anything of worth in that trial. Thats why you're getting "penalized"

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    My guy... it’s nothing skill-based in my argument. I’m a red survivor and I can get tunneled from the start by a green killer and die. It’s about early game tunneling. I don’t care if I’m tunneled mid-to-late game, after I’ve had a chance to be of assistance to my team. My beef is with dying 2-3 minutes into the game and losing pips because of it. I can loop all I want but eventually I’m caught when I’m the primary focus of a petty killer.

  • LieutenantRaage
    LieutenantRaage Member Posts: 21

    I'm already getting what I want. If they complain about it afterwards, I'll give them your name.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    A solid endgame build is a playstyle. Killers dont need to wait for the endgame to "punish" survivors actions or a lack of action. We can call tunneling and genrush a punishment, but two sides just collide together. If killer doesnt apply pressure to everyone, just use it to your advantage.

    Anyone can play the game any way they like. The topic starter is triggered, because his team dont repair generators, but he put all guilt on tunneling killer, who, BTW, expected to be genrushed. Other survivors choosed to break totems, farm hooks, open chests and do anything but the main objective, yet, they are not punished for it. Hey, lets punish the killer.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    How am I triggered? You’re off point. My team completed the objective AND escaped. Also, where did I mention we planned a gen-rush? Me and my group or just a single friend never plan to gen-rush. We actually rarely run toolboxes. We’re mostly an altruistic team that completes gens at a moderate pace. My point is, killers that tunnel a survivor 2-3x in a row ignoring other survivors.

    You’ve proved your bias towards tunneling, now move along.

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    "5 gens still up and the killer targets one individual"

    Tunneling you 1 by 1 even if 5 generators are not repaired is OK. Get over it. Its a playstyle.

  • Tr0g
    Tr0g Member Posts: 241

    So what's your secret? 3 minutes in, 4 gens already popped VS SWF. You walk away from a gen and someone instantly walks around a corner to work on it again because you are chasing his teammate and he knows he is safe.

    Even a solid 3-gen strategy can't hold up to 4 survivors aggressively attacking the gens. Eventually you lose.

    So tell us your strategy for red rank SWF please, sense. Also state the killers you use.

  • LieutenantRaage
    LieutenantRaage Member Posts: 21

    You're triggered because you started this pathetic topic and have been posting multiple paragraph responses for 6 pages. Try and keep up, much like the killers do with you after you get unhooked.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    I’ve done this already... lol. I literally did on I believe the first page and throughout.

    Killers are more than enough equipped to handle it... when I get home I’ll be glad to post my builds on all killers I play.

  • Scootermarrrr
    Scootermarrrr Member Posts: 15

    Oh okay. Yeah, sure. Debate. Every damn post here is a "debate". I've picked this game back up after playing it when it first came out. There's a few things to talk about, but tunneling isn't one. Does it suck? Yeah. But it's there. If a killer wants to kill you, and only you, then make it difficult for him so your team has time to do gens. And there are counters. It's called looping. And DS. And others that others have mentioned. And sorry, you are bitching. You came here because you hate that it happens to you and your disguising it as a "debate". As a killer main, I'd love to tunnel your ass everytime knowing you come here to cry. Entity displeased be damned.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Lmao the ignorance is seriously strong with you. Before you attempt to attack me, go back and read each and every post I made. I’m pro-tunnel when it comes to mid-late game. I’m anti-tunnel early game because it impacts the survivor negatively.

    I’m a killer main, play survivor with my group. You would probably get looped by me into a rage.

    Let’s not use perks as a cure all to tunneling. It’s all been discussed prior to your ignorant statements.

    A few of you in here most be going through some hormonal changes with your threats of tunneling people 🤦🏽‍♂️ That doesn’t bother me. I play for enjoyment. This is a post in defense of survivors that are penalized for early-game tunneling.

    You having problems at home or something bud? Arguments can be made without trying to insult someone, that’s how you know you lack the intelligence to try and argue the actual point and not the person behind the text.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    In a case like this, I don't tunnel at all, in fact, I will actively not tunnel. I will slug you if I have to, but I won't instantly rehook. When you get a survivor that tries to abuse the god loops, or legit knows the map and how to abuse it, then I get into tunnel mode.

    Again, the entitlement is strong with this one. You don't want to penalize a survivor for doing the objective, but you do want to penalize the killer for doing the objective. Tunneling is the exact same as a gen rush, eliminating the objective as fast as possible. The only difference is that the generator doesn't run away. Gen rush = no pip for killer, tunneling = no pip for survivor. Gen rush has counters, so does tunneling.

  • BoomBoom420
    BoomBoom420 Member Posts: 10

    If any of this takes effect, think about safe hook rescues and perks affected by them, not to mention if a survivor were just unhooked and started healing, apparently you are a duck if you go and hit them. This discussion is a no-brainer and that tunneling is not punishable. Hook-camping punishes your chaser emblem so I don't see the problem here.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    You're seriously comparing “gen-rush” to tunneling?

    There are literally like 10+ perks for countering “gen-rush”. You claim I’m entitled, yet again, but completely let the point soar over your pea-sized brain.

    Tunneling because of a “gen-rush” is acceptable. Tunneling before any gen has been completed is toxic.

    What counters a tunnel? Especially, early game where the survivor has no chance to pip but will de-pip.

    The tunneling I’m referring to, as has been mentioned, is.... when the killer is targeting one survivor despite maybe 0-1 gens been completed. Ignores other survivors and literally just goes for that one.

    Nowhere here is there a sense of entitlement. Especially when I’m a KILLER MAIN that opposes early-game tunneling. If you are that bad that you’re only excuse to tunneling is “but gEn rUsH” then you need to practice more as killer or use viable perks to counter it. You can’t counter a tunnel. Yeah, your team might escape but you de-pip. This discussion isn’t about a TEAM it’s about a SINGLE SURVIVOR being penalized. Jesus.


  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    my God... 😂🤦🏽‍♂️ I give up with this thread lmfao. You all have created this sense of “this dude wants killers to be punished because of tunneling”. No, I killer main. Tunneling is strategic for mid-late game called, it’s toxic early-game. This is about sole survivors being penalized for being nullified to do anything because of a tunneler that ignores everyone else.

    All of you try and attack me, insult me, yet have no constructive argument against my point. It’s ridiculous 🤷🏽‍♂️

    That’s it. Lol you guys have a great day/night/life. I’m over this thread.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Yes, because it's the same thing. No BP's, a depip, and a loss. Why should the killer always be reactive to what survivors do?

    What 10 perks counter a gen rush? Ruin can go down instantly. Corrupt helps the early game, then nothing else. Pop works if you can catch and hook a survivor. Thanataphobia works if you can keep them injured, but still barely helps.

    Borrowed time, DS, Iron Will, loops, quick and quiet, dance with me, lightweight, etc.

    Again, you desperately want to label me as a bad killer and tunneler because I am disagreeing with you. I rarely tunnel any more, but I understand why killers do it.

    You get tunneled, you depip, move on to the next game. Just like getting rushed and looped.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    Well, killers get penalised for camping and tunnelling by getting less gatekeeper score and less chase score. It's not "efficient, requires no thought or skill, but people will do it anyway because they just want to be an ass and you really can't stop that. There's also no real way to compensate survivors who are getting tunnelled. Either try to make yourself a less inviting target somehow or hope they pick you up while DS is active.

  • Waldorf_2R3
    Waldorf_2R3 Member Posts: 20

    No deal Howey, and since I have you here, clown needs a rubber chicken as a weapon.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611
    edited December 2019

    Last post to you, until I get my builds for the other guy. This is more of an informative post since you don’t know of the perks. Counter-perks to “gen rush” and “looping” which are the majority reason for tunneling

    Nurse’s Calling - See auras of healing survivors

    Bamboozle - Blocks vault locations

    BBQ - see other survivors when hooking a survivor

    Bitter Murmur - see auras if survivors when a gen is completed

    Corrupt Intervention - Blocks 3 farthest gens from you for up to 120 seconds.

    Coulrophobia - slows healing

    Cruel Limits - blocks vault locations when a gen is completed

    Discordance - Shows what gen has two or more survivors on it.

    Fire up - gives a speed buff to killer for each gen completed

    Franklins Demise - knock items from survivors

    Devour Hope - Exposed status, possible Mori on token gain

    Haunted Grounds - Exposed Status

    Huntress Lullaby - added regression for missed skill checks, no skill check warning, shorter window for skill check and no sound.

    No One Escapes Death - In its name.

    Ruin - penalty for good skill checks, none for great.

    Knock Out - no aura for dying survivors outside of range

    Make Your Choice - Exposed Status for unhooking

    Mindbreaker - exhausted status for gens repairing under 50%

    Overcharge - “impossible” skill check

    Pop - 25% regression to gens after hooking survivor

    Spirit Fury - Instantly destroys pallet

    Surge - Putting a survivor into dying state pops surround gens and regresses them

    Surveillance - all regressed gens are highlighted white, then yellow when regression is stopped

    Tinkerer - when a gen is at 85% you have a 0 terror radius

    Thanatophobia- up to 4% slowdown on survivor capabilities per injured survivor

    Thrilling Tremors - All gens not being repaired are blocked for 16 seconds when a survivor is picked up

    Unnerving Presence - increased chance of skill checks

  • Ramxenoc445
    Ramxenoc445 Member Posts: 1,358

    Yeah but doing all that other stuff is what killers want survivors to be doing to avoid gen rush. But there is no reason to open chests because you get those items from.blood web and from chests they're usually crap tier so why even? Same for totems. Any killer that complains about gen rush I say just bring noed. Most womt expect and if enough killers do it and get some sort of success from it survivors will stop gen rushing and do items which will give some extra time at least. Or just use only slow down builds. Easy clap.

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Most of those don't do anything against a true gen rush. I'm talking all 5 gens are done in under 5 minutes. Nurses, BBQ, Coulor, Pop, Thanato, Franklins, and Surge all require catching a survivor quickly, which is garbage for the likes of hag or trapper. Haunted grounds only works with ruin, and if both get broken, you are down two perks for little gain, same for devour. Unnerving does nothing against good survivors, unless you're playing impossible skill check doctor.

  • ArrowTheGreat11
    ArrowTheGreat11 Member Posts: 306

    Camping and tunneling is NOT killrushing. You waste 5-10 minutes chasing one survivor while everyone is working on gens. Congrats. You killed one player while three escaped 😂

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693


    *stands still for two minutes*

  • 28_stabs
    28_stabs Member Posts: 1,470

    If a game is 5-10min long, it is likely 3-4k for me. 😋 Dont worry, I dont waste my time.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100

    This is going to be a hard pill for most people to swallow, but here it goes:

    It is not the job of killer or survivor players to babysit the fun of the other. Anything outside of just trying to "get your points/pip/whatever and leave" is a courtesy on your part. Being camped/tunneled does suck, and losing 3 gens due to an average first chase is also #########. Both of these problems are linked to poor game design, and are not necessarily behaviors most players would participate in if there was ANYTHING ELSE TO DO IN THIS VIDEO GAME.

    My 2 cents.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    edited December 2019

    2nd hard pill - I enjoy the odd occasion where Killers try REALLLLY hard to kill me, or Survivors crank out gens like robots, causing me to feel pressured. I don't want every single match to feel exactly the same or have universal difficulty - I doubt most players do.

    3rd hard pill - The game is more balanced now then it has ever been.

    4th hard pill - Most of the people playing realize it's not a "super serious e-sport" and enjoy it for what it is, even at high ranks.

    5th hard pill - Maps are the real 'killer' for most Killers, but I'd rather have map size variety than reduce them all in size (buffing already strong killers) as some would suggest. Personally, I view the maps with a fighting game mindset - IE Oh, Trapper sucks on this map, I'm gonna have a hard time winning, but it happens. Maybe each map could have size variations - IE Trapper would get a smaller number of tiles than Billy (just brainstorming).

    Clayfighters was super fun :3

  • jjwild909
    jjwild909 Member Posts: 10
    edited December 2019

    It’s dead by daylight what else do you expect.

  • ArrowTheGreat11
    ArrowTheGreat11 Member Posts: 306

    With your play style, I highly doubt that’s the case

  • kazzymoyashi
    kazzymoyashi Member Posts: 127

    Great response, by the by.

    I feel you on the not increasing gen time but I also know there are times where a killer gets rushed, even with ruin and pop, as some people are REALLY good at hex skillchecks (and i.e. my friend is amazing at running a killer and will take that role every game because she finds it fun to run). So, it's always a never-ending battle that way... I appreciate you taking the time out to try and be polite and whatnot! Keep it up!