Killer that quit games should be automatic Ban

Like the title says, a killer that quit or rage quit in the middle of a match because survivors are too strongh or don't like that killer he just try.... or any stupid reason like that. Should be automatically Ban for a certain amount of time increasing as they do it more. One survivor that DC hurts the game but not 100% hurts everyone... the other can still play and make points, use their items... a Killer that quit makes everyone not able to play at all, lose everything you use for that game. you don't get any points for what you did in the time you played. Not counting the time that you wasted waiting for that game, playing it. I got theses kind of games too often lately as there is more survivor then Killers since the killer matchmaking if Fkup.
Don't get me wrong, any players that DC is just wrong. I just think the killer affect way more and should be dealt with accordingly. When i try a new killer or i get a bad match as a killer, im trying it, don't care if i win or not, i try to play it so theses 4 players don't waste time and have a game. I do my best and learn in the process. What i love about this game is that winning or loosing means literally nothing. i had loosing game where 4 of them escape and still pips and at 1 points to double pips. i had game with survivor where i died and double pips. Where i had one that escape and barely saved it. Basically its just a game where you play to have fun where the outcomes does not matter at all in a way. so why quitting as a killer. A quitting Killer kills that fun completelly where a survivor that quit... well i still have my fun as the game continues.
Here's an argument: if one survivor leaves, it's a bad game for everyone, but everyone also have to keep going, because the trial doesn't end instantly. When killer leaves, it's a bad game for everyone, but everyone just start searching for another.
Anyway, one person shouldn't be treated harsher compared to another just because they play a different role. That's some weird discrimination.
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Discriminatory as hell..all dcs should be handled equally
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- Killers get banned when their internet cuts out or the game bugs
- All Killer players are either banned or stop playing Killer out of fear of being banned
- No one can find games anymore
- Game dies
Seems fine to me!
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I mean, I DC’d as killer 3 times one week because I kept getting stuck on the generators after kicking them so... there’s no reason I should be banned from the game for ending a game that had already ended. There’s no fairness in getting stuck and being punished as is but to add even worse penalties on top of that is even worse, especially when the game can’t tell the difference.
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All should get #########
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killers should be banned for:
bad internet
or, the worst one, being upset and not wanting to play the match anymore
BUT it's ok for survivors to:
alt f4 because they got outplayed
face an actual good killer (which is rare because of how poorly the game is balanced)
bad internet
this is easily the worst suggestion i've seen from anyone