"Six feet under" is outright toxic

I just completed the challenge... and I feel bad
I hate to use everything in the game just to complete the challenge, like slugging, tunneling, proxy camping.. I don't like these tactics as they ruin survivor's fun. I have never played the game like this before, but I'm forced to do so just to complete the challenge.
i don't know why devs decided to make this a challenge. This challenge promotes toxic behavior more than any other challenges, so in another word, devs are encouraging people to be toxic.
I think they should change this challenge right away, but what do you think?
How is asking killers to hook survivors in the basement promoting toxic behaviour?
The game isn't forcing you to use less then favourable tactics to do so; that's of your own accord.
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The challenge is hard but in my experience the most ‘toxic’ role when doing the challenge are the survivors due to them knowing what they are doing and trying everything they can to not ‘allow’ the killer chance to complete the challenge.
ex dc,and running to the other side of the map.
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funny thing is that I already did this challenge, but every time I manage to hook someone in the basement, I won't be able to hook anyone else there, otherwise they will DC while I'm climbing down the stairs.
Magic Survivors!
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Toxic, yeah. Even if you do it in a "non-toxic" way you will still get survivors who will DC or run to the opposite side of the map. It's currently my only challenge not completed in this tome.
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I can agree. 6FU was poorly thought out. It encourages killers to play lame which fuels negativity. Really should have been something like, "hook every survivor in the basement at least once," or "hook someone in the basement, then hook their rescuer in the basement." Hopefully the devs are learning from their mistakes so they can make the next Tome much better.
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I don't mind the difficulty of the challenge, but this really brings out the worst of the community. Every time I'm about to complete the challenge, the last survivor DC's for the sole purpose of preventing me from getting the challenge (and then continues to mock me in the post-game chat as a typical toxic POS survivor does after losing). I feel like Tome challenges should not be dependent on other player's "playing along", but rather your personal ability to play well. I really do hope BHVR learns from this atrociously designed Tome challenge; or I feel like this could kill off some of the dedicated fanbase (myself included).
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I don’t play DBD much anymore. Time doesn’t really allow me. Still red ranks. Both killer and survivor. I finished every challenge with 13 days left.
I don’t think it should be changed. I probably have had 14 hours of playtime in the last 2 weeks.
if you’re having a problem with DCs. I know you’re frustration. that sucks. They shouldn’t change the challenge for that though.
might I suggest trappers basement? Agitation, irongrasp, monsterous shrine, I removed territorial imperative and used ruin, slow that game down. I didn’t get it on my main killer,(4 attempts) I went to trapper after getting a 3 man usually. First run with trappers basement and I had that done. All against ranks 1s and 2s.
also take in consideration you can do all the others before you do the basement. So go ahead knock every other out select the last challenge 6FU then just have fun.
remember, the rift and archive are just added challenges. They are meant to be challenging. If everyone could get them, it wouldn’t be as fulfilling when you get them.
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I played like 10 matches with insidious bubba before i got the challenge. Was a hella fun.
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It's what comes after that gets toxic - once they easily get someone in the basement they just camp nearby waiting for the save to nail everyone. Now run across this scenario several times a game night with different killer players all trying to do the challenge and it gets very toxic very fast.
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The only toxic part is the surviors dcing when ur going down to the basement and as for killer its only toxic if u do sit there and proxy camp but i did it without camping and 3rd try with traper on the doctors map its map depending and if u get altruistic players which i did lol
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Well if you are sporting and they feel like they have a chance to make a basement save and actually get to play the game instead of hanging in a basement, it is less toxic. But really, most killers are not like that and like I said - it starts to feel very toxic when you run into several killers in a night trying to do it. You know most of them also need repeated attempts.
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I completed it after my second try. Just use trapper and hope basement is at shack, and put traps at every exit once you hook someone. Use addons like tar bottle and the sacks.
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Had a killer message me wanting us to let him hook us in basement in return for getting us bloodpoints.
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Follow up to my previous comment..
I finally pulled it off with iridescent hatchet Huntress and Agitation, Iron Grasp, And Territorial. The survivors were still very toxic about the game and sent pretty harsh postgame messages. My position on this challenge stands, it just promotes a very unhealthy and toxic community
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Leatherface, insidious, iron grasp, agitation monsterouse shrine and then instant chainsaw build. Yes its toxic and cheap but its a way to finish it. That or trick and entire group to thinking you are friendly let them farm near basement and then hook them all. You only need to do it once if it works but obviously dont do it try better methods. I still need to get six feet under and the unhook survivor during end game
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That's i how usually play is fair and etc unless they start being toxic when i did it was rank 9 and went against a full squad of red ranks cause one guy was rank 3 so he could match with me since the whole crap 6+ 6- so it's just depends if got ppl who aren't salty,potatoes and map + basement location only challenge i feel bad about doing was the noed one don't like using noed and took awhile to do
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This challenge is horrible
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Actually nothing forces you to do so. I just played several games (about 15) with Iron grasp and Agitation. Tried on several killers, because no killer really worked well. Finished it then first try with infinite Tier 3 Myers with a bit of luck.
Purely going for the basement hooks is not really toxic, you can even hook once or twice outside the basement and still get the challenge, if you keep track of the hooks you've done. If you try to finish the challenge as fast as possible, then you might get toxic while trying to get the challenge by any means possible.
Not sure what you tried to get it. If slugging is necessary because you know the survivor will wiggle free when you try to get to the basement... well, if you don't slug 5 times this game, it woudln't be sooo bad. Proxy camping... not really super toxic because that is actually why the basement is so dangerous and survivors shouldn't loop around it. Just one way out and that takes some seconds.
And if all of it is necessary to finish the challenge, then just let it go if you feel uncomfy with it. Don't play ######### to get the achievement and ruin your own gaming experience. You don't have to get all challenges done, at least one or two separate paths are available to progress. I know level 4 is a bit crappy designed in that regard. Cool look with the eye, but just having one survivor path and one killer path, allowing just one alternative by using the middle connection. But then just progress on the other path and continue over the middle. Or go to the epilogue and continue backwards on the other path. You still have over a week to finish it, if you need the rift fragments.
There are people that DC/self-sacrifice once they finished or failed their challenge, to go on with the next try faster. If you commit to that play style, it is your own fault. If it helps, just don't expect to get the challenge in your next game, just be happy if you get it.
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Pretty sure this won't affect many people to quit playing. Would even bet that you won't stop playing if the next tome shows equal flaws. I try to remember your name and look out for you in the forum, if you quit playing then ;)
I'd rather suggest to promote "let them goddamn have the success if they managed to get it in a proper way". Like the Evil Incarnate achievement with Myers. Many last-survivor knowing "hatch is not in range, already tried 3 times" and then still hopping to the next locker, just to avoid the mori, although there is apparently no chance of excaping. So I'm promoting here: "LET THEM HAVE THE ACHIEVEMENT GODDAMMIT! If you let it happen, there's one less infinite Mori Myers running around! This build is not fun to play and not fun to play against, so help erasing it by letting the achievement happen!"
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I'm done trying this challenge. Last one left and I've had the last survivor dc twice now. This challenge is not fun and way to easy to prevent by dcing. Idc if i don't finish this challenge because I've already hit level 70 but the bloodpoints would have been nice.
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I got it first try with trapper on coldwind 😂
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Maybe I was lucky, but I got it on 2nd try playing billy on springwood, 4k 5 gens. There were a toxic flashlight jake that made it waaaay easier, tbh...
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I understand where you're coming from, but why create a thread when this has been brought up repeatedly? What new thing are you adding to the conversation that the community managers haven't seen and passed on to the game designers already?
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I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum. I feel like having multiple threads of the same issue will help the developers at BHVR see the magnitude of the players' discontent with their decisions. One lone thread, nobody will bat an eye at and just think someone's being salty. There is power in numbers.
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I was super lucky and got it on my first try.
Matchmaking, which had typically been pairing my rank 9 killer with rank 3 and 4 survivors, matched me with 6, 7, 13, and 16.
I had one in the basement and was bringing in the second and I saw someone trying to sneak into a locker. That made for an easy 3rd survivor hooked and then my BBQ showed me the fourth.
I had agitation and iron grasp so I just chased the last one until I was close enough to get to the basement.
Luckily I didn't get any dc's.
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Who the ######### thinks hooking people in the basement is toxic? I just don't get why there are so many killers who have given into the survivor mentality of "playing by the rules." Since when is this game about being nice? The basement has been and always will be part of the game. There is nothing wrong with it. Do you all really obey the survivor rulebook and never run noed and never hook in the basement?
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I used Pig with green extra box and add time with extra trap. BBQ&C, Ruin, Iron Grasp, Agitation. Got lucky and had Haddonfield.
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I used scratched mirror Myers and went to Lery's! That was fun!
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Honestly I’m kind of wondering what isn’t considered toxic anymore.
On BOTH sides too. Got a flashlight? Oh that’s toxic. Hook someone in basement? Oh that’s toxic. Insta heal mid chase? Oh that’s toxic. The list goes on and on.
Some tactics just give you more of an advantage whether they are preferred or not. The challenge is very hard to pull off unless you are Leatherface. So you kind of hope a team will get ultra altruistic or you won’t succeed. Why? Because it isn’t the most optimal way to win. The other survivors could be smart and just sacrifice that survivor hooked and do gens instead.
They are called “challenges” not “what’s the nicest way I can play killer.”
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Imagine basement is at the right corner of the map. 1 gen there, no reason for survivors to come. Even with the fastest perks you know they have to be very close to get them into the basement. You will have to slug. If you only have time for 1-2 games you will have to do as THE GUY SAID. Slug at list. So don't say bs, obviously we have to play toxic to complete this.
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Again...it isn't the hooking in the basement that's toxic it's the usual camp and tunnel that comes after for this challenge that is toxic.
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I ran to the other side a few times today vs a trapper before finally giving in.
I was the last one and I'm sure he thought it wouldn't happen, but its really just overly altruistic teammates that make this challenge seem toxic.
If you know everyone is being brought to the hook do your best to avoid the area, easier said then done and pray there arent gens nearby
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Just message ppl in the lobby or tell them in chat. I like to have fun while playing so if I have a killer message me and let me know they have a challenge to do, I cooperate with them and do what I can on my part to let them get some of it done.
Can't say I've run into any killers that cared about challenges that I had to do though.
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I run Kindred in every game so it's easy for me to see what's going on during a hook. Sometimes when that killer's aura lights up near the hooked survivor I'm not sure if he's trying to complete a challenge or just being a random camping a-hole.
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Lmao doesn't have time but is a rank that requires excessive gameplay and completed every challenge requiring a hundred games.. but doesn't play much. We're not your mom asking if you've been studying, this is a forum.
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You people amaze me. You can literally b!tch about anything.
Challenges are optional. Devs do not point a gun to your head for it.
I did it myers. Ruin2 bbq1 monitor 1 infectious 3. You don't need to be a toxic or camp. I didn't.
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I mean... I feel bad for everyone still having to do this challenge... I did it by accident on my first try... With Legion... It's really a matter of luck in this case...
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I used Legion on Haddonfield with those perks and got it first try... it's just a matter of luck, really...
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Nice I had a lot of people DC when they realized.
Must be nice to have people not DC.
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Avoiding the basement is toxic?
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Got it on first try with Bubba’s basement build, best way to get the challenge done quick imo
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I got it after my third try. The survivors kept disconnecting, so what I did was pretend to farm and then hook all of them with bubba. It actually worked rather well.
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Oh come on, we all know that 6 feet under can only be done with that toxic tactic, unless you smurf in grey ranks.
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I decided to skip 6 feet under for now and was doing the “hook 5 in the basement”. Everytime I was trying to leave the basement in the crotus asylum building and two of them wouldn’t leave (one repair the gen and one outside staying close to the windows). I ended up killing 3 in the basement and the moment I found the Jake and downed him he instantly DC’d. I was laughing so hard and told him to get f’d but if I was actually doing the 6FU I would’ve been so pissed I can’t imagine how many people are getting flustered over this poorly thought out challenge.
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10 hours a week?
It doesn’t take anything really to do these challenges. they are window licker easy. I hope they make them more difficult. Same with the ranking system.
ranking is even easier now because you don’t even derank far bud.
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Well i finally completed the challenge. Last night had another 4k in the basement twice and both times the last guy would dc on the stairs preventing me from completing the challenge. Finally got tired of it and uses huntress with the iridescent head and utility belt combo. Downed the first guy and camped the top of the stairs of the killer shack with the hatchet. The last guy tried hiding in a locker right by the door but got lucky and got him. Lot of hate mail and i explained the situation to which they said they totally get it. This challenge was complete BS.
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Why even do these challanges and finish the tome? Bloodpoints? Or do we get some sort of price? I don't understand whats so important with it. I just ignore it.