I swear I'm going to uninstall if this is not fixed soon



  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited December 2019

    I wouldn't say LoL has WORKING matchmaking, but it works better than DBD for sure. You can still get plats vs silvers and the like in LoL's matchmaking. Take one glance at the forums and you see stuff occasionally posted about the BS matchmaking scenarios, but not near as many as on this game.

  • Kongtwenty12
    Kongtwenty12 Member Posts: 140

    If you are a new player you wouldn't be rank 12. Rank doesn't even really matter anymore there a lot of potatoes that are red rank that doesn't mean they are good.

  • MAV
    MAV Member Posts: 52

    I'd rather quick queues then wait forever for good matchmaking... Also OP, have you ever been red rank on killer? If so, then why should ranks matter?? Ranks mean very little in this game... I've seen green ranks better then red ranks because they took a break or whatever.

  • MrMisanthropy66
    MrMisanthropy66 Member Posts: 167
    edited December 2019

    I came on here to make a post about the exact same thing I'm a green rank killer and I've been constantly getting NOTHING but RED RANK survivors for weeks!!! It's infuriating! I get bullied constantly. I can't get out of green because of this bhvr needs to fix this NOW it's not fair. I am pulling my hair out! And before any red rank survivor mains say " get gud " put the shoe on the other foot. How would you feel if it was you? I personally know of 25 or more ppl in my dad community on PS4 that have quit because of the bullying! It needs to stop and this needs to be fixed. IDK about a longer que as long as it's somewhat fair. I should be facing high purple at MOST period.

  • Patthewolf
    Patthewolf Member Posts: 8

    I feel ya, with matchmaking like this having to catch up to players with 3 years of experience is just not feasible when I'm a new player. This is why I rarely play anymore and just watch streamers.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    the 6 rank matchmaking system is terrible I'm sorry but it's a terrible system

  • karlofflugosi
    karlofflugosi Member Posts: 63

    How to get bullied on the internet:

    (1) Express an opinion

    (2) Wait

  • Bustanut_Champion
    Bustanut_Champion Member Posts: 53

    "I'm not having fun playing this game, so I'm thinking about quitting. Here's why." Is not something that opens people up to getting ######### on non-stop, even if not worded gracefully. Not a great attitude to have towards people voicing their opinions and complaints; that's almost entirely what the forums are comprised of. That kind of mentality is what leads to all the needless flaming. Just address the main point of the thread instead of attacking the person for one part of what they said.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Actually the way he worded it does matter. I’ve said dozens of times “if they don’t fix X I’m worried people will quit in the coming years or so. Haven’t ever been responded to like OP was

  • darkknight287
    darkknight287 Member Posts: 42

    There are literally 0 strong meta perks, survivors can escape against any killer easily as long as they are good, and nurse the highest skill cap killer in the game, would you want to vs red ranks constantly when trying to learn a new killer?

  • Bustanut_Champion
    Bustanut_Champion Member Posts: 53

    If you choose to react to wording poorly, sure. My point wasn't that it doesn't matter, just that it shouldn't. Obviously it has gained some backlash and responses just based on tone, but they're pointless and don't actually address the greater issue being brought up.

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  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    I can feel you. As rank 7 - 9 Killer, i constantly have to play against red ranks and as rank 7 - 8 survivor, i getting 14-20 survs in my team.

    I don't even want to play anymore. Either you have a hard killer game or forced to play with survs, they don't even have the minimum of perks to do #########.

  • x_zar2
    x_zar2 Member Posts: 6

    I've been having the same problem, a whole team of rank 5s or 2 rank 4s, 1 5 rank and a 16 rank, and it's like this every game for the past week, only way to play is a way which you don't want to play but you have to play because you already have 3 gens popped by having your first hook which isn't long at all, note I'm not getting pushed here and there 24/7 but that's just in the beginning of the game.

  • trash_owo
    trash_owo Member Posts: 3

    Just uninstall you'll feel alot better

  • Arisquelle
    Arisquelle Member Posts: 62

    Sometimes ranks DO NOT matter... but it is rare.

  • Majora
    Majora Member Posts: 207

    Just kill them all and they will be the angry ones. They tbag and emote with toolboxes and flashlights? Time for you to be toxic too.

    Play optimally camp one to death and tunnel. Don't be nice or play fair eliminate them fast and dirty and watch them rage and false report you after the game.

  • Dwightisop
    Dwightisop Member Posts: 3

    Wow this whole flame war in the comments is really showing just how great our community is.

    All I'm gonna say is stop arguing over it. It's really not proving anything and is just stupid in all actuality. Just move on from the argument and drop it.

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    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Yeah, this is a problem, but luckily for us, rank is getting changed according to the road map! 😁🤗

    Literally, a 7 rank gap instead of a 6 rank gap. 😕

    I thought something was off when the killer wasn't looping tiles correctly, poor little guy!

  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615
    edited December 2019

    There is a massive skill gap between a red rank player and a rank 12. Only in red ranks does rank not matter anymore.

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    This thread is like the Killer perspective of my earlier thread before Christmas. I havent played since Thursday last week and its now Sunday. While I take the odd day off for a break or heck I actually have stuff to do in real life, the game doesnt make me excited to think, oh hey I can play DBD now for at least four hours with no interruptions.. as most of the matches will be stupidly matchmade.

    Rank 16-20 have the no more than six ranks rule removed so they can get a match without waiting two hours. If they are saying in effect your rank doesnt matter, then stop with the depips. Just let people pip up or get neutral

    If players are supposed to be that great at the game then the red ranks will be full of killers and survivors sufficient to provide red rank only matches, and the new players or low ranks wont have to deal with it anymore.

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    Daily about 100 threads in the steam forum, about matchmaking, this perks / killers are too strong etc.

    Gamers are filled with anger. There is a survey, that not violence in video games make you rage / aggressive, it's functions in the gameplay, what you are consider as unfair and put you in a disadvantage or bad controls as well.

  • GamerCustard
    GamerCustard Member Posts: 59

    I see the same problem as a survivor, I'll look at the end match results and either there'll be high/low rank survivors in comparison to the killer. I know for a small while (I'm currently in purple, and that's usually where I'm at too) and I'll be against brown rank or early green killers. Or there's both ends of the scale with red rank killers and green/brown tier teammates.. It's super broken, and really not fun for anyone except the high rank/skilled players..

    The whole "Git Gud" mindset is absolutely ridiculous, and bringing up comparisons of other green rank killers smashing a red team is.. I guess kinda untrustworthy? In the sense that you can't really be sure if they're actually a red rank who just hasn't been on for a while. By how OP is talking, they're new in the sense that they didn't get to green via rank reset and have to face against people who are constantly maintaining their red tier ranks or newbies who got chucked in too deep.. OP can also use whatever killer they want? Yes.. Nurse is.. a little bit ######### and probably won't be receiving any buffs but skilled nurses are crazy to go against, and if they wanna main nurse to get on that level, hell yeah dude.. but the matchmaking messes that up, and if it was fixed, starting nurse now is better than later?

    Main point though.. Matchmaking = Kinda Screwy

  • HYPERx
    HYPERx Member Posts: 1

    Welcome to dbd it was and always will be like that deal with it,I guess you have not many hours on the game if your complaining about what happens in every round you play as killer..

  • DoomsdayDame
    DoomsdayDame Member Posts: 62

    Because it's awful. It makes the killer side unbearable.

  • TheKnot
    TheKnot Member Posts: 31

    i mean. You’re green ranked nurse so you would have lost anyways

  • Xondeya
    Xondeya Member Posts: 6

    This happens a lot with me. I guess they really don't give a #########, as long as the new players are happy. That's why they nerfed Spirit, Nurse and Legion. I know how to run a Nurse and I'm Rank 8, but all the new players don't, so they have to support them like they're about to break.

    My point is, the new players enjoy it. As a Rank 19/18, the best thing was for the matchmaking to ######### up and get a Rank 12. That was the greatest, yet for the poor Rank 12, they had no chance. This is the thing that pisses me off most, and sometimes I am put against red rank Killers, while being with baby Jakes and Megs. I honestly think they don't care about the more experienced players, jUsT aS lOnG aS tHe NeW pLaYeRs ArE gOoD.

    Another point is, low rank survivors complain a lot, especially if there's a good Spirit, Nurse or Billy. Take TrU3Ta1ent as an example. It's a challenge to find a video where he doesn't complain. And, I'm not being funny, but the majority of toxic messages, mainly telling me to kill myself or uninstall, were from red or purple ranks. Good survivors feel so entitled to have everything they want. Typically, my friend (who likes to complain) says that every Killer is overpowered after being killed by them once, which is essentially red ranks. They don't know what they're talking about; they only want something to complain about for the sake of it.

    Anyways, this has taken up a ######### ton of my time. I'll stop ranting.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    This is one reason I think DBD should adopt a system similar to Overwatch, in which theres a maximum limit difference between the lowest and the highest ranked player on a team. If you can only get a 6 lvl limit between the highest and lowest, would seem pretty fair to me to then grab a killer whos ranking is close to the average survivor rank. Get a rank 1, 2, 5 and 6 survivor team and pair them up against a killer thats rank 3 or 4.

    Frankly, I'm tired of seeing abunch of newbies in my teams when I try to play survivor or see that the killer I was facing was ridiculously outmatched.

    This particular screenshot was taken 2 months ago. Clearly though the killer needs to "Git Gud".

  • DrM00se
    DrM00se Member Posts: 12

    As a higher rank survivor and killer. I will say it’s frustrating getting lower lower survivors and killers. Something needs to change. But we can’t really fix match making without breaking queue times

  • laurelstroodle
    laurelstroodle Member Posts: 432

    You got 2 kills bruh, what's the problem? you want the 4k? you are not entitled to 4k every match.

    Those survivors (the red rank one) didn't even have great perks...

    And you were playing nurse!!! with nurse's calling, bbq and ruin..

    And btw what you're doing with that BUILD, PLAYING AS NURSE IN GREEN RANKS..?

    Rank reset was a long time ago, we are at 29/DEC..

  • BaldursGate2
    BaldursGate2 Member Posts: 994

    I don't even get the que times. I recently talked to someone from London (i am from austria), with the same time zone and same rank and he needed 10 mins to find a game, where i take maybe 30 sec up to 2 minutes. There es even a server directly in London, so i don't understand it.

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  • Morgeese
    Morgeese Member Posts: 13

    Matchmaking has been ridiculous lately. Me and my buddy always play together and are both rank 5 but somehow always end up with rank 12 survivors or higher and a high rank killer. Even after super long que times. Im about to just reverse boost so i can have fun again being high rank is litterally a punishment

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  • jjwild909
    jjwild909 Member Posts: 10

    There’s this great feature I use when I play killer that hides the chat. No matter what you will have salty survivors so just hide the chat and move on. The devs are not responsible for what other players do and they also can’t control the fact that someone in the party brings their friend or not enough proprerly ranked people. Dead by Daylight is full of toxic trolls who sit in their basement or their moms house bullying people on a keyboard and sadly that won’t change

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333
    edited December 2019

    Clearly those grey ranks just need to git gud...

    The chat isnt the only issue being discussed here. Matchmaking being all over the place is the main issue being brought up. Being put into a squad of grey ranks instead of the red ranks you SHOULD have against a red rank killer...sucks. I dont have control of that and I'm pretty screwed before the game even starts. On the opposite side as killer, being matched against survivors who have no business being in the same lobby as you also sucks, whether that being placed against survivors much higher OR much lower rank than you.

    A top 500 rank player being randomly placed in a silver rank game on Overwatch wouldnt fly if it was the norm, even if they took away the chat. For some reason...thats the norm on DBD. The matchmaking system is completely failing at placing people in lobbys with others of appropriate ranks. I can only hope it gets fixed soon.

  • EleaticStranger
    EleaticStranger Member Posts: 81

    I'm not sure there is a matchmaking system. I experience the same thing. I'm a rank 14 killer but most matches are against red ranks or purple ranks, presumably SWFs. Not sure why. Some of them behave respectfully, some doubt. I will say that I learn a lot playing against much better players, and I'm pleased if I can kill one of them. It does get frustrating to get beaten up over and over again, so I'd just advise you to play no more than 2 or 3 killer matches at a time. That way, you learn from better players, then you can switch back to survivor and figure out how to apply what you learned.

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  • SpookyJeff
    SpookyJeff Member Posts: 108

    Yeah, there are totally rank 4s that will tell you the rank 12-17 should sit there and eat turds so they can have fun trolling someone and say some crap about improving to justify it. It's like letting JJ Watt mow down a peewee football quarterback to teach him a lesson. Like what exactly are you supposed to learn when a match is already over a minute to two minutes into it?

  • Poochkips
    Poochkips Member Posts: 265

    Yikes to this comment. Every killer basically runs ruin. If you're a survivor and run Adren, DS, BT that's no better. It's literally in every single game. And not only that, but this matchmaking IS complete garbage. Im only rank 10 and keep getting rank 2 survivors myself. It wouldn't BE so bad, if half the high rank survivors weren't toxic af