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@devs Why not make ruin default

It would free up a perk slot. I saw a 3 min game today. Ruin should just be integrated into gens for every killer, and just drop the perk.


  • Immoral
    Immoral Member Posts: 25

    I mostly play survivor and I think this is a good idea.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    You're going to see a dev/mod pop in and claim 'I play regularly without Ruin and do well,' thus, to them, proving their point as to why it's not mandatory.

  • Immoral
    Immoral Member Posts: 25

    I just just bought this game a week ago. After watching twitch players. I can't seem to get out of yellow rank, but I can easily work though ruin.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    A free perk slot for killers. Why not people will keep complaining either way.

  • Immoral
    Immoral Member Posts: 25

    You have to admit green -red rank survivors of they are good are destroying killer. Killer is cleaning up grey and yellow

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,045

    Funny thing is, when people are arguing like that, they only mean Red Rank Survivors. Why not Red Rank Killers as well? You know, not talking about the mediocre Killers, the good Killers.

    Like, for example, a few days ago, someone posted a thread with a Killer Buff, based on a Rank 9-Killer. So thats fair? Balancing for the Top Survivors but also for Rank 9 Killers instead of Top Killers?

  • Immoral
    Immoral Member Posts: 25

    That's what I am saying at lower ranks survivors clown the killer so give the killer free ruin and another perk. And if you say that's stupid you tell me how to combat gen rush and godnloops

  • Bigyo369
    Bigyo369 Member Posts: 78

    It's boring

  • Immoral
    Immoral Member Posts: 25

    Then how would you fix. Everyone's braking off but no answers

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Ruin is just bad design to fix other bad design. It'd be counterproductive to make it basekit, because the perk is really discouraging for new players, who either sit there with a gen that goes backward, or they go totem hunt.

    On the same token, the devs don't know (and neither do I) of a way to increase gen time without making camping OP.

    This game is casual. As such, there are things that are bound to be unbalanced.

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    game is extremely unfriendly to new players, lets make it more unfun for them :) because killers cant handle pressure

    but in same case i can tell lets make DS base kit because it will save survs perk slot just to not be tunneled :) (sarcasm btw)

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Yeah ruin basekit would be a good quick fix if it stayed a totem.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669


    as a killermain i would not like that.

    this whole post is build on the premise that "ruin is a necessary perk for all killers", which is just wrong. i never use ruin, unless i literally dont have anything better on that killer.

    ruin, in its current state, is incredibly overrated by many players. against good survivors its literally useless, in the wrong spot its literally useless and you, as the killer, usually end up worrying way too much about the totem. ive seen people throw games just to go out of their way to protect the totem. the worst part of the perk is, that, once it has been found, its literally 100% a dead perk. you have to play the entire game with only 3 perks then. thats really just not worth it, not at all.

    now, to come back to the main topic and why i would HATE ruin to be basekit:

    it would draw too much attention to totems.

    in the end, this would mean nothing other than a big middlefinger to all the other, sneaky, totem perks killers have, such as Devour Hope or No One Escapes Death. these wouldnt survive the first minute eigther, as now everyone and their mother would run after totems, in order to get rid of Ruin.

    if you want ruin to take effect, use the perk. but you have to live with the consequences that comes with, namely 1 potentially dead perk slot if the totem is discovered.

    please dont try to force ruin uppon other players, such as myself, who dont want to use it.

    thank you.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I agree honestly. I didn't think about the other poor totem perks that are already terrible because even I start looking for Ruin before I even know the killer has it because they always have it.

  • PokemonGOPlayer
    PokemonGOPlayer Member Posts: 179

    Making Ruin base would require a lot of rebalancing in other areas of the killer role, mainly perks.

    I don't think the balance team could be bothered, nor that it is competent enough to make such changes to improve the game overall.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Imagine the devs improving the experience for both sides instead of working on DLCs and cosmetics.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    It would make high level play more balanced, but it would be at the expense of everyone else's experience. If I was purely a killer main, I'd love that change! But the problem is that players like the friend I often play with despise ruin and have a very hard time dealing with it. Having that be a guarantee in every game would make survivor much less fun to play for most people.

  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    Are we having this discussion again ?

    Half of the community think Ruin is unhealthy to the game, the other one think it's needed, but i dont think it would be the best idea to reconciliate everyone to make it built-in for every game, and would punish new survivors so much harder, it will make them drop instantly. Think of the lower ranks that struggle every time Ruin is in the match, not only those 4-men swfs that hit perfectly each skillcheck that appears on screen even under madness 3.

    This is, definitely, not, a good idea. Plus it would bore so much people out of the game to make every game like this, toolboxes become kinda useless under Ruin you know.

    Cool for you if you think you need Ruin in every of your matches, but dont forget some people play Freddy with slow down add-ons, Thana, Dying Light, Ruin and Pop. Imagine if they could slap NOED with that, they would.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928
    edited December 2019

    Instead of making ruin basekit I think they should tweak gens progression; remove progression bonus from great skill checks and regress the gen 2% if you hit a good skill check. In my opinion this would make doing the gens more interesting and also not as frustrating as ruin, because it would actually take some skill to finish them in 80 seconds or less.

  • BeHasU
    BeHasU Member Posts: 830

    Well, i'd love to see ds and ruin as default in every survivor and killer perk. Everyone is running Ruin and DS, this would just save a perk slot for both sides

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047
  • Hopesfall
    Hopesfall Member Posts: 828

    i still think it should be a timed perk like Corrupt Intervention. 3-4 mins guaranteed.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Then they aren't actually good skill checks. They are bad. No, this is terrible.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    No thank you, we don't need bandaid fixes like ruin. Let's rather either create second objective for survivors or buff killers to allow them to preassure big maps better.

    Also ruin is quite annoying to play against when you can't find it and you suck at skillchecks so it's a double no from me.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    Or you could fix those big maps. The devs will do none of the above because cosmetics, battle pass, DLCs are more important.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Ruin is a band-aid soaked in sewage. The high usage of the perk shows the poor state of the survivor objective at the same time masking the true issues with the game.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    No, they are good. It would be bad if you miss one.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318
  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    They are good because they don't make the gen explode.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Art team can't fix maps and balance issues you know, give them some slack even when we're not in good spot DBD still gone a long way from how bad it used to be. They're slow but they are doing pretty well lately.

  • Troman
    Troman Member Posts: 264
    edited December 2019

    While I don't know if this particular idea is the best one, but less RNG = better game balance. This way newbs would get a chance against Ruin, because sometimes they can't find it the entire game. While skilled survivors won't be able to destroy it in 20 seconds, because they know all the spots where it can spawn. At the end it'll be easier to balance the game. It would also result in a more even balance for different maps.

    So, make ruin guaranteed to last for a certain time amount to slow down games against coordinated SWF/high skilled survivors, in return limit it's effect over large amount of time, to give newbs a chance.

  • Xerge
    Xerge Member Posts: 928

    Yeah, that's the idea. I'd rather have that than press m1 mindlessly at a gen for 80 seconds, because quite frankly hitting good skill checks doesn't require any skill.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    You can't just change how skill checks work though.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    Ruin is too powerful in the low ranks and too easy in the high ranks.