What is the actual reason for such long wait times on ps4?

I’m playing with two buddies tonight. I’m rank 6 and they’re both 10. It’s taking 8 min or so per lobby to even get a game.
with 22k average players this seems stupid long to wait. Even on Friday the 13th with a very small player base, the lobbies are instant. So what is the issue with dbd and lobby wait times?
Then we get a rank 15 ghost face with the worst internet connection in history who face camped me and then disconnected once buddy opened gate. Fun times.
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Not enough killers. As a killer you will have 0 queue time on PS4.
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This is what happens when the devs constantly cater to survivors.
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Oh please the games so killer sided it’s absurd. As survivor you can’t do anything except loop or stealth. It’s so stupid and yet killers complain non stop.
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My killer times are long too. So what is that about?
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Either you are rank 16-20 or your network settings are bad. As a killer you host the game, if you use a router and don't set it up correctly, many people won't be able to connect to your PS4.
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Oddly enough I switched to killer because of the survivor wait time. I also seem to oddly get nat type issues on PS4 as a survivor ever since the introduction of the new lobby.
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I suppose you would add the ability to have survivors deliver dropkicks. If you have not dealt with very toxic SWF, you don't get it.
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Well I don’t play toxic either way. Have honestly only had toxic killers mostly.
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I’m rank 5 now.
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If you are a Rank 6 Survivor and Rank 5 Killer, and you are having trouble queuing for BOTH roles, then it's either 1. the geolocation that your matchmaker searches in currently don't have enough players at all or 2. something is wrong with your network setting/your PS4.
The other possibility is something is wrong on the DBD server end, but then it should be affecting a lot more people, not just you.
For most people though, if you are having a long queue time on survivor role but not the killer role, it means that there are too many survivors. If you are having a long queue time on killer role, but not the survivor role, it means that there are too many killers. The optimum number of killers to have at any given time is 20%, or 1 in 5 people.
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If it's so easy then why are Killers slowly leaving the game? Long time veterans with legacy such as Marth have left DBD because playing killer is so unfun and against the best survivors you will get destroyed no matter how good of a killer you are.
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Not enough killers and on top of it your playing swf which makes wait times even longer
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It doesn't matter if it's killer sided or not, which it's not for reference, it's how it appears. You have to go back to september to find a killer buff, and it was for demogorgon. Nurse, Spirit, Freddy, Legion, and Oni all got significant nerfs.
The Oni was the big one, because it looks for all the world like the intentionally released him as a strong killer as a cash grab, then immediately nerfed him once sales slowed. They may not have done that, but it sure looks suspicious and it rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.
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I find it weird you said your rank 5 and you still believe the game is massively killer sided. Now for context I'm a survivor main who is rank 1 both killer and survivor.
I think once you learn how to loop properly and have a team that know how to do gens efficiently then you'll fly through games pretty easily. If your not facing a really good killer then you'll probably loop them without putting in much effort.
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Not enough people want to play killer. Likely due to balance/performance issues.
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Killers sick of getting tormented, that's why
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This game is kille sided??? Muhahahahaha!!! Maybe you need to get past the Green Ranks, and even then, by the time a survivor gets to Green they should know the two things they have to do; Loops and Gens.
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Wait times for killer are 5 to 10 seconds!
Why are survivor times minutes not seconds?
So why don't you play killer, everyone knows the answer as the survivor have the power role, so why be bullied by a swf team cheating on comms when you can be one playing with friends?
Wait times prove there is a huge imbalance, such a shame corporate are ruining the game as it staggers to the finish line. Ask yourself why does every killer have to waste ones (or more) on lucky ruin or another gen slowdown perks?
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So many SWF squads only playing to irritate or bully is a problem. Ran into a 4 man all with diversion/Head ON on a Yamaoka map being annoying idiots. Needless to say, I D/C and moved on to the next match
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More people playing survivor lol playing survivor is much more fun in my opinion but I also like killer so I play 50/50 trapper really helps take the stree away most of the time unless your going up against a 4man swf sabo team happend to me all were rank 1s
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Actually, games for killers take longer on average than for survivors (because they die early), so you need even more than 20% killers for an optimum ratio.
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First and foremost, you have no idea what you talking about in regards to killers vs survivors. I get instant lobby as killer and for survivors i usually idle for 10-15min maybe more to get into a lobby with bad ping. I switch to killer due to waiting time and i realised i often close game more when trying to play survivor due to lobby as i just don't feel like waiting to play
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or maybe because... i dont know... veteran dbd players have logged thousands of hours into one game with only one gamemode? its inevitable people are gonna get bored with the game
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Veteran swf squads sure as hell don’t get bored
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because PS4 is for racing and baseball.
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I’m on rank 5. My lowest is 2. I play both sides. Sorry, I know you want the game to stay easy and get your 4ks each game, but we all know killer is easy.
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It’s nice to see an educated and logical reply. Thank you.
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Exactly. I leveled to 150 in Friday the 13 and could play both sides easy. I got bored after two fun years.
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That might depend on personal play style and preference. I play surivor/killer about 65/35% of the time (less killer at the moment), and while i am a red rank survivor who sees rank 1 from time to time, i am only a rank 12 killer.
And all i get is matchmaking where i have to play against rank 1-3 survivors, because they have so long waiting times their lobbyrank expandes.
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The problem is your time of day. B/t 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. I find that there is no wait time for survivor and a little wait for killer with it reversing once night time rolls around. Also, playing rank 10 killer this weekend, I have not been paired with anything less than a rank 5 survivor. I'm convinced that wait times are associated with their broken matchmaking system.