It's more fun for Killer to De-rank than play at high ranks.

Just as the title says. I've had more fun just straight out losing the matches than trying to sweat them out against a full team of meta perks and 6+ ranks over me. It's really that simple. Really shows how un-fun playing the game the intended way really is.
Its the same thing as 3k hours surv main playing in green ranks
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A killer who should actually be rank 1 shouldn't have fun deranking. Games are too easy even at purple ranks.
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there really no point in playing high rank killer. It’s not satisfying and you’re not rewarded in any way at all. The Tome challenges are much harder to complete as well. This is the only game that I’ve ever played that does NOT reward you for ranking up.
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Well depends, as a Huntress it's pretty boring facing yellow ranks who don't even look behind, so you basically stop predicting movements and you go for boring pallet throws shots.
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Depends what kinda survivors are you versing
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Killers at green rank getting constantly paired with Red ranks isn't exactly our cup of tea. Not gonna even try to sweat it out against people that know everything about the game.
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There honest to god isn't. I'm pretty new. Roughly 40 hours and you'd think making it further into the ranks would be fun, rewarding, but no. It's constant sweaty match after sweaty match and god help you if you dare swap off the killer you had been leveling.
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By deranking intentionally makes survivor queues longer due to the lack of killers. A lack of killers in high ranks are mainly due to intentional deranking (and some migration from killer mains to survivor mains).
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As the post creator said maybe its cuz you need to be a tryharder instead of playing relaxed
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Imagine OP would have been talking about deranking as Survivor. The Shitstorm on this forum would be real.
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Honestly? They can suffer the wait times. They make it unbearable for the remaining killers willing to put up with the nonsense that goes on.
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Well yea, Even at my measly 40 hours I can tell how heavily biased this game is toward survivors. Nobody cares about the killers, we are just supposed to suck it up and deal with it so 4 other people can enjoy themselves while we get ######### on.
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I only play killer with Moris now, that's the only way to have fun and make survivors feel frustrated
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Green and purple are tolerable since the Killers in those ranks aren't very good, but anything below green you just get the most dumb survivors in the world they blow up gens every second, go down to killer in 8 seconds and nothing gets down because they hook bomb.
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Because survivors don't need to de rank, survivor is just naturally more fun than killer, less stress and less focus you have to put in as survivor so you can goof off and chill. I don't think you understand that people don't wanna play video games to feel stressed. Why would I torture myself playing Killer against rank 1 swfs when I can just switch the role and have a much greater experience overall.
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I don't think it will matter if you derank as killer, I am only at rank 8 but I am always matched up with rank 2, 3, and 4 survivors.
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I think the difference is that killers do it so they won't get bullied, survivors do it so they can bully.
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Red ranks aren't for everyone - you are more likely to come across survivors who know the game and aren't just lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Though that may change with the new rank reset rules - more lambs are probably finding their way into red. Full SWF who know the game are just going to win most times - history shows good intel usually wins wars. I'll usually just go into meme mode at that point.
Like have been stated previously getting fixated and sweaty on killing everyone just puts stress on yourself to the point you will actually perform poorly or toss away any human decency. Let what happens happen.
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Neither side should derank to have lower Tier Opponents.
But well, Killers are Snowflakes.
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Smurfs are basically toxic too. If you like easy wins, go smurf. Sadly you got a really small salami then.
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Deranking as killer won't get you anyhere. Matchmaking now matches yellow rank killers with red rank survivors on a regular basis. You can't escape them!
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Wait a second. Since when rank means anything?
One game I experience red ranks who are very very good, the other game I just play casually because they (other red ranks) play like brown ranks and I don't want to torture them.
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I’d prefer facing red rank survivors who actually pay attention and challenge me.
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That was probably me, i suck as survivor but i somehow wound up in the red ranks.
Seems way too easy to pip as survivor (especially in comparison to killer)
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Wait what, did BHVR really change the MM to have yellow killers face red ranks?
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The crazy thing for me at red ranks is that even when I do really well, or even if I do kill even 3 people, maybe even everyone, it does not change the fact it's often just a miserable, frustrating experience. I mean sure, I play games against potatoes a lot, too, and that's just as unfun. And that's generally why I just play other games, take a break, playing PoE has been a ton of fun. I see a looot of killers simply playing survivor, and doing the tome challenges so they get something out of it.
I think there's a lot of problems at red ranks that just generally will never be fixed because the devs aren't capable or able to balance the game around SWF or around all ranks. A lot of the tools survivors have are just frustrating, the second chance perks kinda just make me not want to play themselves, so I stick to survivor.
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This is more the crux of the issue. You only have 40 hours which is a tiny amount in DBD terms and haven't even scratched the surface of the games knowledge. For sush a simple concept it takes a lot of thinking and has a lot of tactics which need to be used more so on the killer side.
The game puts all players into one pool so you have a chance even at low ranks to verse someone with say 3k hours on either side as rank doesnt mean much of anything apart from getting an achievement.
The Matchmaking is bugged atm as you will see red rank survivors v green and brown killers and red rank killer v full green and yellow survivors. For some reason its not finding the correct rank which seems to have been made worse with the change made before the holidays to eleviate queue times.
There also seems to be a disparity of survivors v killers at set ranks in some regions. This seems to be inline with the challenges being released as more are moving over to play the side they wouldnt normally. When they do this is tends to say they will be in the lower end due to not playing them as much.
So If 100 killers move over it affect the queues for 100% of survivor games at high rank while is 100 survivors move over it only affect 25% of those queues. this means the red ranks expand much the same as the brown rank for killers so right now you end up being matched with those you arent ready to meet at any and all ranks due to a few issues.
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Intentional deranking pubstomps people who are not better than you, which may result in the people in lower ranks frustrated. It wouldn't really be fair to them.
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I've noticed pipping as Survivor is way easier too. I'm literal garbage at loops and chases. I can maybe get lucky and distract the killer for a minute or so, but even then I seem to gain a pip or 2 at the results.
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Sounds like something a survivor main would say why am I not surprised. Lol