Spine Chill is not that useful, change my mind.



  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I mean that's fine, if it doesn't fit your playstyle

    It fits some others though

    Putting perks in tierlist is kinda wasted, it all boils down to preference anyway

  • AsePlayer
    AsePlayer Member Posts: 1,829
  • VoodooMan7995
    VoodooMan7995 Member Posts: 137

    Its actually gotten me out of ton on sticky situations. Some where 2 of my teammates DM-ed and I need 3 more gens, and such.

    Its a good perk that reveals when the killer is looking directly at you, and provides a boost in multiple (if not all) categories.

    Its good for many reasons, but I can see why you don't like it... Its all about style and choice, and I respect that

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I don't get how someone with so much respect in the community can be so wrong about some things. "Just my opinion" I guess.

  • InnCognito
    InnCognito Member Posts: 720

    I use the perk if I am listening to MUSIC, in a phone call, and being lazy. I'd say it actually is the BEST perk in the game. Especially phone calls lol.

  • RandomHyperBeast
    RandomHyperBeast Member Posts: 35
    edited January 2020

    I'm sorry but spine chill with resilience saves you so much when trying to make it to a window. Not to mention if you are opening and exit gate and the killer starts headed towards you when your close to done. The 9% which is useless according to you is amazing and will save you the game. Not to mention plenty of pro players use it and I know they are better than you because you don't like spine chill. If you pair it with Sprint burst and your say on a gen and it lights up. You know the killer is close so right when they come you sprint away to a loop. And with reseiliance and spine chill(if your hit) you vault windows 18% faster so I don't know what seems bad to you. It's also immposible to hear stealth killers on the other side of a rock when your gen is making loud noises. Go watch spine chill gameplay and you will see how good it is. Also I'm sure your a Rank 17 blendette who doesn't do gens or run the killer but rather opens chests and wall hugs. That's probably why you can hear the killer coming.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • RandomHyperBeast
    RandomHyperBeast Member Posts: 35

    Yep exactly. Not to mention with spine chill you'll never let a spirit get a free hit on you and you can do scratch mark jewks

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    I understand why people use it. However, it does not fit my play style at all so for me, it's a worthless perk. On the rare occasions that I do play with it, I find it more distracting watching the icon to see if it even lights up. You might say, why would I need to focus on the bottom perk to see if it lights up when the repair bar turns yellow? Well, I usually pair up spine chill with resilience so the bar is already yellow due to resilience staying active!

  • ppo8820
    ppo8820 Member Posts: 763

    It’s gotten more useful with all the stealth killers being played. Wraith and ghost face especially.

  • underworld20
    underworld20 Member Posts: 6

    I cant tell you how many times spinechill has saved me in the endgame when I'm the last alive in one month that speed boost it gives although it's not a lot more often enough in crucial situations like the end game it helps especially if the gates arnt that far apart which the never are unless your on a indoor map or a big map

  • Frashu
    Frashu Member Posts: 23

    I played with Spinechill for a while. But I realized that some perks work more consistently for me and I was using spinechill as a crutch. I wasn’t using my ears or camera enough. Will it save you from giving a stealth killer a free hit? Sure, occasionally. But even if its a stealth killer its only a one in four chance they are coming for you. Spine chill gives crazy misinformation on maps with two levels. And there are perks that work more consistently. Better is a matter of opinion, but Spine Chill has won me less chases than adrenaline. No contest. I agree with a previous poster that if you want a head start, Sprinto Bursto. Boom. Head start and consistent every time.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Every time? So when you get to a gen and just start working on it and the killer gets to you, sorry sprint burst isn’t helping you there it’s on cool down.

    Unless you walk everywhere to save sprint burst, which UGH

  • bumbewildered
    bumbewildered Member Posts: 16

    Imo Spine Chill is a beginner perk like Bond, Self Care,, and Windows of Opportunity. They are useful but when you know the information they give without using the perks their effectiveness drops.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    A beginner perk like bond, wow. I barly run bond, but it is still a very good perk for every level of skill.

  • Frashu
    Frashu Member Posts: 23

    I mean, pretty much? Forty seconds isn’t that long. If someone uses their sprint burst while not knowing where the killer is or if the killer is busy with someone else, that’s their fault. It’s not sprint burst’s. You have to play around your perk, your perk doesn’t play around you, right? And people who walk around the map aren’t that inefficient. When I play killer against a sprint burst squad, they do just fine walking until I get up to them, using sprint burst like dead hard and zooooooom.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    So they do okay avoiding that first attack, but they walked from gen to gen... if a gen takes 80 seconds and you run to it from another gen you’re looking at 90 seconds including travel time. If you walk it can be more like 100. That’s significant time.

    I use kindred, you probably think it’s a beginner perk. No amount of experience will tell you In a solo queue if you’re the closest to rescue someone from hook, or if another teammate is already in their way.

    Bond has a huge range too, if I’m on the game map and I have an idea of where the two closest gens are, no amount of experience is going to tell me which one another teammate is working on already.

    Limping bond into the same category as windows of opportunity is a terrible comparison.

    Im guessing you think Whispers is a beginning perk for killers too?

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited January 2020

    This is silly. Spine Chill lights up before you even hear a terror radius, thus your ears are pointless in that situation. If your eyesight is blocked(which is often the case) near a gen, you can't use your eyes. Spine Chill gives you a head start in a chase, it allows you to keep a killer searching your gen without finding you for a while, and if you have a gen or heal almost done, or autodidact, it helps tremendously. Also helps against stealth killers extremely well, and Spirit. It's not a noob perk just because you don't lolthere to use it. Also yes, some people use it wrong, but you don't base a perk's worth on the people who use it incorrectly. That's like saying We'll Make It is bad because people unhook you then run to a corner expecting you to follow them.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Greet points, I think the people saying it’s useless if you have eyes and ears are playing against bad killers.

    A good pig, wraith, Ghostface or Myers can sneak up on you using LoS blockers on most maps. These people saying it’s a noob perk can obviously see the bad killers coming because they walk straight across an open field.

  • Frashu
    Frashu Member Posts: 23

    I would argue the headstart will benefit you more than the walking hinders you. Its what I see when I go against sprint burst gamers. That boost (especially if bait a swing from an idiot like me) it had more than ten seconds of value. The benefit is MASSIVE if you are working on an unsafe gen. It gives you a head start and the benefit of getting to a safe loop/tile. It denies an easy first hit.

  • Fog_King
    Fog_King Member Posts: 688

    I started using Spine Chill when Ghostface came out and found it very helpful. Now, I use it with most of my survivors.

  • laurelstroodle
    laurelstroodle Member Posts: 432

    Sprint burst work in chases and is the most strongest perk rn combined with vigil (not necesary to use vigil though)

    99'ing the sprint in a chase is a big advatange, you can be in a dead zone, and boom sprint burst and you're fine.

    And you can work in a gen without worrying, cause if you see the stealth killer you can easily sprint burst and make it to a pallet.

    What benefit does spine chill has in chases that can be compared to sprint burst?

  • laurelstroodle
    laurelstroodle Member Posts: 432

    Why would I like 4 meters of diference?

    (Base terror radius is 32m)

    Most maps doesn't have that lot of LOS blockers, so that's not a great point, and is a situational scenario.

    And as I said earlier, once you are experienced enough you dont need from a perk to tell you where the killer is, if he is coming for you or not.

    A better option is sprint burst, requires skill, is really strong using the 99'ing tactic in chases, you can sit in a gen with you're sprint burst and be safe, it is really good against wraiths, pig, myers and ghostface's..

    It is just sad how survivors dont learn and waste perks, but I can understand since it is a unlocked perk by default..

  • laurelstroodle
    laurelstroodle Member Posts: 432

    Pig makes a sound when she uses ambush and grabs are bugged, and if the pig is using los blocker when she comes to you, you can easily sprint burst.

    Wraith needs to uncloak and isn't 100 invisible, sprint burst basically kills wraith.

    Ghostface makes sounds as well when he's moving and you can see ghostface mask since it is white...

    Myers has a loud breathing and is tall af so you can see him...

    You know why most people say it is a noob perk?

    Cause no one is going to sacrifice a slot for something that you can easily counter without it and with better perks that help in chases, very strong (sprint burst)

    And it is known as the noob perk cause most people that use it are new players that has over 10/50 hours.

  • laurelstroodle
    laurelstroodle Member Posts: 432

    It is 15%

    Imagine thinking 0.075s of diference is STRONG, lmao.

    Than deja vu is S tier, im not gonna discuss with someone that thinks this is useful, 2 perks slot for this? LMAOOOOOOOOOOO

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Why are you comparing Sprint Burst to Spine Chill? You don't replace an exhaustion perk with it. You generally use it WITH an exhaustion perk, so combining the two gives you much more distance. Also it's much more than 4 meters of distance. You are using math when the killer needs to actually see you before he starts chasing you.

    LoS blockers are around a LOT of gens. Any corn map has MOST gens covered by walls. Game and Lery's almost all gens have LoS blockers, every map I can think of has gens behind LoS blockers. The only time I can think of Spine Chill not be useful is in an open field. That doesn't happen often enough imo.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I'm not wasting my exhaustion perk slot just so stealth killers have slightly less advantage over me. Spine Chill completely negates the potential for seeing the killer too late. Combine that with the action speed and extra skill checks and Spine Chill can be a great efficiency tool. Not to mention how experienced players can use Spine Chill in chase to see where the killer is looking, if they're hiding their red stain or going for the swing. Although this technique requires much more practice than using other survivor perks, you will definitely have a stronger edge than without it once you have mastered it. Spine Chill is a perk for experienced players with high awareness just as much as it is helpful to newer players getting used to hearing stealth noises and the terror radius. How am I wrong?

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Overrated noob perk. The only times it shines is against stealthy killers in indoor maps, old prayer beads etc.

    Spine chill is for stealthy potatoes who are afraid of killers. They can't loop, therefore they stealth. But they are hurting the team a lot. They never take killers attention, therefore the killer can tunnel those who are on death hook.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Isn't 9% from resilience and spine chill has actually 15%? Can't remember both having the same value.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105


    Spine Chill is not that useful you say? Good, i hope more people have that opinion, the less people know how good it is the better for me ;).

    The only thing i say is that you clearly have no idea how much potential this perk has when you really have to ask "how should spine chill help you looping the killer". The same with "those 6% are nothing" trolololo

    If this game was any competetive, everyone would run spine chill, even in 4 man teams and it would be the first banned perk in every match.

  • Kagari_Leha
    Kagari_Leha Member Posts: 555

    Spine chill 9% and Resilience 9% too, so basically a good 18%

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    I don’t know, saves me every game and when I’m playing as a stealthy killer I can tell when people are running it immediately. Gives me an issue as a killer when the survivor knows how to be stealthy

  • karatinac97
    karatinac97 Member Posts: 210

    You've just answered it for yourself. Not only are you SWF but you're not a stealth player, if you don't wanna use it, don't.

    But plenty of people who are both those things use it. As a SOLO it helps immensely - along with Kindred and BT, which are the main 3 perks I use. It gives you a head start and warning so you're ready. Especially in indoor maps where it's very difficult to tell if a killer will turn around a corner at any moment. It also just makes me less... not stressed but on edge.

    After a little hiatus from this game, I had a match against Billy and I didn't use Spine Chill. I heard him revving so I hid and guess what, he came directly from behind me at the edge of the map with my back to the wall. Downed me within about 10 seconds and that never would have happened if I had Spine Chill. Even had another survivor point at me on the hook instead of helping me because I got downed so quickly. Ironically, I was the best survivor at distracting and escaping him and had very long chases. He almost hit me in the same manner about 5 more times throughout the match because he always came from the opposite way I was looking. He wasn't able to do it again but there were some VERY close calls. Spine Chill would have helped immensely as he seemed to have extreme luck at finding me that match.

    And before you say that I'm inexperienced or low level, I don't play as much as used to so I'm more of a casual player and usually in purple rank. Everyone makes mistakes, even good players, I make dumb mistakes all the time... But spine chill stops me literally running face first into the killer like I used to do.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    I hope you're joking to throw killers off of Spine Chill's trail. The users of a perk should not be what you judge the perk on. Myself and other good players can use Spine Chill to avoid stealthy advances, increase objective efficiency, and gain an extra advantage in chase by seeing where the killer is looking from any part of a loop and having an extra millisecond or so from each window due to 6% vault speed. A millisecond can mean everything in a chase.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Ooof even worse. Well, that's probably the main reason I never touched it. 15% would be neat, but 6% is not enough for me :/

  • justaSpirit_phase
    justaSpirit_phase Member Posts: 142

    Lol imagine looping the killer and not knowing if they are looking at you and you end up running into them. Yup, spinechill is great, immersed or toxic. Also, extra vault speed? Please!

  • bumbewildered
    bumbewildered Member Posts: 16

    Kindred is not a noob perk especially since its buff. The difference between spine Chill and kindred is that kindred helps your fellow survivors in a solo situation (like prove thyself or leader) while spine Chill usually only tells you something you already know. In certain situations it's useful but an experienced survivor will know when they are being looked at or can figure it out rather quickly. If you are getting interrupted that's a problem with your game sense, and it should be an instadown. Bond is a noob perk because at some point you need to realize that your teammates should be one of two places. Generator or chased. If you need more noob perks there's Déjà Vu, Self Care, and Technician, as well as several others I can't recall.

  • podkall
    podkall Member Posts: 109

    It doesn't fit your gameplay but it does fit other's deal with it

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    If you're going to run a safety stealth perk, just use anything else, honestly.

    Urban Evasion, Iron Will, Calm Spirit, Lucky Break, Quick & Quiet

    Spine Chill is a tack-on perk, and isn't very good as a standalone. If you're using 2 slots (like I do), I still wouldn't run it most of the time. Currently, I run with Iron Will and Urban Evasion, and I find them far more effective than an Exhaustion perk when used well.

  • Spirit counter.