Why do people hate meg ?

I don't understand this she is a meg after all thing I get the dwight one with lockers and stuff but can someone let me in this meg stereotype cause I don't get it.
How can you not like this chick I would take her over any other female character in this game without thinking twice.
Megs are selfish and trollish by nature
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Because for whatever reason she is picked by a lot of idiots as a main.
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Really? I don't hate meg. Different player with different fancy.
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usually the teammate thats either useless or sandbags teammates
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Dwight's hide in lockers. Claudette's hide in bushes. Meg's and Nea's are toxic. It's just ridiculous stereotypes people have made about them.
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Self-care and bad pallet drops
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In my games everybody is equally bad and trolls. These stereotypes are pretty dumb yeah. Like every stereotype in life anyway. 😪
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I don't think Meg is hated, for me the hated one is Claudette.
I still don't know why people choose to play with Bill or David without iron will, those grunts can be heard from miles away!
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There could be higher number of toxic Meg's and Nea's. But I've never noticed it.
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I mean...look at her...how much more menacing can one POSSIBLY be?
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Not to mention how ugly she is now
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Megs and Neas are always super boosted, it seems. Not to mention that people don't like them because their looks are quite... different.
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Her face. Devs added a mask to completely cover it.
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How is this ugly lol, she is the only baby face in the game.
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The Meg stereotype is bullshit. Im an altruistic Meg that plays her because of 3 reasons. 1. I like her cosmetics. 2. My name is Megan. and 3. she looks like me.
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She is hella ugly
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She is ugly and her players are garbage.
Kate is ugly and her players are garbage.
Claud's like to blend
Baby Dwight's and Jake's are cute af.
Usually every other survivor are played by good players.
But there are quite a few potato Bill's and David's too.
I can always rely on Tapp's, Jeff's and Jane's as randoms.
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Because Meg players are idiots. Her perks attract players that don't do generators. And as far as "taking her over other women"? I'm more of a Jane type, so I don't see Meg's appeal in the slightest.
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That's called being the exception. "Meghead" is an old term and Megs prove it right every day.
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No one likes her because she is evil! I have video proof:
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I just hate people who take selfcare lol
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I'm okay with her, actually she reminds me of Wigfrid from Don't Starve.
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I think she is fine. I don't hate a character by the looks and by the stereotype along with them. I judge them by the person who plays them. The player makes us dislike the character.
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She's ugly
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Dude somebody who plays quentin has no right to call anybody ugly.
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We all know Gollum is one of the most sexiest things alive.
Look at those beautiful eyes, those teeth, and his ears, and hair.
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We all know Gollum is one of the most sexiest things in existence.
Those beautiful eyes, those teeth, his ears, and his hair... ❤️
You know he lifts when he has abs. 💪
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Meg is that Fire.
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There's two types of Megs. Urban evading + sprint burst Megs and actually really good Meg players that know the loops, but are usually toxic.
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The megs are always so trash at skill checks, every time I get on a Gen with a Meg (red rank on console) the fully mess up (not even good skill check) Gen skill checks with ruin and not even just one, the mess up like 2 or 3 in a row. Not sure if this is on purpose or not.
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Quentin is the fourth hottest character
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To me he is the most ugly char by far. When I see one in my lobby he dies, no matter what.
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I just dont like her because i dont like her facial expession and animation in the Lobby. She looks like she has no clue what's going on, and in my experience there are, no offense, a lot of Meg-players that represent that.
There's also a second type of Meg-players, that are the complete opposite and know the maps by heart and how to loop, but they seem to be a rare species.
It's just a stereotype thing. Usually Megs do brainless plays, Claudettes hide in bushes doing nothing or beeing toxic, Baby Dweets hide in lockers, Jake just saboing hooks, Janes are killers best friend and help them, Neas are most of the time actual noobs, or gods of looping, there is no in between.
Of course these things aren't always the case, but this is just a mix from my own experience and general stereotyping.
For me the main thing if I like a character or not is their personal animation and charisma in the lobby. And sadly I don't really like Megs animation or her facial expression.
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Jane should suffer exhaustion the whole match and have to take orange juice mid game. Aka shes fat.
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All the survivors are ugly except for the recent liscensed DLC(Stranger Things, Ash Vs Evil dead)
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Because Meg, you've been in the game from the start. How do you still not know the right time to drop the pallet?
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Laurie is bae.
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Who even says "hella"? (cit.)
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ah, i see you're a man of culture as well
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how Fitting nea and meg are my main characters XD. but im not that
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I don't mind megs if they wear the deathgarden mask. Otherwise the face puts me off
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Almost all the survivors have a stereotype. I'd say the most hated survivor is Blendette. I don't hate Meg but in my experience they are the most farming people in the game. Personally, I don't like to team up with Jakes, but that's a bias that doesn't hold true to all of them. Like who you like. There will always be someone who dislikes what you do.
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Well, for me it is:
- You rarely encounter a Meg who is a team player when you are playing Survivor.
- Megs, on average, just seem to be more toxic than any other Survivor. Toxic ones aren't defined by a specific cosmetic (ex. Nea) or item(ex. Laurie). Cosmetics and items just make them worse.
- Her cosmetics are, mostly, similar. Making her look like a sweaty, dirty scarecrow that smells like bad cheese.
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She is stereotyped as the following
- Can’t hit skill checks and when they blow up a generator they sprint burst away.
- Will sandbag you.
- Toxic but often fail miserably and DC’s.
- Not a team player and if try they will farm you in front of the killer.
Overall, players who play Meg are categorized as a MegHead. It’s just a stereotype though. I’ve had Meg players in my lobby who play perfectly fine and aren’t total idiots. It’s just a skin, all survivors are the same.
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- Steve
- Dwight
- Jake
- Quentin
- David
- Adam
- Tapp
- Jeff
- Bill
- Ash
- Ace (I hate Ace)
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She is the definition of beauty. No other survivor stands even nearly close to her
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I'm scared of opening up a locker and finding one inside.
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