What do you think?

So the other day I was playing by myself, yes I am a solo survivor and I play both sides. I noticed this guy was streaming with his friend and they were both a SWF and I decided to watch his stream as I was playing the same match he was in. The game loads in and we're against a Trapper. The streamer was playing Meg and he spent the whole game trying to find the ruin, but he couldn't find it. The trapper knocks him down and he decides to DC from the game and rage on his stream saying "I'm not going to play this [BAD WORD] game if I search through the whole map and can't find the [BAD WORD] totem." Seems like he was an entitled survivor main, and used his poor searching skills as an excuse to DC because he failed to find the hex totem. As he said, he searched the "whole" map to find it and couldn't find it.
P.S, the ruin got cleansed about 5 minutes after he dced.
The reason I'm writing this is because of the fact he was playing Meg, and Meg-Mains are known for having a toxic and selfish reputation, maybe examples like this are the reason why that stereotype regarding Meg's character is so popular? Let me know your thoughts.
I think that I could not care less about why some rando DCs
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I'm confused what's the point of this?
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Didn't you read the last paragraph?
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Hell yeah brother
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if you don't care then why bother replying?
Reply to something that you actually care about, logic much...
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Um sounds like he kinda needs to learn to hit his great skill checks lol
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You asked and question and wonder why people are replying, logic much...
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When someone dcs, I just know I was better and got the last laugh. So I shrug it off.
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No, I didn't "wonder" anything. If you read the forum carefully, then you'll understand that the response YOU made was irrelevant and unnecessary.
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To be fair, you said “Let me know your thoughts.”
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Right, that's my mistake, apologies.
What I meant was, let me know your thoughts on the situation I had explained.
Also, if you don't care about something, then there's no need to respond to it saying so. Plus, dcing is a huge issue in this game right now.
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Ya I did so I'm not even sure why you bothered to quote me. You've been doing it a lot lately.
It's pointless because either he is name shaming a streamer or asking what each survivors general community options of the actions and reputations.
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I think there's a difference between name shaming and calling out someone for their actions.
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No offence mate, but if you don't care then just leave this forum because your erratic and pathetic response is taking up too much space here, please find another forum to complain your thoughts xox
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Fine line, but yes I do agree.
I just wasnt sure what you really wanted from your post.
Meg's I know I relatively useless. Never met a good one yet. They tend to be boosted from my personal experince. Pretty sure it wont apply
I have a friend who mains Meg P3, all perks tier 3, Red rank 1 every season. Yet I still see her urbaning with Self Care not even taking hits for people on last hook when she hasn't been touched once. I think she added spine chill too.
Big joke among my group is Meg is Irrelevant. Get hatemail from a Meg? Tell them they are Irrelevant because they are a Meg. See how fast they get mad. Claudette's are almost getting there as well seeing less and less good Claudette's.
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The whole "Megs are useless" thing is partly why I wrote this forum. Because this streamer was playing a Meg, only scouted for the hex totem, didn't attempt to do any gens, complains how the killer could see him and hear Meg's sounds of pain and dcs because he couldn't find the hex totem in time. It's gameplay like that example that makes me wonder if that's what contributes to the whole Meg stereotype.
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Considering that person isn’t here to defend themselves, it’s not really “calling out”. You’re just name shaming them.
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It's not name shaming, everything I wrote was a matter of fact. If you support how this guy plays the game then I have no words for you.
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Nowhere did I say I support this guy. 🤦🏽♂️ You are name shaming, you had no reason to throw the guys name out there but you did.
For all we know, you might have a grudge against this guy and have created this story to hurt his reputation. You literally could’ve left it at “Streamer.”
“Matter of fact” - no. Hearsay - yes.
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Quick question then as I nvr edit my ps4 pictures because it's a hassle.
Is this an acceptable picture or not due to names?
Every character has a stereotype with them. Usually from what I can tell most are drawn to a specific character either based on appeal or by a streamer of YT person who got them into it.
Usually the beginning perks imho seems to develop your playstyle. It may not always remain the same, but I've noticed a lot of people I taught how to play over the years seem to relate to the first 4 perks they used before getting real builds. This includes myself.
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@Liruliniel as written in the rules, as long as your post doesn't reflect negatively on someone, you can avoid hiding the names, it mostly depends on the context.
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They were just expressing their opinion that they don't care about why a rando DCs, that does contribute to the argument as they bring up a good point; why should I care that I they DCed?
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So referring to them as bad and explaining your reasoning would be acceptable provided you dont go X players was bad for X reasons, but the use of X perk by X player while was bad they used it well would be ok?
Not like this would ever happen since usually I just show a pic when someone says X is impossible or tries to call my bluff and I have time to spare.
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Alright thanks for the info man. Have a good day.
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What's funny is I always find that Dwights and Kates are the worst to run against. But this happens all the time... its ruining the game on console because we dont have the temp bans yet
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Bro, they didnt do anything wrong. How about you just move on to the next forum because the rest of us are truly engaged in this topic. K thanks.
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Streamers that DC are the biggest contributors to one the biggest issues with dbd.
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PS4 actually has some really nice Meg players (I for one am a decent example according to my friends). someone got knocked down due to NOED? I'm right there to save with BT and get them out. Someone is close and on dead hook? I try to bodyblock. Megs on PS4 are very similar to this the majority of the time and I don't see why that really varies from PC to console DBDs.
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