Suggestions to Buff Nurse

After playing a lot of Nurse the past few months, I thought I'd throw out some ideas for QoL changes to make her feel better.
- Remove her recharge mechanic, but increase her fatigue.
- Increase her FoV toward the end of her blink.
- Allow her blink to continue recharging while she is holding one.
- Fix the bugs associated with her blink.
- Increase her move speed slightly (3.9 to 4 m/s).
- Rework a few of her add-ons so they're actually worth using.
Just one or two of these would probably make her feel better without making her broken again. I definitely don't want her to be as powerful as she was before, but she feels really stressful at high ranks in her current state.
She's not faster than survivors already?
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At base, she is not faster than a running survivor. She moves at 98.25% I believe, and survivors run at 100%.
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Simply revert the base kit nerf. She doesn't need that silly cooldown on her cooldown.
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I think people like you just read this crap on the forum and parrot it back, because she really isn't the strongest killer in the game. No lunge, no move speed, no map pressure. How many nurses have you gone against since the nerf? How have you fared against them? How many streamers play her at high ranks on a regular basis? How do they do with her?
I've gone against two nurses and I easily escaped both times. Like she got one or two hooks the entire game.
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Shes fine now, shes still the best killer in the game...
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Just because someone's bad with a killer doesn't mean the killer is bad.
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No, but no one playing her, and kill rates at 46% do make her a bad killer. Along with no lunge, no move speed, and no map pressure.
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46% kill rate? were? can i see the data?
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Their chart is showing sub 50%, but they say it's 51% further down. Either way, it's crap.
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Great players can make any of the killers look good. You have to look at the overall, and overall, she's crap. Again, this is all talk, I've backed up my claims, yet no one has shown proof of her being the best.
I understand how to play her. I can 4K against red rank survivors with her, but I can do the same thing with Hag or Ghostface, only way easier.
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If only the same logic was used for balancing survivors and so forth.
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Well Ayrun used her a lot on his last streams and he did perfectly fine. Also, I have gone up against a lot of Nurses and some had 5k hours in the game so I dont think the killer was the issue on your matches (maybe you are just too good of a survivor lol)
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Honestly the change that they SHOULD have done (aside from the add-on changes of course) was to decrease her lunge range.
Back when the nurse was first released she had a really short lunge like Tier 1 Myers. I think they should have changed the lunge back to what it used to be rather than the base kit change we received. Her lunge rn makes it so she can recover if she's a bit too far from the survivors and still hit them which is a bit BS when you have a killer who requires precision. That's like if Huntress could suddenly turn her hatchets into a boomerang if she missed so they can hit the survivor on the way back.
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Not really. Rank 8 survivor, they were just terrible as nurse.
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As a console Nurse main, I agree with four of your suggestions:
- Allow her blink to continue recharging while she is holding one.
- Fix the bugs associated with her blink.
- Increase her move speed slightly (3.9 to 4 m/s).
- Rework a few of her add-ons so they're actually worth using.
I have a alternate to this:
- Remove her recharge mechanic, but increase her fatigue.
Since the community dislikes fatigue, I was thinking the cool-down only applies to her lethal blinks. This can give her just a little more mobility because she doesn't have to wait a few seconds to use her blinks again.
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Do you even play her? her post blink lunge is already shorter than normal killer lunge..
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It's nowhere near as short as what it used to be. Tell me would you rather have a cooldown to her power or a short lunge (that tier 1 myers has) instead? She doesn't even need a long lunge
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Revert the basekit changes. Job done, case closed. Nurse is fun to play again + can dominate sweaty swf groups again (if you are good nurse)
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Her lunge got heavily shadownerfed with dedicated servers. Its near enough non-existent by now. Just a quick example:
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Yeah I know the lunge is ######### rn but I don't believe that is intended. if it was intended tho then the devs have pretty much nerfed her extra hard now
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
Is this related to the wraith and spirit lunge bug?
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No, it started with the introduction of dedicated servers.
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What is this replying to exactly?
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Give nurse move speed at least 100% same as survivor
That's my wish for nurse buff
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It is used by the same logic, not by some bias.
Why are Survivors not balanced?
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She moves at 95%
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I always hope whenever I see another "BuFf NuRsE" thread that it's a sarcastic post, but it never is...
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I actually checked the wiki and it says she moves at 96.25%. So we are both dumb dumbs :p
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Maybe it shouldn't have been titled "buff Nurse," but "make Nurse feel better to play." At the very least they should fix the bugs that the rework and dedicated servers created.
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- Allow her blink to continue recharging while she is holding one.
- Fix the bugs associated with her blink.
- Increase her move speed slightly (3.9 to 4.1 m/s).
I'm in for this.
Just make it. so she is slightly faster than a survivor
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No it is not, swf balance logic the statement is "oh well most goof around with friends". Ignoring top players, they do not matter and this leads to the ability of being able to ruin the game for other people whether they like it or not.
This flawed dumb logic leads to imbalance. 4man with OoO utterly broken.
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Base kit nurse PC player here, I ditto the suggestions
Regarding fatigue, devs mentioned some people suffer from motion sickness due to it and that's why they don't prolong it
Either way I hope they try to make her fun again through some of the suggestions so I can pick her up again (emphasis on fun)
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Nurse has hisorically always had a bad kill rate. Even before the nerf, her kill rate at all ranks was still the lowest because of console and new players. Once you learn how to play her she is a very strong killer and had one of the best rank 1 kill rates on PC.
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Even at red ranks, she's not at the top. It wouldn't take much of a buff to make her better. Honestly, the cooldown doesn't irritate me near as bad as her lunge. It's like one of those scam claw machines where it looks for all the world like you're getting the prize, only to barely miss. You basically have to be sitting right on top of the survivor for it to hit.
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all killers have the same lunge.
Also the stats are dragged down by console. PC red rank nurse stats would be nice to see. Im guessing they show nurse in a good place.
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she is NOT the strongest killer in game, in fact, she is the weakest. Look up most recent killer stats released. Now you could argue that you should not look across all ranks due to her high learning curve so, looking only at red ranks, she is still only mid tier. I already posted on discussions but I fully agree with either raising her base speed to 4.2 or at least 4.0, or leave her speed as is but fix something else. She is the hardest killer to master, she should be the most powerful once mastered, or at least high tier.
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Historicly in a game that is a few years old ok.
I just leave this here.
You can clearly see she wasn't at the bottom for pc. But she used to be the most popular.
Compare that to the recently released ones, compare it then to what almo posted about her killrate being at 43 or something. Oh and she is a little less popular than clown by now.
Don't know what it needs that some people realize that this isn't a good result.
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Here is some more before nerf stats. The nerf was definitely needed
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Incorrect. Nurse lunge out of blink is .333 shorter than a normal killer.
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"It is advised for Players of those Killers to momentarily wait with performing the Lunge Attack and build up some movement speed and momentum that the Lunge Mechanic can then boost. As soon as the Killer is moving a bit, they will already benefit from the full Lunge range."
The problem is that you need to move first before hitting. Dont hit right away. wait a second before going for the lunge. I literally never have problems hitting people with nurse's lunge. Sometimes I miss but thats because I didn't aim the blink well enough not because the nurse has trex arms.
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No, a nerf was needed but not this. Which is something that you and other people totally forget, most nurse players agreed that addons should be reworked. They did something else on top of that, changed other stuff and the result is she is in the dumpster.
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In theory yes. In practise Nurse's post-blink lunge has been heavily gutted with dedicated servers. Its sometimes only like half of the range than normal.
Not entirely true. I quite often have a further lunge when intantly lunging, than when waiting half a second. Dedicated servers completely threw that Get-some-speed rule out of the window.
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Don't look at the killer stats before the nerf, look at them after the nerf. Look at red ranks only (midtier) or overall (bottom tier), nowhere near the top. She needs a buff somewhere.
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I think they should rework her for consoles and just make her blink go a fixed distance upon charging and then reducing the charge time. She'll basically work the same as a demogorgon that goes through obstacles, but be more managable on consoles. Then they can buff her to huntress/hag speed.
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Just give nurse her base kit honestly..her addon issues have been eliminated..heck nerf any addons you want from her now if needed..I'd trade them all just for base nurse..because her new addons armt even worth using anyway if this is the price ...
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This isn't about swf, this is about game health.
You say this like you face them every game, most of them are overconfident and always run second chance perks, they THINK they are good, take advantage of that.
This sounds more like "us vs. them" rather than game health.