Remove Skill Checks

I'd like the game better if instead of skill checks you just got button prompts to press in order. Screwing up the button prompts or not doing it fast enough causes explosions and then you can rework everything influencing skill checks to this new system. This idea is just more fun than skill checks. I don't like the timing based gameplay skill checks provide personally.



  • Yuyukoyay
    Yuyukoyay Member Posts: 50

    If they could somehow made it a menu option and made them both work somehow then that would be great. xD

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Dead by Daylight 2: Gen Gen Revolution.

  • Yuyukoyay
    Yuyukoyay Member Posts: 50

    The cover art is chuckie hiding in a locker. XD