
Every time I play this game, I slowly realize how unbalanced it is everyday.
Every time I play Killer, there are 2 things that happen:
- Gen-Rushed so fast I couldn't even react to it. Even with anti-generator perks like Ruin, Pop, Dying Light... oh wait I forgot all the anti-generator perks suck. They only work if you play with potato or decent survivors.
- Loops, every single pallet always has another pallet or window nearby. If you don't break the pallet, you either get the guy by mindgaming them, or by the time you give up on the loop, 2-3 gens are done. Not just that, survivor perks like Lithe, Balanced Landing, and Sprint Burst always seem to make their way into survivor builds. So no matter how hard you try to get the survivor, they just speed away as the other 3 are doing gens.
Something else I notice when playing Killer, is that there isn't many perks that guarantee something happening without working for it. Sure perks like Ruin and No One Escapes Death exist (there are other perks I just can't think of), but those can easily be taken away. Perks like Dying Light, Pop, Devour Hope and countless others always require the killer to say for example, hook a survivor or down a survivor. Sounds easy right? Just get one guy, and you'll be on your way. But due to the two things that I listed, makes it unbelievable difficult to even get ONE GUY. While most survivor perks are GUARANTEES, Sprint Burst, once you start to sprint, you run extremely fast for a couple seconds. Lithe, hop over a window or pallet, and the killer will be in your dust. DS, once the killer picks you up before 60 seconds, stun the killer for 5 seconds. There's countless other perks that make a killer's day hell.
Listen, I might be coming off as "oH mY gOd YoU cLeArLy SuCk At ThE gAmE gEt BeTtEr CrYbAbY", but no matter how many times you tell me that I suck, i'm toxic, and countless other insults towards killers you're just ignoring the fact I'm right. Sure there's killer perks that piss off survivors, but there aren't many. If there's one thing I would beg for the devs to do, is to rework every single map and how long it takes for gens to be done. So that survivors can't hide behind loops anymore and actually have to fear for their lives.
Why recode when you can just pump out more rushed chapters, and overpriced cosmetics?
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it may take over a year for freddy to be reworked, months for legion to be "fixed," and matchmaking may never work properly, but you can be certain new cosmetics are always on time
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PSA: Dying Light is an awful perk. Sorry, just had to say it.
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Why would you ever use dying light the perk is terrible only good thing about it now is the perk isnt a tunnel simulator for the obession
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Employees in Cosmetics/Chapters/etc. are in different departments. They may do their jobs faster than the employees in charge of balance/design/bugfuxes/etc. It takes time to fix bugs and balance the game; it is faster to create cosmetics.
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There actually IS plenty of killer perks that have effects before downing someone, its just not huge game changers. Perks like enduring, brutal strength and whispers for example are pretty consistant. Alot of times the endless pallets can be beat by forcing the survivor on the side of the pallet that doesnt benefit them. If a survivor is looping you around a dead end for example, force them to run into it. If you break a pallet while theyre in position to easily get to another one...its gonna feel like their supply is endless. Often times, all ya gotta do is break it from the OTHER side.
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Thanks for the tip!
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I agree, it takes time to fix bugs, but not "that" time. They are 230 people at bhvr, not 2 or 3: if a department is overstimated, take some resources from one dept and put them in the one that needs them.
Example: do you remember some time ago that the Haddonfield map intro music suddenly was so loud? Well, it tooks 3 months to get resolved! Not a couple of days, not 1 week, not few weeks ... but months. This raises 2 questions: 1) what was doing the QA team? It was on vacation? 2) I refuse to believe that 1 guy worked for months on this issue, so ... why they didn't put a guy to resolve this issue asap, maybe in a couple of days?
This is only an example, there are too many things similar to this. They are slow in everything. The dept of maintenance needs more people? Toss them in!! Fix the game, damn.
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If they're getting to other loops, then that means they're likely gonna waste more pallets, making your job really easy in the endgame when there's no pallets left and you get easy downs. You could also play a killer that uses traps or one that doesn't care about loops. Or run Zanshin Tactics. There's a lot in the game to help you get better at looping survivors (unless you get a map like Thompson House in which case there's really not much you can do)
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Feel like alot of bug fixes get put off til they can do a big update instead of a quick hotfix or something.
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You are very unlucky to find good survivors, even at red ranks is hard (Rank ≠ Skill)
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Waiting months to make slight numerical adjustments to addons/perks is not something that players should wait months for. Changing the X% of a perk to make it more viable are the sort of things that can be done at a much more rapid pace than releasing it alongside a new chapter. It just comes off as lazy if anything.
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Stuff like this take time and money, and possibly discussion with the owner of said franchises. It takes lots of time to code, too. You can't expect content that you like or even fix the game. It's not easy being a game dev.