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Any good anti-gen perks besides ruin?


I need a perk that doesn't get crushed the first 30 seconds of the match.

Best Answers

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088
    edited January 2020 Answer ✓

    Try use Surge (Demogorgon) with thrilling tremors (Ghostface). Check this: surge activates when you down survivor and regresses all gens in 32m around you by 8%. When you pick up survivor thrilling tremors are activate and block all gens, which aren't being repaired for 16 secs. This gives broken gens additional 4% damage and free info about gens, which are being repaired, since, as I said, they not gonna be blocked. Combine this with pop goes the weasel (Clown), so you can go and kick that gen. Lastly, put in this build surveillance (Pig), cause its stacks with pop and surge.

    Specially effective on killers with mobility, who can travel through map quicker.

    And make me a favor: if you play with this build and see me as surv, please, dodge the lobby, lol.
