How about a new hex perk?

Without current Hex: Ruin or Corrupt Intervention, I feel like there is a lack of creative ways for killers to apply pressure in the early game. Hex: Ruin in its current state can be powered through if a team is good at their skill checks, but it still does reasonably well as supported by the numbers BHVR reported to us in their latest notes. Corrupt Intervention is also a great choice because it effectively turns the beginning of the game into late-game stage for the first two minutes. Aside from these two... I don't see much else perk-wise that slows the game down for my teams.

Without turning this into a discussion on Hex: Ruin and what new synergies we may see with the way this perk will work (Thrilling Tremors was mentioned in a different post, and I agree that will be an interesting use), I'd just like to see some more options for killer perks that make each game last a bit longer... for both the survivors' and killers' sake. No one wants another un-fun slow-down perk that can be used on top of killer add-ons... (DL, Thano)

I've seen a handful of posts talk about a secondary objective, but I haven't seen any innovative but simple ideas that can be implemented into the game easily. So, how about something we're all familiar with?

What I have in mind is "Hex: Thorns", which would be a totem based perk, and survivors would become injured after repairing 150%/125%/100% worth of a generator. This would apply pressure for those times where you just finished the first chase, yet the worst has happened and each other survivor has popped a gen of their own. Additionally, this would help balance the load of doing gens since one particularly skilled player would continually stay injured during the trial if they continue to crank away. This wouldn't be a particularly invasive perk either, since every survivor is familiar with the mechanic of healing. It would also have several synergies with other healing based perks, and it could work great on any killer.

What do you guys think about this?

P.S. - If you stick with the naming of "Hex: Thorns", what about a killer that uses plants as their power? :)

TL;DR - New hex perk that injures survivors after 150%/125%/100% worth of generator repairs


  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    New ruin is dead..and slowdown works are necessary because gen boosters are way too strong and will remain even if nerfed while ruin is gone

  • GodBLiftedUp
    GodBLiftedUp Member Posts: 5

    That's what I'm getting at. Slowing the game down by adding a risk/reward aspect such as continuing to do gens while injured is a better way to discourage gen rushing than another perk that would further slow down the actual repair time in the ways Thano and DL do.