In light of the changes to Ruin: a suggestion for hexes.


Let me preface by saying that I actually like the changes made to Ruin. Passive regression sounds a lot more interesting and will actually put more pressure on survivors than the current "oh boy, here I go tapping again". However, many people are worried that this change will make red rank games too survivor-favoured. Red rank survivors are generally quite good at running extended chases, giving their teammates a lot of time to work on generators. This is why Ruin is practically a must bring in red ranks, if you don't the match will go by way too fast, and the killer will barely have time to even get a handful of hooks.

The devs mentioned in their most recent Designer notes that they want the new Ruin to be much more beneficial in the late game, than it is in the early game. However, many people rightly pointed out that in the vast majority of matches, hex totems get cleansed within the first two minutes, thus making a hex perk that is at its strongest in the late game very suboptimal. This gave me an idea.

What if, if a hex totem is cleansed, then after, let's say, 90 or 120 seconds, the hex is reapplied to a new totem, if there are still any on the map. I do think the number of totems on the map needs to be increased for this, from 5 to 7 (same amount as generators), but here are the benefits to this in my opinion:

  • It'll be much less frustrating for a killer if a survivor cleanses a hex totem at game start.
  • It will not make the hex perk a wasted slot for the rest of the game if the totem is cleansed.
  • There will actually be a proper reason to cleanse dull totems (currently the only reasons to do so is for bloodpoints or a possible NOED).
  • There will be more things to do for survivors throughout the match.
  • The hunt for totems will keep survivors preoccupied, indirectly slowing down generator progress.
  • This change will not only benefit the new Ruin, but many other hexes as well, like Devour and Lullaby.

Well, there you have it. I'm of course open to a discussion, you don't have to agree with every detail of my suggestion. And I hope someone at Behaviour takes the time to read this. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


  • GodBLiftedUp
    GodBLiftedUp Member Posts: 5

    I really like this idea. I'm a big fan of staying mindful of totems while I roam around the maps, so keeping them relevant (and adding a couple more so that you don't have the same stale "X" shaped pattern for every map) is a wonderful idea.

    At first I thought Haunted Ground would prove to be a sticking point with this change, but I think that as long as it can't proc a second time, it would be just fine. That would also help keep other hexes alive in the first place since there's a bit of chance with whether the last two lit totems are Haunted Ground or maybe something else...

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Nice idea.

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922


    also killer coin addons should be reworked to give an additional totem/2x totems. be a different offering. i mean cutting out up to 2 chests out of the match just gives survivors less things to work on which means more gens being worked on, less points and opportunitys for items as a survivor and all round just worse of a game.

  • JustKidding
    JustKidding Member Posts: 5

    Oh I like that, much better than preventing chests.