-Instead of the ruin changes do this.

-Block all generators after 1 gen its done,for 20/30/60 seconds depending on ranks 20-10,10-6,6-1,or make it so u cant finish them and to be 99%and not to be able to finish it it gives time for killers ,makes survivors depending on stealth or forces u to be a good loper,make this in game thing(like end game collapse) or make it a hex,after the hex is cleansed the gens be normal.
That's a horrible idea the game doesn't work with ranks it works with tiers so that's like saying bbq scans a survivor for the amount of rank they have like if they were rank 20 then it lasts 20 seconds :/
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-bbq has counters already made by them,the idea if time based on rank might fix the new/veteran players,the games will be at least 6-7 minutes in at worst if its base in game (like collapse)if its a hex the survivors can be warned after the gens are blocked then they can search for a hex,they will have time to an search,it fixes the most problems they look to fix.and by blocked i mean not beeing able to finish it but able to make it 99%