Killers, are you staying?

Fellow Killer Players, are you staying with the recent Hex: Ruin changes?
I feel like playing Killer is a chore these days, and the recent rank reset rework doesn't help the case that I am literally trapped in Red Ranks, and going full sweat in more than half of my games gets unfun and boring. Most games I try to meme around and have fun, but when I do generators just go fast and I can't really do much.
The Doctor changes also sound fun, but they really nerfed the Snap out of it mechanic really hard, and also made his detection more strict, as well as the pause after he shocks someone. I can't want to try these changes to see where Doctor is now.
So, are you guys going to adapt or move on to other better games? Maybe try to learn better strategies, or leave Dead by Daylight to die in the dust? Tell me your thoughts about this Mid-Chapter Update.
As a killer main I can confirm I'm staying
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Ive already left a long time ago
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Clown meta.
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Clown gang rise up!
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Guess I'll say goodbye to plague and say hello to spirit and huntress
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I was already at the edge, I was taking more breaks from this game more often. For me, I think this broke the straw on the camels back.
It was not only Hex: Ruin, but the fact the Doctor is also getting nerfed because he is "frustrating" to play against...
I'll mostly likely just spend all my moris before I go
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Yes - because this game isn't my life anymore.
I fire it up a couple times every month and play it a whole night. I would play more, but I find the community annoying to deal with now.
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Yeah I will stick around. I don't hardcore this game like I did a few months back.
I will enjoy not really "needing" ruin like I always felt I did, but I also don't plan to hit red ranks to where I will definitely get run over without some form of defense. It'll make my setups a little more interesting. Time will tell.
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Doesn't matter what people say in this thread. Killer numbers are already low. This change will absolutely crater them.
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No, I'm still using Corrupt Intervention but I can see another incoming nerf to 01/02/03 seconds of blocked gens because you know... Our dear devs care too much about what survivors find annoying to play against
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I never use Hex: Ruin, and i pretty much only use other Killers for Daily Rituals & Tome Challenges, so my gameplay is not affected at all, so i'm gonna keep playing.
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Of course. Stopped using ruin months ago so this change will affect me in 0 ways.
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I think i will uninstall, not because of ruin or doctor's changes themselves, but because of the ideas behind it.
Killers are supposed to sweat and even new survivors dont need to learn the game to leave the match.
Also, devs have no idea of how fast the gens can go in red ranks and being a legion main i can assure you that my levels of stress go really high, even tho i perform well in most matches (again, sweating a lot to perform well)
Survivors having a perk is to fix their mistakes and killers having a perk means that they only get a benefit if they do something for it.
Gen times go too fast and rng has a huge place in the game that is too much for a big part of the playerbase.
I play swf at red ranks with my friends and most of the games are fairly easy to win and if the killer doesnt have ruin i have that feeling "well, this game is practically won".
I think that this is a matter of the enjoyment to play as killer, and not a matter of power. SOME killers already have power, but they lack the time and NO COOLDOWNS to do so.
Legion is a good example of changes made only thinking about survivors because what makes a killer play differently from others is the power and legions power got gutted in almost every way possible and the worst one was the frequency that you can use it and the punishment/reward proportion that it got.
Playing as killer should feel free and not afraid that a guy loops you while the others do gens and then leave after 5 minutes and you need to wait long pauses/cooldowns to use your power again.
If the changes go through and ruin is indeed bad (it seems horrible right now brcause the perk is counterproductive to itself) i will most likely uninstall.
The faith that most people had on the devs is gone for months (for me is since may that were the legion changes).
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I am going to make red/purple rank survivors as miserable as possible, purposely derank myself, then make the green/yellow rank survivors as miserable as possible. I'm talking slugging, tunneling, noed, ebony moris, tombstone meyers, insidious camping, the works. I'm going to do this for about two weeks, then quit the game and go back to Deep Rock Galactic, 7 days to die, and StarCraft 2.
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I purposely don't play enough to hit high ranks, so I don't start hating the game, so it wouldn't affect me as much. But if there's a killer strike after the Ruin change I'll cooperate!
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Yes but I will start tunneling and semi camping. I have no reason not to now. All we need is survivors complaints on that and devs will get Ruin back, because they listen to survivors. So all killers must join together and play really dirty from now on. What else could we do?
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It is quite boggling how they keep choosing to nerf killers instead of addressing the amount of control survivors have already had over the game, pretty much since it came out.
Their prioritization of survivor>killer has really made me play this game less and less, and with this update I’m probably going to move on and I hope this game really gets their ######### together because it’s a truly fun game if you don’t think about how horribly balanced it is sometimes.
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I have already stopped playing killer unless I have the map offerings I want or moris. Now I don't know. We'll see, but the ruin nerf doesn't sound good.
For me it was about denying the bonus progression from great skill checks in the first two minutes of the game, because ruin doesn't last that long at red ranks. Now you are more likely to lose a gen in 30 seconds before you can reach it to aPpLY ThE prESsURE.
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Of course i will, i dont run ruin or play doctor (not usually, at least).
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I don't use Ruin, so this doesn't affect me. However, I've pretty much already stopped playing. Having to complete the Rift before Tome Level 4 even released was the nail in the coffin for a game in which I was already experiencing severe burnout. Even memeing around has lost a lot of its appeal. When I play killer right now, I really half-ass it and often just go afk mid-match because I'm bored with the whole damn thing. I really wanted to earn BP during the Bloodhunt, but my heart wasn't in it, and I couldn't justify wasting my time going through full matches as killer to walk away with 20k BP or less each time.
So, I'm still playing killer in that I'll load up the game and host a match (PS4) and then four survivors escape, three without possibly ever seeing me. And then I turn off the game and start up Dying Light because at least that one is fun and it even likes to have events, oooooh.
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Hell yeah! The ruin changes are great, and we already have a more consistent perk for the start of the game that tends to work just as well on average: Corrupt Intervention. Ruin's changing to become a perk that heavily awards your gen pressure instead of something you throw on and pray that it won't be cleansed immediately. Plus, it's now less of a noob-stomper since players that are bad at hitting great skillchecks won't be heavily penalized for it. Plus, players that are great at hitting greats can't just completely ignore the perk anymore, making it more useful against the most skilled survivors. It's a positive change across the board imo
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Doctor wasn't fun to play against? That's one killer. Do you think the killers enjoy going up against 4 man SWF teams running Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, Borrowed Time and Unbreakable/Adrenaline all the time? Ruin was too frustrating? It's a hex totem. It can be cleansed. It can be permanently negated for the rest of the match if you destroy the totem. Totem spawn locations are 90% garbage as it is. Most often they'll spawn directly next to a generator.
To be fair, some of these Doctor changes seem fun. But the nerf side of the changes don't.
If you guys don't understand why so many people in red ranks are running Hex: Ruin, you need to go play more killer matches in red ranks. It's because if you don't run Ruin or other slowdown perks, you will have two gens pop while you're chasing the very first survivor you find.
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I don't know honestly. After all the extra matches I've been playing due to the rift's grindyness and challenge attempting, I'm quite burned out. I unlocked my last unlockable killer via shards so there isn't a huge need to play a match a day anymore and dailies are only bp so I should do my best to ignore those. Maybe I'll do meme builds, or just start camping / tunneling since that's about the amount of effort I need to put in as a survivor to win and 2 kills is supposedly the goal as a killer and you get that from camping with noed.
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I'll stick around
I'm going to be rather disgruntled if Doctor Is Worse off
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I don't use ruin -- but I also make it a point to never leave green/purple ranks as killer so I don't have to worry about gen speed.
Until a 2nd objective or gen speed is actually addressed and not having band-aid fixes with perks, I will continue to smurf as killer.
I've also noticed I've played more and more survivor in the last few weeks. It's crazy how I can still reach red ranks without even trying (or wanting to) with crappy meme builds. THAT is a problem.
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I left a long time ago I miss huntress but its clear she will nerfed once the devs find a reason.
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I don’t know.. I was thinking of switching to survivor but god damn is it boring. Holding M1 the entire game is not fun for me. Maybe I will switch to another game when I find a decent one.
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Not to speak of things unreleased...Be prepared to be rather disgruntled tomorrow.
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Honestly I don't think I will, they balance the entire game with a rank 15 mentality and don't realize red ranks are a different beast entirely. They're absolutely inept about how things go there and it shows. It's been 8 months and they still haven't fixed Legion, Audio has been hot garbage for over a month, and they nerfed Oni right out of the box. Yeah no, I'm probably gonna move on if they go through with these changes WITHOUT reducing map size. They're desperate for new players and they're willing to destroy red ranks for killers in the process and honestly I've had enough, I'm done taking breaks and then coming back.
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Exactly. I love how they decide to nerf a hex perk that often gets cleaned 1-2 minutes in red rank games instead of Addressing the 1413443905 crutches that survivors have. Great game.
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Depends, I don't like the nerf but I am willing to wait and see what happens. The worst thing that could happen is that I would have to just end up tunneling and slugging the weakest link in every match, especially if I see a toolbox.
Devs obviously did this with no regards to the Killers fun, so when I play killer, I will have no regard for the survivors fun.
I'll also practice more with Freddy, who I don't like, just to be able to keep pressure on them.
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Yeah, it's looking like that for me too.
When they nerfed Oni immediately after he was released, it killed the light I had for playing this game inside of me. It took what was left of the fun I had of playing killer and snuffed it out. They obviously don't want killers to have fun in their survivor game, so why the ######### should we play?
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I'm undecided. Games are unquestionably too fast without ruin and ruin more than just slowing the game down allowed me to play in a fun way (constantly going elsewhere for new targets ie giving free unhooks instead of camping, not tunneling, minimal slugging). I don't find doing that stuff very fun but it seems like it'll be almost required, just seems like we're being forced into one playstyle because of clueless devs.
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Not to mention the fact that there are four survivors vs one killer. If a killer screws up, "too bad git gud". If I screw up as a survivor, I have Dead Hard to bail me out, I have Decisive Strike if that doesn't work, I have unbreakable if he knows I have DS and leaves me slugged, and if worse comes to worse and I'm hooked again, it doesn't matter because one of my three teammates can pull me off hook with Borrowed Time and I can tank the hit for them free of charge, then pallet stun and flashlight blind them and still have enough time to teabag the ground 28 times before they can get anywhere near me again.
It sucks, because this game was meant to be a "hide from the killer" style game. Instead, it's turned into "torture the killer and show no fear whatsoever". The survivors are given numerous crutches. It's almost as if the Killer is the one being tortured by The Entity.
And even if everything I listed previously goes badly, there's still the best crutch in the game: the hatch. Oh your team didn't die yet? Good thing there's another crutch: a key.
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you're not a killer main. you're just a troll.
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Possibly staying. I'm more irritated that they waited until after the BLOODHUNT to announce that a perk that roughly 4/5 killers use, is being deleted. I would have played more than one night had I known this. Hi Plague!
You just straight up don't see ruin much in yellow/gray survivor ranks. By the time they're green rank, they have confidently taken on the supreme challenge of "find the totem on fire". Bad totems spawns and all that.
We'll see how it goes. Looking forward to lurking here tomorrow.
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I will stay for the time being. If doctor is made worse, I might change my mind and find another game to put my time and money into. Last Year looks pretty good :P
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I was already losing interest in playing this game. I can no longer support a game that only cares about the experience of "new players". Instead of the gamers that have invested a ton of time into the game already, have spent a good amount of money on the game already, just to be constantly looked over and pushed aside.
I'm done. Shame on you BHVR.
Take....Take... Take...
It shouldn't be that way. It should be give and take. Instead you want to just take away from one side of the fence to give to the other. That's not okay.
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I mean, I'm pretty sure killers will stay, they will mostly change into a killer with the highest kill rate and who can easily avoid not having ruin, but the more annoying survivors who will threaten the devs and while they can't seem to handle ANYTHING will scream nerf on that. Don't get me wrong, we do it too. But, it's mainly the more obnoxious ones without any claims to prove their theory.
Note: That's not to all survivors, just the ones who constantly [censored] and moan when they don't like something. Something that isn't too much of a problem.
I'm sorry, I'm just not looking forward to an army of top tier killers who can avoid not having ruin now..
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My name will be YouCanThankBHVR
30+games a day.
It'll be a fun way (not really) to get out of purple and red ranks on my killer.
I'm not even a killer main and this is a disgusting change considering how fast gens actually go.
Lobby times are gonna be even more awful now. 2-5 matches is against a brown rank killer. You guys are gonna have to make Killer free to play.
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Of course im staying...1 perk doesnt make the game. Honestly if u cant play without ruin do u even killer bro?
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I am gonna start playing unfair that means tunneling, Killin off of first hook
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No, im leaving dbd for abit im done with these out of touch devs amd there silly way of handeling shizz
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Playing killer has not been fun for a little while now. I play survivor more than anything as it is the only way that you feel your skill is actually rewarded.
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for any thats leaving this game try this out this game needs more players:D
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It's not for consoles so it's meh. Personally I've been sinking time into an older but still enjoyable game
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i diddnt play with the perk anyway.
why should i quit?
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I'm a player with a fairly casual mindset towards the game so I don't see any reason to stop playing. Don't use Ruin a lot and still end up hanging around in red ranks.
Do I win or lose consistently? No, I win some and lose some. But clearly I win enough and I have fun with it.