what we've learned today

without a doubt the killer community is extremely toxic and bullying towards devs. there are 2 sides to this game and i don't see survivors bullying devs like this . its disgusting. devs should not even pay attention to these kind of players


  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    How are the changes to doctor a nerf? being able to shock and hit without having to change stances seems pretty good to me. Maybe static blast could make use of an small tweak.

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624

    Are you new in this forum? It must be

    Laughs in exaustion, instaheals, BL and vaults

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    They just added a pause between when the Doctor shocks and can swing. Check the new notes. It will likely just as difficult to shock and hit now.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Yall remember the balance landing nerf?

    Survivors went on a field trip with that one, even spamming devs

  • JC316
    JC316 Member Posts: 693

    Of course the survivors aren't bullying them, all of the recent changes have been designed around their fun.

    Early reports are talking about a 3 second stun to the doctor after shocking someone. So basically a nurse style fatigue without injuring the survivor. That's a major nerf.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    edited January 2020

    So why don't they also remove dead hard, adrenaline and ds. Are they not crutches for survivors? Whilst the devs are at it maybe they could also half the pallets on a map, I would love to see how survivor mains would react to that.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Ouch, that sounds bad. I hope the devs reduce the stun because shocking and hitting would be amazing if not for that.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Honestly, i only remember him saying that, i don't know anymore what the change was.

    I know that that's very selective memorization, but yeah.

  • FondaDix
    FondaDix Member Posts: 173

    How many seconds does it take to changes stances? 3....how many seconds does it take to attack after static shock, 3...let’s be honest here, there is the “illusion” of change. Saying it’s better to it have two stances when you have the same time penalty. Let us be clear, they are saying it’s a change to make people think that it’s a “buff”

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    A bit like kids really. All is about them all the time.

    I mostly play survivor but this game is so survivor sided and 95% of the toxic is from the survivors, so would never take their side until there really is something to complain about. But this change is not good for anyone, not survivors either. It will be bad for the game period.

  • xZeroStrike
    xZeroStrike Member Posts: 133
    edited January 2020

    Meh, both sides have got the "But the devs only care about the other side! WAH!" group. Honestly, just ignore those people. Anyone who says "devs only care about X side" clearly don't know what they're talking about, and shouldn't be taken seriously!

    I think the Ruin change is interesting! If all else fails, PGTW still exists and that's a good perk, just requires a bit more effort!

    I did just read a post from another forum user about having a weaker version of a hex still being active when the totem got destroyed, that could also be an interesting addition to Ruin and the other hexes.

    TL;DR - I welcome the Ruin change. It sounds interesting, and if nothing else, it'll mix up the incredibly stale meta a little bit.

  • Diesel
    Diesel Member Posts: 11

    He still has a "short pause between shocking and being able to hit a Survivor" probably/ hopefully as short as the switch stance is for Doctor now, as this is some of the only skill to this character. Using his shock to deny interactions is the only thing that makes him have any sort of skill cap. And most of the time it doesn't stop the vault or interaction "due to latency". He is no where near strong with anything they have said, but I guess wait for the ptb.

    I get wanting to change the meta or shaking it up, but it needs to be looked at as to why ruin is run in over 80% of red rank matches. Besides the stated facts, gens go too quickly, or surviveors dont have enough objectives to make the game last longer. Extending the game to build pressure is the main reason ruin is run in the first place for high rank killers.

    I would feel better about these changes if this game had a solo que only mode for killer or something. But this makes any decently competent SWF group nearly God tier. Especially on the right map against a low mobility killer.

    Long and short people are passionate about this game and dont want to see it die. But the announcement was all from survivors point of view and makes killers seem like an illegitimate role to play.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    Sorry, but I have seen more survivors up in arms about any type of change to them then I have killers. Not to mention, survivors have that old made up rule book for killers trying to tell us what we can and cannot do. If we don't abide by these rules, we get flamed and spammed after the game has been completed. We can't have our fun, but survivors can?

    Yep, we killers are a toxic bunch, aren't we? Maybe we're just tired of getting mudholes stomped in our collective asses both in game and out and we are going to voice our discontent about it. We paid for this game and can therefore voice our opinions.

    The doctor "change" still blows my mind.

  • goat10em
    goat10em Member Posts: 749

    Only thing I've learned is there are still a lot of people that only play survivor and don't understand how the game works.

  • Primalux135
    Primalux135 Member Posts: 1,045

    Excuse me for my insolence, did you just bought game a few mins ago? It's clearly a nerf.

    Snap out of it:Have extremely long suscess skillchecks if not really normal you to fail it (pig boxes are far harder) so got nerfed.

    Doctor static field is gone. Nerf

    Doctor shock became static blast that u can use each 60 secs while when you were doctor you could use it without any cool down basically.Nerf

    They quitted the two modes but if you read it you will not be able to attack immediately while using m2 so you aren't changing anything indeed also you get slowed extremely by using M2. Nerf.

    How doctor should be reworked:

    -Remove static field if it us such annoying.

    -Able to use static blast at 24m without cool down.

    -Skillchecks not clockwise.

    -No need for changing between modes.

    Thats a rework.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    You must not have been around when Survivors review bombed the game. It's okay; neither was I.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    Let's not act like survivors weren't talking horribly about the devs back when they nerfed exhaustion. Guess this is the killer equivalent of what happened back then.

    1. Start out with calling the devs incompetent, say they're biased towards the other side, before the change has even happened
    2. Devs ignore it and release it anyways
    3. Adapt and realise the game is still playable, even with the recent nerf

  • BrendanLeeT
    BrendanLeeT Member Posts: 272

    Don't forget about when Freddy first got released, another review bomb then too.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295
    edited January 2020

    Being able to shock people without changing stances is a quality of life change or a potentially small nerf. Depends if it takes the same amount of time to shock and hit someone as it would to shock, switch stances and hit them. Although the range of the shock was increased I think so that's a positive.

    The Shock Blast is an outright nerf looking at it. Instead of passively instilling madness onto survivors it's a 60 second CD ability that severely slows you on use for what ever reason. His tracking is going to be severely nerfed although this ability will pair nicely with Whispers. Madness debuffs aren't even good unless those get changes.

    Overall it looks like a minor nerf on an already bad killer with quality of life changes. I can imagine the stance changes were done because dedicated servers made changing stances buggy.

    What I care about though

    Will Doctor continue to be addon dependent after this patch? That's the big one here.