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Delete/Fix hatch

RSB Member Posts: 2,258
edited August 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

I do not see a "one, free kill for killer, when he ######### up", so why survivors should be rewarded for their failure? In the current balance, when you don't manage to do all gens in the time killer kills you all, you are a weak player, and you should die with your teammates, not be rewarded.

Delete the hatch, or allow the killer to close it permamently, then add 3 minutes counter. When the survivor does not make it to repair the last gens in said time, his aura is revealed to the killer. It is more than fair, for the side who literally GETS OWNED.

Post edited by RSB on


  • jiminie
    jiminie Member Posts: 200

    How about you calm down, huh, what do you say?

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531
    True hatch is stupid as fk.In one game as surv i was one from 2 still alive persons and gues what? I got on hook killer patrol near me and last surv find hatch and stand on this and wait untill i stop strugle.Now from killer perspectiw should i go search last surv or camp this one on hook? When i play as killer hatch is free escape for surv i don't want hatch stand off i don't have a choice in this case just hit surv and let him escape.Becose he don't fix gen if he easy escape with extra points.
  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    @Hillbilly420 said:
    They did fix it in the first PTB. It was completely fair and required the Killer to find the hatch first. But the crybabies all cried their hearts out and said it was unfair and the devs buckled like cucks that they are.

    How was it fair? Closing the hatch meant the survivor had NO way to get out of the game in the PTB, they had no way to win. Doing a gen was simply never a thing survivors could do before the killer showed up. It was too heavily killer sided to be put out in the actual game. But from what I read on the forums that is what a lot of loud mouth killer mains want. No balance, just 4k.

  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    The hatch is pretty unfair in general.
    Because it works only for one side.
    Survivor do bad and get rekt; 3 kills already, but the last survivor gets a chance to escape anyway, denying the 4k for the killer.
    But if the killer is doing bad, I don't see a gamemechanic cosing the gates after 3 survivor escaped, granting the killer at least a single kill... just because.
    It would be the exact same logic, but it does not apply that way.
    Even worse, the hatch even opens if already other survivor escaped, giving the last survivor an extra exit, despite 1 to 3 other already left the map, plus extra bloodpoints.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    @Wolf74 said:

    @UsagiDoll said:
    As a killer main myself,

    I'm a killer main and i want 2 hatches.

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @jiminie said:
    How about you calm down, huh, what do you say?

    How about no?

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104
    Chi said:

    @Hillbilly420 said:
    They did fix it in the first PTB. It was completely fair and required the Killer to find the hatch first. But the crybabies all cried their hearts out and said it was unfair and the devs buckled like cucks that they are.

    How was it fair? Closing the hatch meant the survivor had NO way to get out of the game in the PTB, they had no way to win. Doing a gen was simply never a thing survivors could do before the killer showed up. It was too heavily killer sided to be put out in the actual game. But from what I read on the forums that is what a lot of loud mouth killer mains want. No balance, just 4k.

    At the stage of the game where the hatch is naturally open balance no longer matters. Dead by Daylight is an asymetrical game. The survivors power is supposed to come from teamwork. If your team is all dead and you're now stuck in a one vs. one scenario with the killer you deserve to die.
  • jiminie
    jiminie Member Posts: 200

    @RSB said:

    @jiminie said:
    How about you calm down, huh, what do you say?

    How about no?

    You should, your thread doesen't bring anything new than the usual complain so it's useless

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @jiminie said:

    @RSB said:

    @jiminie said:
    How about you calm down, huh, what do you say?

    How about no?

    You should, your thread doesen't bring anything new than the usual complain so it's useless

    Does not mean that "complain" isn't true. Shoo, survivor.

  • fakelove
    fakelove Member Posts: 82

    I think they should let the killer close the hatch for a period of time, then reapper in a random place somewhere on the map, this way the survivor has time to do the last remaining gen and the killer also has time to find him, and if there are more than 1 gen left, the survivor would still be able to get out through the hatch if he finds it

  • Amelia
    Amelia Member Posts: 84

    They should add some kind of radius around the hatch that gives the killer the abillity to down the survivor, that way it's a matter of who finds it first

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428
    In my opinion, at least in its current state, the hatch should be available when 2 Generators are left, instead of 3. The standard for education is that if you get more than half of a test right, you pass. So, why not? :P
  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258
    edited August 2018

    @jiminie said:

    @Hillbilly420 said:

    @jiminie said:

    @RSB said:

    @jiminie said:
    How about you calm down, huh, what do you say?

    How about no?

    You should, your thread doesen't bring anything new than the usual complain so it's useless

    So everyone should shut up and not say anything? Gotcha'.

    You should read what i wrote, i said to calm down not to shut his mouth> @RSB said:

    @jiminie said:

    @RSB said:

    @jiminie said:
    How about you calm down, huh, what do you say?

    How about no?

    You should, your thread doesen't bring anything new than the usual complain so it's useless

    Does not mean that "complain" isn't true. Shoo, survivor.

    So, you are aware there are countless of threads about this, but even then, you felt the urge to post another just so you think you're actually doin' something?
    Also, if you want to be helpful, you should provide fair 'balance' to both sides, not the one you play the most

    Not like the hatch is a free win button, and should not be in the game in the first place. But I guess "fair for both sides" is when the survivor has 1st, 2nd and 3rd chances to win, while killer has tougher and tougher games.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I would settle for either the first hatch closing option (the one when it didn't power the gates) or the idea that @thesuicidefox had. However, I won't be surprised if Survivors whine so much that the devs keep it as a free win for the Survivor, even after they change the endgame.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Chi said:

    @Hillbilly420 said:
    They did fix it in the first PTB. It was completely fair and required the Killer to find the hatch first. But the crybabies all cried their hearts out and said it was unfair and the devs buckled like cucks that they are.

    How was it fair? Closing the hatch meant the survivor had NO way to get out of the game in the PTB, they had no way to win. Doing a gen was simply never a thing survivors could do before the killer showed up. It was too heavily killer sided to be put out in the actual game. But from what I read on the forums that is what a lot of loud mouth killer mains want. No balance, just 4k.

    You didnt manage to repair enough gens, why are you entitled an escape?
    If the killer doesnt stop you from doing all gens in a few minutes, then there isnt a magical come back mechanic either

  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258

    @Master said:

    @Chi said:

    @Hillbilly420 said:
    They did fix it in the first PTB. It was completely fair and required the Killer to find the hatch first. But the crybabies all cried their hearts out and said it was unfair and the devs buckled like cucks that they are.

    How was it fair? Closing the hatch meant the survivor had NO way to get out of the game in the PTB, they had no way to win. Doing a gen was simply never a thing survivors could do before the killer showed up. It was too heavily killer sided to be put out in the actual game. But from what I read on the forums that is what a lot of loud mouth killer mains want. No balance, just 4k.

    You didnt manage to repair enough gens, why are you entitled an escape?
    If the killer doesnt stop you from doing all gens in a few minutes, then there isnt a magical come back mechanic either

    That is what I try to tell them, but no logic goes through survivors' brains.

  • Condorloco_26
    Condorloco_26 Member Posts: 1,714

    Neither the last survivor deserves a free escape, nor the killer deserves a free last kill. These are some ideas to fix the hatch thing:

    Scenario where Killer is able to close hatch:
    1. Survivor can open it with an action similar to cleansing a totem (only faster), or survivor can open it hitting 1 DS type skill check
    2. Survivor can power 1 super fast gen and this enables opening ONLY one of the exit gates, plus opens the hatch, allowing for different strategies to come into play for both sides. If the repairs were done on the last gen left, BOTH exit gates are powered, obviously.
    3. Points 1 and 2 together

    Scenario where Killer is NOT able to close it:
    1. Survivor automatically gets the EXPOSED status when hatch spawns, this way if killer finds hatch or survivor first he has effectively won the game, but if survivor finds it first he is encouraged to just leave and not play around. Plus, survivor still has a chance to escape if both players find the hatch at the same time.
    2. Survivor is not exposed, but must find first some kind of token or charm in a chest spawned at the same time to be able to jump through the hatch. Make the token or charm an offering too, so survivor can choose whether bringing it to the trial or not. Survivor still can jump through hatch if killer is blocking it.
    3. Survivor is not exposed, but can not jump through the hatch if killer is blocking it (meaning killer found it first), and must accept this fate.

  • King_Checkmate
    King_Checkmate Member Posts: 60
    I agree. The higher the rank the more people i loose to these secret doors. At higher level catching all 4 survivors becomes an impossible task unless the last one is just plain dumb.

    Not only survivors can choose maps with offerings (which is the second worst idea in this game),but also get to leave free if they all screwed up.

    Me myself im a killer main. I play survivor with friends, and in all honesty, im trash. But i can always escape through the trusty hatch, even while in dying state like...who thought of this?
  • shadowsfall42
    shadowsfall42 Member Posts: 201
    I hate the current mechanic as it's a no skill escape 99% of the time. But an example of where it's somewhat skillful is one of my survivor games where everyone was going down instantly, while trying to save someone else and no gens were being done at all as everyone was either down or hooked for 90% of the game so I used them as a distraction so I could finish two gens and escape. I deserved that escape as I literally did both gens from 0-100% singlehandedly. The first change they had on the ptb where the killer could close the hatch and only a gen being done could open it back up and so the survivor could escape, ends up just being equally no skill for the killer, as survivors only option at that point is to try and do a gen (only really work if the killer is stupid) or give up. Call me a survivor main if you want, but it's just as terrible as the current hatch mechanic.

    My first idea is like their initial solution, where the killer can close the hatch and it can be reopened but this time permanently if a survivor gets a gen, additionally the survivor can go through an interaction that is either as long as opening the exit gates (20 seconds I believe) or shorter but with difficult skillchecks that also works similarly to jigsaw boxes, where failing a skillcheck alerts the killer and restarts your progress. So essentially rewarding a survivor that can either get a gen done or take the risk of opening the hatch back up.

    Alternatively, killer close the hatch and a timer starts. Both side can see the timer where the hatch icon would be, represented by a clock and the killers terror radius shrinks to 8 meters. The survivors breathe louder and if the survivor can last 2 minutes, the hatch opens back up. This is supposed to reward survivors that are good at stealth and avoiding the killer but also allows the killer to actually sneak up on the survivor because of virtually no terror radius telling you where the killer is. Obviously the huntress' lullaby radius also shrinks considerably, same with Freddys. Also killers can find survivors a bit easier due to them breathing louder. M&A works with this too to reduce the TR to essentially nothing.
  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    ", nor the killer deserves a free last kill."

    I strongly disagree with this point. The hatch only opens when just one sole survivor remains (ignoring keys of course). If there is only 1 survivor left at any time this means one of the following has happened:

    • All of the other survivors have escaped.
    • The killer has successfully killed all of the other survivors.
    • All of the other survivors have disconnected.

    Knowing this the killer should be granted one "last free kill" for multiple reasons.

    The primary reason is that the game is now nearly over. In the first example, where the survivor can escape but chooses not to, admittedly the killer should have a "free kill" as the survivor is refusing to exit the trial. They are willing to risk their base 5000 bloodpoints for escaping just for an extra 2000 bloodpoint bonus. This decision needs greater risk as the killer is losing time they could be spending on another trial because of some greedy survivor who might wast several minutes looking for the hatch and dragging out the game. In the instance where everyone else has been killed, the survivors have undeniably failed the objective and should be punished. Adding to this the fact that the killer has places to be and doesn't want to spend the time they could use in another trial searching for an immersed survivor in Lery's Memorial Institute it's clear why the hatch is a bad idea. Then in the event of multiple disconnects, the survivor should not be given a free escape. The killer will have arguably spent longer than the last survivor waiting for their lobby to fill and then spending an offering (this is, of course, ignoring add-ons). To reward the last survivor for their team ditching is simply mind-boggling.

    I understand why the hatch is present in the match. Lore-wise it's a construct of Vigo that the Entity allows to exist as it gives survivors hope that it can feed off of. Gameplay-wise it's a "feel good" mechanic used to make the survivors slightly less upset that they were stomped into the dirt. That, or it's designed to be a cushion for skilled players to fall on when matched with an unskilled team.

    However, none of these reasons change the fact that the killer is undeniably punished for doing their objective with the hatch. "Did you kill three of the four survivors? That's great! As a reward, we're gonna let the last guy go free."

    I main survivor and there have been a number of games where I've seen a hatch escape that was pure "luck". I honestly would prefer that the hatch didn't exist as it would encourage more teamwork and stop players from just hiding in lockers all game watching their team die. At the very least give the killer a direct bloodpoint bonus at the end of the trial for each person killed. Since just one hatch escape denies them the entire 2500 bloodpoint "No one escaped" reward. Make that bonus come in increments of 625 bloodpoints at least with "One kill 625, Two Kill 1250, Three Kill 1875, No One Escaped 2500"

    TL:DR Version:

    @Condorloco_26 said:
    ", nor the killer deserves a free last kill."

    I strongly disagree with this point. The hatch only opens when there's only one guy left. The killers deserve the kill because the last guy is either greedy, on a losing team, or just unlucky. I can understand the hatch lore and gameplay, but it punishes the killer for killing aka their objective. I usually main survivor and I want to earn my escape. If you want to keep the hatch as a mechanic at least give the killer a percentage of the 2500 bloodpoint bonus for each kill.

  • King_Checkmate
    King_Checkmate Member Posts: 60
    I agree. The higher the rank the more people i loose to these secret doors. At higher level catching all 4 survivors becomes an impossible task unless the last one is jusy plain dumb.

    Not only survivors can choose maps with offerings (which is the second worst idea in this game),but also get to leave free if they all screwed up.

    Me myself im a killer main. I play survivor with friends, and in all honesty, im trash. But i can always escape experienced killers with this dumb af escape door, no problem. 

    Should be removed asap.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Now gens need around 80 seconds to finish and killer can't stop survivors from not working on gens so if they won't finish 2 gens by the time other 3 are dead ... why exactly they should get a freebie 8k points for escape backed by 30 minutes standoff when they tbag the killer?