Hey Devs... Your Survivor bias is showing.

SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962
edited January 2020 in General Discussions

Doctor update: "He's been a polarizing figure since his release, and we felt it was time to revisit his kit with an eye to making it less frustrating to play against him."

"It's the lack of action needed on the part of The Doctor to find nearby Survivors that makes it feel annoying to play against."

"One last thing we've addressed is the frustration of using Snap Out Of It to drop from Madness level III to Madness level II."

Ruin "change":

"We took a close look at the perk to identify what makes it so frustrating to play against."


None of these changes take into consideration how frustrating it is to play as the Doctor or in the case of Ruin, how frustrating it can be to play as killer.

I don't use Ruin or the Doctor so I don't care about these changes.

I do care about how little consideration was given to killers in comparison to survivors.

PS: Where are the audio fixes?

Post edited by SpaceCoconut on


  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    Probably hard to do considering how many videos he posts daily... but I do remember him saying those things. Or at least similar things

  • toxic_clown
    toxic_clown Member Posts: 318


  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Just want to say that stuff like audio changes likely wouldn't be mentioned in the designer notes. This is a bug fix, not really worth mentioning when the main talking points are design changes to the game. Wait for the actual patch notes before you complain about this.

    Otherwise I kind of agree. It's a bit unsettling that the devs don't see why Ruin is so necessary especially at high ranks. It's also not that difficult to deal with. Really just continue to work on the gen even if you can't hit great skill checks. If you can hit them then Ruin isn't even an issue. Plus the fact it is a totem and will likely be gone super fast anyway.

  • Murcielago
    Murcielago Member Posts: 163

    Remember you can't get hit by ds and bt can't activate if you just slug them

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    That sucks, but it's also PTB. We could still see a fix in the live update potentially.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    jokes on you, they already have the solution for long survivor match making: just remove rank altogether!

  • JacksonWise
    JacksonWise Member Posts: 651

    Commenting to keep the this post at the top. I agree, if they did not intend to leave killers feeling like they don't matter then they did a poor job of it.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    No link needed, I can confirm both quotes. I heard him saying that in his videos.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    At least one good thing has come of this.

    The memes have been hilarious.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614
    edited January 2020

    Audio fix?

    I want my Wraith super-lunge back already! 🤭😥

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    That's in the leaked patch notes...but audio is equally as important, if not more important.

  • aderpymuffin
    aderpymuffin Member Posts: 97

    They care about the game. I only hope they mean protesting instead of outright breaking the doors down.

  • Eye66
    Eye66 Member Posts: 822

    This whole thing is so horrible, it's like they want to blackpill everyone who plays killer

  • KaceSpireh
    KaceSpireh Member Posts: 112

    I bet you Mathieu coyote(yes you're a coyote) can't land them, Pretty good job so far it would seem

  • Zaptros
    Zaptros Member Posts: 8

    I think doctor is already fine on his own, what the Devs should focus on is very very weak killers like wraith and pig, that no matter how they're reworked it's a buff

    While it's true that ruin is slightly overpowered, the new ruin is extremely weak for a hex perk. In case the Devs forgotten, hex effects are powerful as it comes at a cost of being able to be deactivated by survivors. The new ruin effect is pretty weak already, and the fact it is a hex perk worsen it

  • Wesker
    Wesker Member Posts: 339

    Let's make the killer a computed BOT at this point.. No sense to play killer in order to lose miserably against a bunch of noobs which do nothing but press M1 all the time

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I've been saying pretty much the same thing, why are they treating the symptoms instead of the illness...? It'd be way better for everyone if they did better balancing.

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264

    tjey really dont get it, if it s FRUSTRATING or ANNOYING, means the game is challenging.

    what is the point to keep on wasting money on a game that will just bring me frustration when i play killer and resulting otherwise to easy if I play survivor?

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    Just because there wasn't something about survivior's getting nerfed in the patch notes doesn't mean they have a bias. Our overlord and saviors at BHVR care about both roles because they both play an important part in how the game functions.

    Reading the post made me feel you had a sense of entitlement.

  • Runcore
    Runcore Member Posts: 328

    But its too late. I have bought all killers with real money and devs are constantly undermining killers and their perks. I would like to get my money back that I have spent on killers. I bought some product with some quality and developers lowered that quality so I deserve to get back my money. I think that it will solve this ridiculous nerfing coz devs will have to think twice before they release such nerfing patches with fear of refunds.

    I would like to ask devs to play for example 20 games for killers in red ranks and try how hard is playing vs gen-rushing SWFs without any early slowing down perks. Would like to see video of their success. Maybe you will open your eyes finaly and stop beeing so survivor oriented.

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264

    totally agreed.

    I dont hide the fact that I am addicted to this game.

    But this news totally downed me.

    I see the potential disaster coming making the game unplayable and not worth going on, probably will remain just some toxic surv or try hard guys in swf mode and in few months there will be no more killer base and the game will totally collapse.

    On my side I decided to suddenly stop every purchase I planned to do.

  • kurgan8282
    kurgan8282 Member Posts: 264

    entitelment about what? I play much more as survivor than killer, but why I should be happy about a change that will make the game unchallenging? How much fun can be completing gens in 3 mins and run out before even getting chased?