Stop Nerfing the Killers! Don't be a B**** I'm Salty!

Knuckles2099 Member Posts: 14
edited January 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

It seems these game developers cater to survivors that do nothing but complain about the game due to their lack of skill.

I play as a killer for my main.

The more you nerf, the more petty killers have to be.

Hope all you "SURVIVORS" enjoy tunneling and hook babysitting. Because that's what this game has come to.

Nerfing the Doc and Hex:Ruin at the same time...?!?

I've played this game since its release in 2016 and it's becoming less enjoyable to play as a killer with every update.

All you survivors can NUT UP OR SHUT UP!

Looking forward to seeing you in the game!


PC: KNUCKLES2099 LVL 4... for now;)

Post edited by Knuckles2099 on


  • Plaquer
    Plaquer Member Posts: 197
    1. They aren't really nerfing Doc, they are changing him completely
    2. The PTB isn't out yet so you don't even have experience with the new changes
    3. The PTB is to TEST these things, try them out and give your opinion, if they are bad changes then the devs will listen
    4. The change to Ruin could actually push the devs to make games longer by default, rather than forcing us to rely on a perk
  • yermom
    yermom Member Posts: 155

    I felt this way until I got good enough with killer to be able to hit red ranks with no perks. Now I don't know.

    Survivors are definitely the stronger role, and it's completely broken when they're a premade SWF. But killer has the power of complete denial. Survivors do too, it's just around pallets, which is a resource that is waning over time throughout the match. This is true with generators too.

    As killer, if I just play really randomly and keep survivors injured and off gens, I tend to keep them disoriented. Chasing for too long is where killers really lose the trial. Unfortunately, to be truly effective, it's important to know choke points and bottle necks in survivor progress, and a lot of that lies in managing the gens. It's important to learn how to manage them effectively, once you do, ruin won't be needed.

  • Knuckles2099
    Knuckles2099 Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2020

    In my opinion the Doc is the best base DBD character and I'm just disappointed that they are willing to even think about changing her.

    There's a very fine line between making the game frustrating and fun.. The faster the survivors can repair the gens, the faster the killer has to be to stop them..

    When it comes to survivors it's all about strategy and teamwork...

    I just finished a game that lasted maybe 10 minutes against lvl 2-4 survivors. It was not fun for them as you can see.

    The problem isn't the game... The problem is the devs keep making the game too easy for survivors so when they actually play against a seasoned killer and lose they complain.

    It's literally a game about killing people.. it's supposed to be scary on the edge of your seat fun! Not a walk in the park...

    Post edited by Knuckles2099 on
  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,123

    If you were playing since 2016 then you'd know how much more difficult it was for killers back then and how much easier the game is for them since then. But hey, the one major time a braindead killer perk gets a nerf I guess the game is as bad as the 2016 days where killer actually took skill. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Another thing, this is a Doc Buff, idk what you're smoking but he is more powerful after this update. Oh wait I guess I'm just an unskilled survivor main.

  • Knuckles2099
    Knuckles2099 Member Posts: 14

    "UNSKILLED SURVIVOR MAIN" I'm glad we can agree on something...

    I bet you spend more time talking about the game and how you think things should be changed rather than putting in the time to improve.. But hey, you do you.. Just leave the rest of us 'that don't spend all day on these forums' alone to play the actual game before you keyboard warriors go and F* ** it up. SOME of us actually put the time into playing a game and mastering it/ it's characters.

    And have you actually played the new updated character? You obveously never use this character since you think this update makes her "more powerful".!?!.. THE ENTIRE REASON THEY ARE CHANGING THIS CHARACTER IS BECAUSE PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT HER BEING TOO HARD TO BEAT!!!

  • _LULZ
    _LULZ Member Posts: 3

    This is probably the type of player who disconnects when he fails at using his mori

  • Knuckles2099
    Knuckles2099 Member Posts: 14

    This is definitely the type of player that complains to a company to change their product because they feel they don't have to have the skill to master a video game straight up...

    It's ok. It's not your fault.

    This is what happens when a world caters to kids with an entitlement complex. SMH

    I'm sure you'll get what you want. There aren't enough real players to stand up for what's right.

    Might as well call the game hide-and-seek.

  • Knuckles2099
    Knuckles2099 Member Posts: 14

    Oh and to elaborate on your DC statement.. here's a recent game... I'd definitely like to hear what you have to say about it.

  • Knuckles2099
    Knuckles2099 Member Posts: 14

    I tried a few games with the "New Doc" I'm not impressed. I just don't understand.. I've been rolled on by teams using the Original Doc, Hex:Ruin, etc. "Using a map" I've had teams take out both of my hex totems within the first minute of playing.. I mean do they really want matches to last 5-10 minutes? I'm used to matches lasting 20-30 minutes. There's just not enough time to get around the map as a killer.

  • Plaquer
    Plaquer Member Posts: 197

    Thats fair, he is still far from being a great killer although the new changes have been an improvement, thanks for being reasonable and actually expressing your thoughts, I have to agree that there are too many killers that lack the mobility they need to assert pressure on survivors and that is certainly something that must be adressed