Reworking ruin is the best change they've made to the game in a long time

Now killers will have to rely on their own skill to apply map pressure and stall out gens instead of depending on a perk that does their job for them with no required input from the killer, at the cost of a perk slot. And with this change, it's extremely likely that we'll get buffs to low teir m1 killers so that they'll be on the same level as high teir killers who have a lot of mobility. The best part about this is that in red/purple ranks, there will be a lot less bad killers who sweat for the 4k and a lot more killers that are genuinely good at the game, playing for fun.
My only critisisms about the hex: ruin changes is that it's a hex perk and can't be paird with gen-kicking related perks. The changes I would suggest is; it can be paird with gen-kicking related perks and once the hex totem is cleansed, the effect lingers for 90 seconds but regression is reduced to normal speed.
Remember Bois if you spawn on the other side of the map and survivors get a gen done in 24 seconds git gud
83 -
Weird how there's countless amazing killers out there, some of the best in the game, that used Ruin and yet we have people like you who sit around thinking that the problem is a lack of skill and not several other things. Like how you don't need Ruin on Billy or Nurse. Do you understand why? Map size? Slow killers? Setup time? Overall gen speed? Map pressure? Etc etc? And why you generally need it on a Hag/Trapper/Huntress? Or let me guess, those killers just need to "git gud".
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I appreciate how you said it might increase weaker killers mobility but I don’t see that happening for a long time. For now it’s a bit bad for low mobility killers. Sure for Freddy, Spirit, Billy and a couple others it’s no problem, but for low mobility killers? It’s a low blow. No ghostface can “apply pressure and be better” when they have to walk across the map to check on generators.
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Not saying that there's no gen speed problems at all, but...
If you used ruin every game you probably aren't amazing lets be honest.
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"Killers will have to rely on their own skill to apply map pressure" Yeah I can't wait for the Legion's, Clown's, Myers, Pigs, Ghostfaces, and plagues (easier killers to play against but at least fun) to stop playing in droves because the one perk that mitigated their lack of a mobility tool early game is gone. I hope you like playing against Spirit, Freddie's, and Billy's every other match because killers without mobility in their basekit are gone (that is in the red ranks). Like what do you expect, it's gonna be the wild west with all the mori's and iridescent addons running around, I'm not gonna be playing red rank survivor after this change, no way am I suffering through that nightmare.
I guess me and my fart in a jar power should just apply better pressure on a 12km^2 map.
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The record for 5 gens excape was 3min right ? For most killers it takes longer to walk the whole map ?
Gid Gud if you loose right ?
Survivors want you to let them off the hook twice each and dont tunnel and camp... I get enough messages to prove that's how everyone wants killers to play...
Killers wont switch to skill... they will play the t1 killers slugg and mori. Games gonna get alot more toxic. And alot longer match times
13 -
No they have to rely even more on random chance to get a reasonable amount of time to down all survivors 3 times assuming Survivors aren't packing multiple perks that allow them to gain a health state, recover from slugging, take an extra hit, and/or get out of a grab in some circumstances. Taking Ruin had nothing to do with a Killer's "skill" and everything to do with how the structure of the game is gamed very easily. Gen rushing remains king and the new Ruin does nothing to stop this.
At its root Hex:Ruin was nothing more than a way to spend a perk slot to gamble for an extra 35 seconds to 4 minutes of time. At red ranks it was all but necessary for many killers to remain viable. You say "apply map pressure" but you're under the mistaken impression that killers weren't doing this before. Applying pressure is something you learn in brown ranks and apply forever. You don't even make it into green unless you're capable of applying pressure so don't give me any BS about Killers not knowing how to use a basic part of the game.
You can't put pressure on an SWF gen rush unless you are very lucky. It is not a consistently applicable skill. It's guesswork. You can not comb the map for survivors while keeping them all off the gens on maps are too large and the gens are too far apart. If you fail to guess properly the Survivors already have more control over the match than you ever will even without perks that allow them to escape or take extra hits.
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Enjoy 30-40 minute survivor ques and eventually long killer ques then and eventually hour plus wait times. This will kill the game which wasn't growing already
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So Zubat is bad dude?
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I agree with everything you said
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Poor bait i rate 2/10
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Actually it's under 2:40 seconds for gen speed
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It's actually stronger than old ruin late game, mid game it's about on par, but it's without a doubt worse early game.
So if you don't break the totem that killer using "His own skill" is still gonna dunk you if you don't break that totem asap- like every upper rank player is gonna do anyways. Wish the thing couldn't be broken for like 60 seconds, so killers that require set up can still use it to do their thing.
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At the cost of a perk slot...with a totem that can be destroyed within seconds of the match starting. If it weren't a hex, you may have had a point, but it is. If the new change were not a hex, it might be ok, but it is. Maybe if they bothered to hide totems, so they actually had to be looked for, it wouldn't be so bad, but most of the time they are out in the open, even right next to the gens.
It's funny how killers have to play better, but the changes were made to make it easier for survivors. That's kind of hypocritical.
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Not that I agree with survivor mains, but the new ruin fits my playstyle much better. I'm big on picking my area of the map and keeping pressure on it. With ruin, I don't have to stop and kick, and it gives a huge regression. Add in surveillance and it is beautiful.
One concern is the loss of points for kicking gens. As a Trapper, I often lose chase points already due to trap catches. Now I'm losing points for kicking the gen?
Any thoughts on that?
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considering those killers spent probably 90% of the match with 3 perks they are probably better than average if they are red ranks
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Thanks Devs!!! Killer players now get to be subjected to entitled survivors even more because you are making them feel as if they have a reason to whine and cry about the game being "too hard", even though It is COMMON KNOWLEDGE that survivors are the actual power role.
GOOD ######### JOB SO FAR!!!
4 -
Yup. Survivors with few hours struggle with skill checks... Ruin gets nerfed.
Killers with many hours struggle against fast gen times. "Git gud, killers!"
Rather than fix how fast survivors could complete their main objective, Ruin was added as a band-aid fix, forcing killers to waste a perk slot to possibly have a chance at fixing a problem with the game's core mechanics. Now, Ruin has been changed so that it no longer serves its original purpose of slowing down gens in the early game, and the response is "You must just suck if you used Ruin." No, the game has a problem at its core that matches can go insanely fast if the survivors are efficient at their only job; that problem is still there, but the "patch" that devs released to help with it is being taken away because new survivors shouldn't have to learn to do the main thing this game requires of them: hitting skill checks.
Scott Jund made a video talking about how using Ruin gave him a bit of breathing room so he didn't have to sweat for the 4k, and without Ruin he'll have to play in a more dickish manner to get kills, meaning his matches will be less fun for the survivors he plays against. I know he's just one person, but a lot of killers used Ruin so their games could be more relaxed, less sweaty.
Before I get the usual response, I'll just point out that no, I don't use Ruin. I'm not crying about it; this doesn't affect me when I play killer (though it does mean I'll have a much easier time as a survivor against higher rank killers, so yay for that). As killer, I sit in the low ranks and play relaxed games where yeah, I usually get gen rushed and four survivors escape, but I don't waste a perk slot on a stupid hex perk that's gone in thirty seconds, anyway, and if the survivors slow their roll then we can have a pretty entertaining match. But I'm not going to stress over a problem (fast gen times) that shouldn't even be my problem in the first place. So, I'll screw around and do what I want. It's not my job to make sure survivors get altruism/boldness points or whatever; I'm playing a video game to have fun, and I often find memeing around to be more fun than playing this game's objective.
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Like I said in another thread; This is absolutely right. Good killers do not need any slowdown perks nor noed, those are just crutches that won't let you become better if you rely on them.
When I've used ruin my totem has been cleansed in 30 seconds and I've managed to get a 4k without any other slowdown perks and with only two perks because I was also running noed and I didn't even reach the endgame.
That's why I'm maining clown now and I'm planning on running only two perks until one day I finally get good enough to play without any perk at all as every good, skillful and respectable killer should do. It doesn't matter if I have to try hard, sweat like there's no tomorrow and have a miserable time for that 4k, at least the survivors aren't feeling frustrated anymore.
Post edited by Xerge on3 -
+1 downvote
The ruin changes only make the game more tedious and frustrating for any stealth players. I honestly consider the change mildly insulting.
Please see this in the meantime before my creation of a discussion thread:
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The problem is, as a rank 12-9 killer i already have to play against red rank groups, because it seems at the moment there arent that much red rank players. So having less just means more unbalanced games.
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As you can see in this forum. Some Killer players don’t actually want to get good or use skill. They’re used to easy games and will defend it with vigor. No one wants to adapt or grow, just want 4ks. I was getting 4ks by rank 15 killer. As survivor it took until rank 8 where I could outlast a good chase.
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Your perspective if flawed. The more Killers feel persecuted the more ruthlessly they'll exploit every advantage they can get. Once the dust settles I think you'll be enjoying a lot more behavior that Killers refrained from out of courtesy. Tunneling, Slugging, and Ebony Mori on second down will become the new standard. None of that requires more skill. Quite the contrary: It can often be easier.
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I honestly don’t care that much. It’s a video game at the end of day. There’s a whole real world out there my friend.
I say play how you want. It won’t matter in the long run. I’m sure killers will up the toxicity but if that’s what you need to do, by all means go ahead.
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But it does matter in the long run. Dead By Daylight has an interesting dynamic where players have very different perspectives. Some people play both, some people play only one, but any changes that are a detriment to one eventually ends up a detriment to both. Hex:Ruin was a fulcrum that the socially acceptable metagame was balanced on. Now that it no longer functions in that capacity there are consequences for both Killers and Survivors.
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so a gen popping in under 40 seconds on temple of purgation because all the survivor spawned together and one of them had prove thyself is just me being bad at killer and being outplayed?
guess I should just git gud
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You do not understand the problem very well do you? Honestly imagine you talk about skill when in reality, you are a boosted potato that does not belong in red ranks because he can not hit great skill checks.
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Yeah man, I love how it invalidates at least 50% of the killers because they no longer have a way to compete against the early game. Yeah, killers should get good because they have 0 mobility options against giant maps like Red Forest, Ormund, Coldwind Farms, etc. Killers definitely aren't skilled enough even though most killers lack tools to deal with god tiles and unmindgamable loops.
Survivors are definitely gods at gaming which is why ruin isn't being nerfed because they can land skill checks...oh wait.
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Puts other people's skills down, but still wants to run pgtw with other gen regressing perks.... Very bold.
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Killer que is gonna be pretty fast. Get ready survivors. You’re next complaint is going to be corrupt intervention.
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The real best part about this change, devs can finally pull their head out of their ass and get to work on making the maps overall smaller, nobody except Billy mains and survivors (even some of those guys don't) like the corn maps.
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You've shown him up 😂 i love it
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Not saying all players are bad if they use ruin every game. Just from what a majority of people sound like on the forums, they rely on it to "win". That doesn't sound amazing to me. Don't take it the wrong way though. As I said, ruin =/= bad killer automatically.
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corrupt and pop..
"25% per hook? should be 1% max"
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Nobody complains. Yet. Key word is yet. Ruin was an accepted aspect of the game until now. I'm sure once Corrupt sees more use the "you can't win without it waaaaah baby killer" types will come out of the woodwork. All while literally playing every game in a wheelchair full of second chance perks and commodious toolboxes.
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Ruin basicly fixed the problem of a killer being able to get into the first chase, down someone before generator(s) pop. If it went down by then, fine, if not great. The perk did the job it had. I do not understand the reasoning of bhvr, look at reworks for killers, difficulty gets increased everytime and nothing is made easier meanwhile as survivor people can not be bothered to hit a great skillcheck.
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How often do you see a hex perk make it to the late game? Ruin was meant as a slowdown perk to help gen times, and for some killers it was crucial to set up with. Its not a "free pressure" perk. It's meant to give killers time to actually make it to generators or set up traps or such.
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It's honestly hilarious watching these players who definitely only play survivor (and absolutely not in red ranks) telling people who have thousands of hours and tons of experience in the game that they need to get good, and that ruin is a crutch perk.
Like, before you attempt to talk about game balance you should actually be good at the game (I can guarantee that people saying this is a good change are not good/don't have nearly enough experience in this game to be talking about balance).
This change to ruin is the worst change they have ever made.
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I have the exact same problem green rank killer facing nothing but full red rank teams. Don't work they got a solution they are just going to HIDE all ranks now so yea. Bub bye DBD the end isn't far away just watch players will be leaving in droves at least all the newer ones
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Yeah, about time those Killers learned to deal with juggling 4 survivors and all of the near infinite loops, safe pallets, voice comms, but yeah Killers need to learn to pressure the map sure.
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I think that the new ruin is fine, it actually forces you to focus on the game rather than chasing down survivors until they destroy the totem. Brain dead survivor mains will of course come out with "Old ruin was OP" and yet they have a bunch of perks to help escape and BM at the exit gates such as dead hard, mettle of man, adrenaline, lithe etc.
Killers have 1 thing changed and the entirety of the survivor base agrees with it, but with a change to their precious survivor perks, not a peep from the killer side and a complete uproar from the survivors side.
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Although I understand what you mean and at a certain point I agree with you, I just find it funny that you pointed out 2 perks that I never use and I'm rank 1/2.
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I'm afraid it's not going to be the killer games that are going to be miserable because of this change but the survivor ones
As a killer well you got genrushed, insta queue into the next game
As a survivor it's going to be 20 minute queues and without ruin killers will use their second best way to fight gen rush
And that's by rushing their own objective AKA tunneling
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It's not all about relying on it. It's about slowing the game down just a little bit to make a really stressful role less stressful. If the game is too fast, you can't really play "fair" and need to tunnel/camp/slug every game if you don't want to get stomped every time just to get flamed by 4 people after the game
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and then they get moried and go back to the lobby to wait another 30 minutes for a game. LMAO
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Bhvr removes SKILL checks from ruin.
Survivors proceed to tell killers to get over it and "rely on skill"
Remove "skill" checks from ruin...
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As a survivor didn't need a single change at all. It's an auto-kick gen perk. #########.
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Ruin might also be the catalyst of much-needed killer buffs.
Plenty, and I mean, PLENTY people ran Ruin as they saw it necessary to win, since it allowed them to set up quickly, which will boost their chances of trap triggering or et cetera.
Without that ruin however, I expect we will begin to start seeing the true face of the killers, who were bad, who had taken the undoubtedly powerful early game effect that possibly ensured them a kill early in the game, will start to show their true colors that is called the "Kill rate".
Yes, it is infuriating that Killers no longer has a boost that is Hex: Ruin, but think about it...
If you don't get too much kills as a certain killer, you're showing essentially the entire community that the particular killer you're playing is actually weak.
However, everyone usually deduces this, but still, without ruin, I expect we'll be seeing much more accurate kill rates.
Yes, I'm aware that "Matchmaking" is seriously FUBAR, so stats might still be tilted toward one or another, but still, Hex: Ruin was a large factor in the kill rates.
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You don't play much high rank killer, have you? It's almost never easy for them... not if they aren't using good addons/other perks.
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In my opinion the old ruin wasn't much of a game changer if you are on higher ranks, or survivors just can hit skillchecks. The gen would be done in no time when you are playing swf with actual good team mates