You're joking right?



  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    Because I called someone out for using a blatant smurf account on the forums to pump up his ego. Like he was already in a cell for doing it and he was just being a dick so I went for it. Worth it to me

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    There's other things you can use in its place or with like noed,pop,surge,bbq and many other perks.

  • Fleece
    Fleece Member Posts: 253

    I usually deal with petty thievery and drunken brawls been too long since we've had a good bandit raid

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    That's great but maybe I don't want to, surge is trash at the moment, bbq isn't necessarily a slowdown perk, I already use pop, and Noed... well I kinda don't wanna use it because I don't like getting Noed'd myself, hence why I don't use mori's but that might change.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620

    Corrupt gives you 0 seconds.

    Ok, maybe 10 because you need to go to farther gen lol

  • Dwight_Confusion
    Dwight_Confusion Member Posts: 1,650

    Hex ruin Didnt need changed.

    This is a poor decision

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    The fact 80+% of players uses a slowdown perk at redranks shows that, one there is a problem with gens in the first place, and two following that logic all meta perks should be nerfed then. It's just a terrible argument. Ruin being frustrating for newer players is something else, but newer players get better too so in reality, in my opinion at least, there wasn't that much of a problem with Ruin in the first place. However, if you want to change Ruin which is reasonable enough if you want to make it less annoying for the newer players, then you should also address the issues this perk/plaster fix somewhat took care off.

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    Don't worry my man, he's already been dealt with. I basically flamed him and we went back and forth an entire page till a moderator had enough

    That was his alt, the day of reckoning came

  • CrummyCookie
    CrummyCookie Member Posts: 77

    Mate you need to chill. Its a perk stop crying. Don't want to play? Go play viva pinata

  • Umbrae_pk
    Umbrae_pk Member Posts: 482

    youre actually right. After the Self Care nerf, the perk usage dropped dramatically and yet survivors are still doing well without it

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246


    Reading is really hard for you isn't it?

    Wanna try again or do you need me to explain this very slowly for you?

    The upcoming mid-chapter update will also include a major overhaul to Hex: Ruin, and an associated update to the Gatekeeper Emblem. Recent data show that Hex: Ruin is used in over 80% of all games in the red ranks, and across the entire userbase it appears in about 45% of all games. 

    It is not 80+% of people using it, try again.

  • Nibla02
    Nibla02 Member Posts: 163

    You dont realise that all they nerf is killers right. No killer has said that they want to 4k. All we want is gens to not go by so fast and sometime in this new decade buff low tier killers so we can all have fun and dont need to rely on bad map designs that are bigger than America

  • Nibla02
    Nibla02 Member Posts: 163

    Because map are to big for low tier killers to controll and not everyone likes high tier killers and because gens are being done way to fast

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    I do realize that. And I do not care. I still have fun as the killer. Yes, people complain about gen speed because in the current state, even tunneling or camping you can mostly get 2. 3-4 only if the team is dumb and hook rushes.

    Im fine with 2 kill games.

  • Nibla02
    Nibla02 Member Posts: 163

    And how is camping fun in the slightest ?

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    I'm glad you're fine with mediocrity but most of us like to win, sure ruin might be the be all end all of perks at rank 15 but rank one is a whole different beast and should be treated as such but that's not important obviously.

  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    Brown rank survivors don't know where totem spawns are or even what totems do. So totems will last to the end game. Balancing around brown ranks just works.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    its not mediocrity, it’s simply not being a sore loser or getting pissed because I can’t get 4 kills every match. Deal with it. The Ruin change isn’t even that big of an issue, most killers are upset because they heavily relied, RELIED, on it to carry them. 2 kills is a great game.

    Nobody cares about rank, as I’ve been told plenty of times. So get over it. Everyone in these forums pulls the rank card like they’re some sort of God in an irrelevant world. Rank 1’s shouldn’t dictate the game.

    Most of you “Rank 1s” are toxic asf anyways as both Killers and Survivors.

  • RIP_Legion
    RIP_Legion Member Posts: 428

    Are you telling me consistently 2k'ing isn't mediocre. It's the definition of mediocre dude, you wanna know who has a 50% kill rate? Clown

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    Did I say anything about consistently “2k’ing”? No, I did not.

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    You sound like you are not very good at the game.

    I'm curious how much time in the game you've actually invested?

    The ruin change on It's own Isn't a big deal, I agree, It is a big deal NOW though because other flaws of the game were neglected before taking the band aide away (ruin). That's the problem.

    Just because you are okay with a VERY flawed aspect of the game, doesn't mean others share that same sentiment. Most of us actually want to play a game that Is as balanced as possible within the current state of the game.

    It's OBVIOUS that people are not using ruin because of the stupid emblem system, people are using it, especially at red ranks because of the flawed aspects of this game. Map Design is my main argument.

    When they don't bother to even acknowledge these flaws, yet, strip an obvious band aide that made playing killer at red ranks somewhat bare-able for a lot of killers, you're going to have this kind of backlash.

    It's justified. If It's not addressed, they WILL lose a lot of the community that plays this game.

    It's obvious.

    Unfortunately I think the BHVR team lacks in identifying the obvious within their own game.

  • HexMoriMeMommy
    HexMoriMeMommy Member Posts: 192

    Honestly, I'm burning through my ebonys and any other stupid op stuff I have while trying to make the games as miserable and ######### for survivors as possible.

    So far my favorite is bleeding them all out :)

    Waiting till they are almost bled out then mori'ing them.

  • LustForBP
    LustForBP Member Posts: 611

    What does experience have to do with anything? You can play this game for a week and get to Purple/Red with decent play. It’s not a tough system. Every argument in this forum is: “You’re not red, you have no opinion.” Literally stfu with that.

    Im a red survivor and was a red killer til I literally dropped trying to sweat every match. No more ruin for coming on 2 weeks and I still win about 80% of my games, with 4 kills. Against red ranks.

    Even using ruin against a strong 4-man will most of the time cause you to lose. So what’s the deal? You’re too reliant on the perk.

    Balance a game around your strongest players, which is a small portion of the base in most games, and your game breaks. In this case, even more. Ive played countless smurfs that are true red rank killers and have even got one to admit he purposely deranked to green so he can get easier kills. How’s that fair?

    Lets run meta-Perks against newbie players for my enjoyment and make their gameplay miserable. Where’s that end up? Loss of players.

    The “nerf” on Ruin, who tf cares. Killers win more than lose. These forums make it seem the opposite because nobody complains about positivity.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    We can't get those on switch. No freddy:( they're not generic either

  • DeanIcity
    DeanIcity Member Posts: 180

    Experience of the game has a lot to do with the amount of knowledge and input you can accurately provide towards the current state of the game.

    There is a reason why I didn't mention anything about "rank". I asked how much TIME you have INVESTED into the game. There is a big difference in that.

    I don't think on average, new players, get to red ranks in a week. I think the ranking system is very flawed, not that flawed though. It doesn't matter though, as I do agree that ranking up isn't the hardest aspect of this game.

    I would appreciate you not putting words into my mouth If we are to have a debate though, I never once said anything like that. "You're not red ranks, you have no opinion." You are assuming that Is my stance just because others have used that method of defense, that's not me, so It's not fair to automatically put me into that category.

    I think the reason people are going that route because It stands to reason, If you don't invest the time to better your skills, then you shouldn't have the nerve to complain about things being "unfair" or "Too Hard".

    Meta Perks go both ways. Killers have 4 perks they can use in a single trial. Survivors have up to 16 perks they can have in total against 1 Killer.

    Also... The argument about these perks being used against newbie players, etc... That's hogwash, considering the 80% stat was stated FOR the red ranks... Less than half over the whole player base. If NEWBIES are being lumped in with other RED RANKS, then that is a flaw in matchmaking. Not the perk itself.

    Loss of players is not listening to your community, especially the majority. This game, It's easy to hit red ranks, again, your own statement. If this perk was being used by 80% of the red rank player base and most people are sitting in the red ranks, what's that say about potential loss? I don't think the influx of newer players outweighs the dedicated gamers for this game. I think the potential of this game dying because they are pissing off the veteran players far outweighs the new players coming in. I guess we are about to find out though, eh?

    I nerf on ruin is just part of the problem. Which, again, Is WHY I'm asking how much time you actually have invested into this game because If you think the majority are strictly upset with the ruin change, then you're not really getting it.

  • Fleece
    Fleece Member Posts: 253