Protesting against Ruin changes.

I'm not happy at all with these changes to Ruin considering Killers have no other way of slowing Gen Rush early on in the game. Corrupt Intervention does nothing to help as Survivors just find a different Gen at the start of the game regardless, and with toolboxes the downsides are amplified.

Normally, I would support the devs with these decisions - but I feel that they have gotten this one horrifically wrong. Not even the best Killers can win without those crucial 30+ seconds to force Survs to either remove Ruin, or force themselves to slow down to power past it (e.g. Otz, Tru3, etc have had games where they can do nothing).

You are basically forcing Killers to run NOED now, which is useless for the Emblem System btw (which is a separate problem that needs to be critically addressed).

The only real way to protest this change is to not play Killer at all, and to play Survivor. This will slow matchmaking down to the point where the devs will have to address how weak the Killer role really is. Because the 'data' does not some up how painful it is to play the game right now as Killer.

Perhaps we could have a full stream where a high ranked dev (rank 1-5) can play nothing but Killer without Ruin for a while? I would like to see what their suggestions for playing past Gen Rush (while livestreaming) is honestly, because I really don't get this at all.


  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Here I summed up your post for you...

    Don't worry if players stop playing killer and then goto survivor. There will be players that will be happier with faster queue times as killer.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    "I'm not happy at all with these changes to Ruin considering Killers have no other way of slowing Gen Rush early on in the game."

    You know... You can chase people. And injure them. And hook them.

    This is by far the best Slowdown.

  • BeanieBoyBob
    BeanieBoyBob Member Posts: 354

    You know that good survivors will actually do gens so that this is useless right?

    You know - one guys gets chased and then the other three pop a gen? No? Try playing at the high ranks as Killer.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited January 2020

    i guess... But I bet there is a bunch of people who play killer who don't care about the changes. Plus those who play survivor now cause of the crappy queue times. Faster queue times means more people will play that side.

    Not everyone just focuses on one side of the game.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    A lot of killers can't cross maps in time, which is the issue. The old maps are big. Slower killers can't reach them. T1 Myers has no luck. Especially since he needs to tier up to get his movement speed. Wasting more time

  • BeanieBoyBob
    BeanieBoyBob Member Posts: 354

    Fine, but I'm not playing Killer again until they do something good instead of frequent nerfs without the Devs actually playing the game at a high level to justify said changes, because they are clearly out of touch with the current game state.

  • Archimedes5000
    Archimedes5000 Member Posts: 1,620
    edited January 2020

    Protest about early game gen speed or new Ruin not working with regression perks, something must be wrong with you if you like Ruin and want to use it

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    This is pure Bullshit. Sorry to say this, but a Dev does not need to be good at the game. And I am pretty sure that the Devs know more about their game than 99% of the playerbase (including me and most likely nearly every Fog Whisperer).

    Personally I use Corrupt Intervention on Myers to get the people to me. This obviously does not work when they are just hiding near the blocked Gens (which is the best way to deal with Corrupt Intervention), but this is rare. Sure, I play with 3 Perks the entire Match, but at least Corrupt has some value which Ruin might not even get.

    Regarding Map Size: Highly agree on that one, and some Maps need to be changed (e.g. Red Forest Maps, complete Rework of Rotten Fields, complete Rework of Haddonfield and Ormond, just as examples), but even if all Maps would be small and Gentimes would be increased (which is not gonna happen), Killers would still use Ruin. Even now they are going for so much Slowdown like Ruin, PGTW, Sloppy Butcher... Honestly quite boring, I think it is more fun to focus on Tracking and Chase Perks.

    (Sure, you will lose 1, 2 or maybe even 3 gens early, but afterwards, the game is in a good flow... Last Time I used Ruin was when grinding Doctor to prestige him, and I did not have any better Perk... In one game, it was up all game and I still got destroyed. You have those games, but Ruin did exactly nothing, and they might even ignored it, because it was in the basement of the Badham School, which is a pretty obvious Spot...)

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Well I'm not expecting to get many upvotes on a post meme'ing butthurt people.


    In about a week after that update drops in live... Everyone will calm down and be back to playing again... Whether is be survivor or killer. People that quit playing cause of updates like that, most likely weren't having too much fun in the game at that time, and a break probably will be good for their mental health.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    What's bs? That the lead dev played publicly and was just treated like trash? Then the next patch nerfed insta flash? Because that happened. You can find that stream on YouTube. It's hilarious. He played hag against a group and they just bullied him.

    I didn't say devs need to be good, but if devs aren't then take feed back from those who are. Dev teams usually do this with competitive games.

    I didn't say they don't know what's going on in their game. The issue is they're ignoring a lot to focus on new player enjoyment when detailed tutorials would be better. Which is the worst thing. They see 80% of people use ruin and ds. They say ds is fine but ruin isn't because 80% use it. By that logic ds needs to be fixed. Rather than fix why it's being used then change the perk since it's no longer needed.

    The reason they listed as positives for this killer perk was stuff for survivors. Which doesn't help with the reasoning behind the changes and not changing ds.

    That's like listing a positive for Adam's rock being "if you chase them they'll never get it and it's so obviously a rock you'll never be fooled"

    You list why the changes are good for killer.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    Reality is however that due to the decisions bhvr made survivor q, get longer and longer. I have been sayin this for a long time. For me it got to the point that we spend more time waiting for a game than actually playing the game, that is far from fun.

    People quit for many reasons, might take a look why new players actually quit the game. I doubt you should make assumptions on the mental health of other people as you didn't study psychology or anything to make such statements.

    I do know that you just try to provoke people in order to get any kind of human attention, that is really sad, you know being so desperate for that.

  • Elvenmonk
    Elvenmonk Member Posts: 367

    To explain the issue with new player enjoyment. Arc systems focused on that for bbxt, p4a, and dbzf that it killed the scenes for these games. P4a was brutally made fun of by the fgc that everyone was surprised it was at Evo. Bbxt is just ripped apart endlessly because it's such a brain dead game. I have friends who play it legit and I'll just pick it up and mash A because for most characters the auto combo is the best thing they have. Dbzf having 3 auto combos didn't help but they put enough focus on high level too that it kind of had a scene after year one. Which it had due to mvci being bad.but because they focused on new players so much they never wanted to get better at dbzf and a lot of frame perfect stuff had to be nerfed.

    You have to make the game fun to learn and play over easy or you result in a brain dead pop that will leave

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656
    edited January 2020

    I know what you are talking about. Still I dont think that Devs need to be good at their own game. They also dont have the time to be good at it, because they are developing it. And I can also imagine (and this is pure speculation) that if you are working on DBD on a daily basis as your fulltime Job, you might want to spend your freetime with non-DBD-things. Like, working on a restaurant, you will most likely not want to eat stuff from there, even if it is good food.

    They invited Fog Wisperers. And I am pretty sure they are highly aware of what their community wants. Personally, I dont mind Ruin at all. I dont use it, I hate to use it as Killer, because for me, it is a waste of a Perk Slot. I get stressed when using it, and I am honestly tired of the situations where it was gone before I even knew where it was. And as Survivor, I simply dont care. If it is there, whatever. I am more scared of no Ruin, because this might mean that the Killer is actually good at the game. And THIS is what scares me more. People who dont rely on Ruin instead of those, who say they lost or had a rough game, because Ruin got found early.

    But, I would be amazed if they give that much on Forum Feedback. The DBD community is crying a lot. And I mean A LOT. If any change is published, they already grab their pitchforks, without any tests. I can understand why they bring up the Ruin Change one day before a PTB - why bother with publishing it earlier? People would just complain longer without any basis.

    And lets not forget, those are three patches where Killers get Nerfs - Nurse (which was justified, also the Basekit Nerf), Spirit (which was not that much of a Nerf, but the broken Sounds are the bigger problem currently) and now Ruin. Before there were TONS of Survivor Nerfs for over one year. So acting as if the Devs are Survivor biased is simply wrong.

    (But I agree that the statement was written poorly. But I doubt a more neutral statement would have changed anything regarding the outrage which followed)

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    Well if survivor queue is getting longer than that means there is too many killers?... So if some of them quit... Well that can only help things. I don't think it is all that cut an dry though, I think their last version of Match Making is inefficient as hell compared to last version, but I'm only making guesses.

    Well Gaming Addiction is an actual recognized disease by the World Health Organization.

    Sometimes people don't realized how addicted they are. Maybe taking a break for some self reflection might help. Everyone should be concerned about their mental health. You don't need to a psychologist to get the feeling something might be wrong.