Will The Devs Bring Back The Charms and Cosmetics For The First Rift?

I just want to speak on my behave of the rift pass. I finished at tier 65 out of 70 tiers. I wonder if most of the items will come back later for purchase or through events like the hollow blight. I just wanted to have the last 3 charms to collect everything. Any thoughts or information anyone has for the Devs?
This is just a example of the items that we might see like the pants for Billy I believe? Also the nectar vial. Hopefully the plant and gear can be collected as well and other items for people who didn't come close or bought the rift pass and didnt complete it on time.
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ah rip I'm pretty sure its locked away forever sadly they said that in the achieve youtube video time stamped it below :(
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They've said before that skins and certain charms will resurface in the shop and or other areas of DBD.
We don't know for sure as this is the first Rift we've had, so all the charms for THAT Rift might be exclusive to that Rift, or certain charms will only be available at that time and no-where else. It's unknown since like I said, this is the first Rift so...
We'll have to wait and see, but it's confirmed that we were getting Exclusive charms for those Rifts FOR NOW, it could change in the future or it might not.
Hopefully in your case, they might add old charms to the shop from old Rifts, but that's speculation.
In a sense, The Rift does have exclusive rewards... but this is the first Rift we've had, so it's unknown which of those charms will stay exclusive. As for the skins, most if not all will show up again in the shop.
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Thanks man, I took that into consideration but the devs did say something on a Q and A about certain items might coming back, not all but some like mostly cosmetics etc but will be locked for a year or so. Only can hope
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yeah maybe for the charms, you can only hope because it was limited. i guess its up to them but they did say that statement