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Is it best to save Archive / Tomes for rift?


I just bought the game on steam, and i was wondering if the tomes are best kept till the new rift comes out to earn the Rift Fragments easily or do the tomes reset and i should just do the tomes for bp considering i'm on a brand new account.

Thank you for your time!

Best Answer

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    Answer ✓

    This is correct.


    The old Tome (aka Tome l) will be in its own section in the Tome list for you to complete in the future. But once the previous Rift ends that was connected to that Tome, than all the rewards that offered Rift Fragments will no longer give such a reward.

    Basically, if you don't finish those challenges for the Rift Fragment rewards for THAT Rift it was connected to, than they'll be wasted and no longer available to gain as a reward for the next Rift. So in a sense, you should for sure do every challenge you can to gain a lot of bonus Rift Fragments for The Rift that Tome is connected to, otherwise, when the new Rift comes around, the old challenges for Tome l will no longer reward Rift Fragments for THAT new Rift.

    So, it's in your best interest to do these challenges when they're available and NOT save them for the next Rift if that current Rift is about to close... since they will no longer reward Rift Fragments, so in a sense it's a waste to not do them.


    You'll still gain the blood point rewards and lore bits for that Tome the challenges are associated with, so don't worry about that. All that is removed from the reward pool is the Rift Fragments (when a new Rift opens, which usually means a new Tome opens with said new Rift).

    Hopefully this makes sense to you, don't be afraid to quote me if you have any other questions related to this one.
