To all the killers mains who think they will be useless

- Bring mori
- Use strong killers
- Use strong perks and addons
It's simple but if you cannot use mori or you don't have enough, run NOED.
But what if i don't like H: NOED? 😥
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Clown will become strong.
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You can run Corrupt intervention since 2 minutes is a good amount of time to chase survivors before gens start poppin.
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Haha epic toxic plays. Have your reddit gold sir.
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You are right, NOED is a good perk on him.
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So restrict thenselves to the strongest items Killer has to offer just to compete against survivors?
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This is how the game is being balanced, the devs don't want people to have diversity among killers, they want survivors to win, it's us killer mains taking a stand.
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I've been using Billy with a Mori and NOED
Generally I don't care for the Moris and only use them for Dailies if needed, nor do I use NOED since, it's a crutch perk...
But I have to say... I thought the little bastards were salty before. Even more so when I kill them after only 1 or 2 gens being done, and then they see the NOED equipped just in case, lmao.
But hey, till they nerf the things that actually need to be nerfed, instead of unnecessary things. I might get used to this!
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But what if i don't like CI? 😥
(Last time i do this, i swear. 🤭)
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So in other words... business as usual.
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As someone who played both almost equally, I'm just not playing killer anymore. I don't like playing toxic as killer because it sucks the fun from the game and I don't enjoy getting my ######### pushed in against good teams. I don't want to restrict myself to certain killers. So I'll just be a toxic survivor until something with the objectives is changed.
For clarification me saying I'll be a toxic survivor was not a jab at survivor mains. I'm literally a toxic ass.
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Bhvr will nerf the rest of the killers soon. They are on a binge.
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Bring Devour Hope😃
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I mean, I get where you're coming from, but killers who know what they're talking about should at least be able to talk about how not to buff/nerf killers?
I play both sides, but killer is not in a great place right now... not as bad as launch, but still...
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Use strong killers
But shouldn't I be allowed to play a killer I enjoy playing without being destroyed every game?
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ezpz Survivor squeezy
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Strong perks won't help me where I'm weakest, like seeing Survivors running in corn in Farm maps.
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Ok so basically
1. Bring the broken not fun Mori every game. Not to mention NOED which is super fun as it rewards killer for doing nothing whole game. Similar to hatch rly.
2. & 3. Use only god tier killer and perks like a tryhard.
Great. Where's my fun?
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Let me fix your perspective view of NOED.
You say the Killer does nothing and gets rewarded.
The Killer plays 3 perked the entire game, until the end, where he may or may not be rewarded with a strong perk depending on how focused the survivors were.
The Killer is gambling a perk each time they use it, on other people , its completely out of his hands.
NOED is a risk, not a crutch for bad pay.
Maybe if they equipped another perk, the end game might not even happen. Maybe running NOED allows survivors to actually get to the end game?
People need to stop hating on NOED, its taken its beating like a champ, now leave it alone.
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What killers have they really nerfed though?
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Oh you didnt know that survivors have full control of all games? Shame on you for wanting to have fun thats only meant for killers not survivors
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Yes, I'll bring all the OP sh!t to be paired with survivors because BHVR is closed mind enough to listen all the feedback towards gen speed and map design. Instead of this, perks need to be ruined and killers nerfed.
I'm sorry but moris and NOED are boring and turns the game even more boring. I sugest to Just quit the game or having "fun" playing survivor with SWF, holding one button during the entire match and camping pallets
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Been asleep the last couple months?
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The changes were made for new Survivor Players because they complained about how they find the Doctor and Ruin frustrating to play against so your statement doesn't hold any water. 🤷♂️
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No i havent, if you think the spirit changes were nerfs then your delusional and nurses changes only really effected her add ons which btw she was way to strong to begin with, dont forget the massive buff to freddy which puts him in the top tier killer list so there not just nerfing killer like many people like to make it out to be
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The Nurse though still viable, has had ALL OF THE FUN removed from her, her addons needed a looking at , her base kit was fine. The number of trials with Nurses has dropped off the charts.
The Spirit was a Killer that had a unique spin on the PALLET LOOP, and since survivors would rather complain then learn to play differently, they had her nerfed so that pallet loops now work on her.
Freddy got some love after 2+ years of being a whipping boy, and now he's heading for nerf town a second time.
Do not think for a moment that the Killers haven't been getting kicked in the head over the last couple months.
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Yea but to just throw the towels in bc of a couple updates doesnt mean its over for killers, the devs are trying to balance the game in how they think it should be balanced and honestly they are doing a decent job.
you are not suppose to win every game you play and to say that is the case it just incorrect, i play both sides and i can tell you from my experience i win more killer games than i do with survivor (solo)
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Survivor's fun comes first, and then MAYBE we'll think of killers fun
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if the game was all players like yourself, (solo players) then the game would be in a way better spot.
The game needs protection from SWF, since they refused to limit SWF, or give Killers options, SWF continues to destroy any attempts at balance.
And it is those groups that cause Killers to get as sweaty as they do. Killers do not expect to win every game. They do however expect that if they play decently and make few mistakes, they will have a chance.
In Red Ranks, a Killer can play perfectly, making zero mistakes, and if the survivors also play well, the Killer has no chance at pipping, they can hopefully safety, but advancing is not in the cards.
I would prefer that the DEV's looked into why 80% of Red Rank games had RUIN in them, and not just make the RUIN less desirable so it doesn't get picked anymore.
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I am a little lost by what you are saying here.
Are you saying that I am saying you can't say anything because you aren't new? Are you saying that you can't say anything because you aren't new? Are you saying the changes weren't made because players find Doctor and Ruin frustrating? If you are, can you show me where I misinterpreted the notes? How in what I even said made you jump to talking about keeping the game alive? Its obvious new players don't stay around and shouldn't be the focus of changes.
So confusing. I really don't understand why I should have to explain this, but I will:
The Designer Notes state that the Doctor changes were made, and the main focus was, how frustrating the Doctor was for some players to play against. The same is said about Ruin. Players who find the Doctor and Ruin frustrating to play against are not players who play both sides, and they are not players who have played the game a lot. But the changes were made to help these players.
The fact that these changes were made, based on Survivors who find these things frustrating, your statement that the only people who can talk about buffs/nerfs are players who play both sides (and play a lot) and "that's the way things are" holds no water (this means its not accurate) because reality has proven you wrong. New players are causing buffs/nerfs to the game, no matter how much you or I wish they weren't.
Did you read the Notes?
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Just recently - Nurse, Spirit, Doctor
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On the reworked doc I’m going to run rancor,nemisis,pwyf,noed so my speed when I break a pallet will be 125% I’ll get atleast 2 Moris because survivors will be easy to find on doc
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nurse and spirit were balance issues, and doctor seems alot better in my opinion
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The new players bit is literally #1 reason on ruin change.
Three key issues were identified:
- Its punishment of new players or those who can't hit Great Skill Checks. Newer players trying to help veterans with generator repairs tend to make the situation worse rather than better
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Nerfs, regardless. Nurse is unplayable on console now. And I honestly don't see how not being able to attack a survivor for 3 seconds after using ability and shock delay is an improvement for Doc
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he can still stop looping its already been tested so its not really a nerf, on top of that he has his blast which is basically a built in infectious fright.
i also play nurses on console and most of the time they are pretty good
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Ill be using more moris for surr
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First, I am not your buddy, pal.
Great, you won the debate team. It's not 100% because of new players. I tip my fedora to you sir.
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Take a look
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That the main reason changes happened to both Doctor and and Ruin is cause of survivors. Not because of anything from a killer perspective.
But from your responses your not going to see that anyway
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no they wont:)
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It's annoying seeing everyone saying they're bringing this and that after the ruin nerf rework. It's like get a grip.
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And get the strong killer's and perks nerfed too, I appreciate the motivation but no thanks
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Demogorgon needs it. He's too clunky to be good at the moment. But then again, maybe you've mastered them in a way I have not, so that can change based on the person. : P
My only criticism of your previous comment was that you were gatekeeping people from the conversation and it is not really helpful in the slightest.
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In high level play, Moris are basically a gamble. Half the time, a survivor DCs, so the game doesn't start, a quarter of the time, you don't catch the same person twice since the survivors know to genrush to oblivion to counter you, and the last quarter you actually get one or two, never all 4 with an ebony.
NOED, as @Outland described, is not a guarantee, especially in high ranks where people will break all totems they see. You are running with only 3 perks (that's if you don't use Blood Warden or Remember Me, or any number of semi-useless killer perks.
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I agree with both points. That's why Mori is super anti-fun. Noed is basically "try to desperately get 1k before being clicked and teabagged to death"
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I can't even say you're wrong, this whole issue is people like playing weaker killers and without ruin they're going to suffer even more. Rank one is gonna be the wild west with all of the Freddy's, Spirits, and iridescent addons/mori's running around, and they thought current killer diversity was bad.
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Killers and fun in the same sentence!?
What are you smoking? Got any to share?
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Imagine needing NOED on Billy.