Why The Matchmaking System Needs To Be Addressed

Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:
Exhibit C:
Exhibit D:
Exhibit E:
Exhibit F:
Exhibit G:
So in conclusion
im glad im not the only one posting pics with this stuff now
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I think people need to speak out about this stuff more. If I'm a purple rank, the players I go against should also be mostly purple ranks. I would not mind a longer queue time if I would just get matched against players at my own skill level, cause playing against people who outclass me by a margin is not fun at all.
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Within 6 ranks
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I don't think 18 is withing 6 ranks of 9.
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Some of his pics where he was a rank 9 faced rank 2 survivors...
so no MM needs to be addressed as
1. 9 to 2 isn't 6 ranks its 7 ranks that he got uptiered to
Also the fact he barely got any survivors that were the same rank as him.
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Is this why they are hiding ranks?
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The not having survivors in my tier is what annoys me the most. Out of the 28 survivors from these matches, 2 of them were in the same tier as me. That's 14%.
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Well were they in a SWF?
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Beats me, not like I have any way of knowing that,
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Honestly I feel you, I remember after taking a break from this game and after I came back the moment I went into green ranks, it was about 60% matches against red rank survivors.
They need to fix the MM and change that +-6 to +-4, as that +-6 rule really isn't helping people such as a rank 14 facing a rank 8 or a rank 10 or 9 facing a rank 3 or 4.
The sad part is that BHVR plans to remove ranks from the after action scoreboard so you can't tell what ranks you faced against.
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Pretty sure they got a fix coming in not being able to see ranks altogether.
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I hope they're not really planning on doing that. Trying to hide a problem instead of solving it is certainly an interesting move, and I doubt that would go over well at all.
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Then you have no idea of knowing if the matchmaking is really busted or not, thus the screenshot means nothing. The only screenshots showing "bad matchmaking" are some of the green rank screenshots, which somewhat expands the 6 rank interval by 1 rank.
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Well let's take exhibit D for example. I'm 7 ranks away from ranks 2s, and 9 ranks away from the rank 18. Let's assume this lobby was a SWF. Whether it was the ranks 2s hosting, or the rank 18, I shouldn't be getting matched up with either of them regardless.
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I did say that those screenshots did show bad matchmaking, but it's only extends by 1 rank. The rank 18 is meaningless, due to SWF.
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imagine being a real rank 18 player.. being matched against rank 11+ players. thats the issue.. its not fun for anyone at any area of the spectrum
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If a killer/survivor ranked up or deranked that game, it's present in the lobby. This can make games look worse than they are.
Obviously, there's still some instances where it's complete bs, but not in those screenshots.
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Isn't BHVR working on something to hide ranks now? Apparently from what I've heard.
If so they're literally working to make ranks useless hence the game being beginner friendly now with Ruin getting nerfed to crap and top tier killers getting neutered then everyone and their mother getting into red ranks.
It's only a matter of time.